EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (Full Version)

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Jatar The Legend -> EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/3/2012 22:32:28)

As EpicDuel grows and grows, so does the EpicDuel fan base. As the game expands, so does the variety of players, and the variety of ideas that come with those players. As a player of EpicDuel, I feel it is each one's responsibilty to help out the game in some way, whether it be constructive criticism, helping others, or just making friendly conversation with other duelists.

In my opinion, player's do not have a large full scale impact on the game's direction. While it is a good thing that we have the incredible EpicDuel team to balance the classes, create weapons, introduce new elements into Delta V's storyline, and make EpicDuel a larger, wider-scale game, the players need to be able to communicate their suggestions effectively. We have many players with ideas and input that could be valuable to the game moderators and developers, who either don't know about the forums or just do not want to take the time to create a long post about their idea. I've been thinking of a potential game changing addition to EpicDuel's development that would give the players a way to effectively communicate their ideas effectively with the developers of EpicDuel:The EpicDuel Players' Impact Committee, or E.P.I.C.

E.P.I.C. would be a foundation of players from each class, Level group (split up into lower and upper groups to avoid having a large number of representatives throughout EpicDuel), and would consist of both varium and non varium players. E.P.I.C. would hang around various parts of EpicDuel, making conversation and taking different player's opinions on various issue like Balance, Story-Line, Factions, etc. In turn, the players on E.P.I.C. would meet every week with mods/devs and report this information and formulate their own ideas as well as the players into a discussion on how to improve EpicDuel.

Would E.P.I.C. be a new class of moderator/in-game personnel for the Dev's? I think it would be useful to give them a suggestion toolbox to type up suggestions and such and transfer them to a database of ideas. Yes, it would be helpful to give these players extra tools to do their job but at the same time, you wouldn't be giving them any additional power over another player.

Who would determine E.P.I.C.'s players? I think personally that the developers could choose a handful of players, but ultimately I think most of the players should be chosen by EpicDuel's fanbase. After all, they are the ones being represented. These E.P.I.C. candidates need to be selected upon how old they are (Mature 15 year olds sound OK to me...), how much experience they have in EpicDuel, how personable they are, and how helpful they've been in the past to other players and to the EpicDuel team. However, it would be hard to measure some of these qualities, as the mods/devs aren't ALWAYS around to see some of the helpful, bright players in EpicDuel. Ultimately, an edited moderator application/interview process sounds like this would be the best way to determine E.P.I.C.'s players.

I know there are many skeptics out there. However, I don't know of another AE game that has this type of thing. It would be the first of its kind, maybe even the other games would look at this Idea and adopt it. But it would be insanely cool if EpicDuel could be called the "father" of this idea.

I will be adding onto this idea soon, going in depth on how the council would work, but I thought I would put the idea out there simply to see players (and hopefully moderator's) response on this issue. I feel that this committee is needed moving forward, as the fan base further expands and more people begin to play EpicDuel.

Thanks for reading!

friend18 -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/3/2012 22:36:33)

Trans... Come here... I'm too tired [:(]

Jatar The Legend -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/3/2012 22:42:35)

^Lol, to do what?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/4/2012 0:32:03)

would u still support if ur not chosen, jatar the legend? this sounds like a good idea if..... just to repeat if the devs chose the right people.
it will b hard to choose the right players to do the job, first they need to b dedicated and not think about their personal opinion but the whole communities value. and some people will do everything to make the devs think that they are the rightful person for the job but after chosen they would just abuse the position.

DeathGuard -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/4/2012 17:34:59)

@Trizzcentrino: I could say the same to you, all players except the ones with humbleness, wouldn't say they fit the position. All would want that position, even if it is not a mod position.

@On topic: Even if it is not a mod position, such toughness and time should be dedicated to choose the "committee" members, just as the mod's position. I think that the age's minimum should be 18, because that age provides that the player who will be chosen, has the personal interest and be mature enough to gather all the ideas and give it to the Devs.
Though I don't really think this is necessary, since the players who have ideas can post it here to be discussed.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/4/2012 19:43:49)

Actually age has no direct correlation to maturity so while there should be a minimum age do not try to pin an age to maturity. I think 15-16 would be the minimum if we can get away with that but seeing as you have to be 18 to be a tester or even a translator that is most likely where it would fall.

As for E.P.I.C. I like the concept a lot and it would be interesting to see what it would come up with.

DestruRaGe -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/4/2012 21:15:15)

I do agree that players should have a bigger impact on the game's direction. But I dont agree about creating some chosen players group that will walk around gather players opinions, then
discuss them to formulate their own ideas as well as the players into a discussion on how to improve EpicDuel. Cmon really? (Others already gave a reasons why it wouldnt work)
There is one simple solution. Make PUBLIC POLLS AND SURVEYS!

Chosen 0ne -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/4/2012 21:20:35)

I am Chosen. Idk who you guys are talking about....

(Jokes aside, I like this idea)

My last SuPpOrT.

King Helios -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/4/2012 21:22:53)

I'm 12(+5 months -1 day), and I'd be mature enough. I never support age limits [8D]

However, under-18s would not, I repeat, WOULD NOT have the time / dedication to do this. For once I support an age restriction.

They should just be regular players, (No infinivar), with an achievement and a blue? pink? red? name. They should be allowed to still fairly compete, i.e. get on leader boards without getting win boosts.


ND Mallet -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/4/2012 21:30:28)

For legal reasons, any position with AE requires a minimum age of 18. This was adopted recently and any under 18 before that were allowed as an exception to that rule.

As for the suggestion though, it would be nice to have an in-game way for players to suggest things. The problem is though that we wouldn't have the players from all around categories to be able to do this, let alone the good ones we can trust to not think of their own hides over others. But as it stands, anyone who does not know of the forums will definitely know about Facebook and Twitter, both of which are good tools for talking to the staff. If someone really has a great idea then they always have those tools to search through.

Camoflague MerC -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/5/2012 2:46:35)

Supported, E.P.I.C is a great idea, have representatives for the people! like SRC at school.

zion -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/5/2012 6:56:42)

Any way we can have an easier way to stream ideas from the players to the devs is a good idea. It could be another buffer between the players and devs, so there would be a responsibility for the committee to be organized and get the best ideas across to the higher ups.
Basically, supported (whether I would be on it or not) if its well though out and done responsibly.

Signatures are disallowed in this forum. ~TG

Stabilis -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/5/2012 9:10:14)

Why not just suggest an update to the balance team group?

khalidon5000 -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/5/2012 9:33:07)

I agree with everything except balance changes.
I know every single player will be biased towards their favourite class, knowingly or unknowingly.
The current balance team have no vested interest in being biased when balancing the classes and I want to keep it that way...

Edit: One more thing, Jatar I'm guessing you would classify yourself as a mature 15 year old? [8|]

Jatar The Legend -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/5/2012 19:23:05)

^Biased? No, I totally disagree with you. Titan and Nightwraith don't have the time to be in oz, or in balance conversations on ED in general, gathering player's opinions on the balance so far. It's not like the players would be demanding anything, it would be like a status report on what the general idea is in EpicDuel about balance. That's where EPIC comes in, reporting and discussing the data with the developers so they understand the players better.

EPIC wouldn't just be a way to communicate with the developers, it would be a way for the devs to better understand where the players are coming from, and hopefully would allow the players to have a bit more of an effect on the game. Not to the point where players suggest releases every friday and the devs serve them on a silver platter, but it would be nice to see more of the player's ideas in the game.

Lycus -> RE: EpicDuel Players' Impact Comittee (EPIC) =Please Read= (9/24/2012 14:12:47)

Firstly, I apologise for missing this topic, must have overlooked it while going through the suggestions, hence the late reply.

On topic: I do think this is an interesting suggestion, but at the same time, I have to be honest and say that there are a very large amount of problems, that make it rather unfeasible. Firstly, as ND Mallet explained, for Legal reasons anyone taken on for any position, big or small, even something like this would HAVE to be 18+, no arguments. This also seems to be focused purely on balance suggestions, rather than general suggestions, so I'll cover that part first.

Secondly, the Devs as a whole don't deal with Balance, RabbleFroth (Programmer) is the Dev that does all the balancing, along with multiple Moderators. RabbleFroth uses multiple methods on the way he looks into dealing with Balance, he uses the data of the battle tracker (that shows the win ratios of each class in 1v1 and 2v2, at every 5 level point), sees where there's an issue, then he reads through the Balance Suggestions here on the forums, and he 90% of the time uses a solution from there to deal with it. I can tell you as a fact that one of the main factors that effects what balance changes is what players feel, and their suggestions. I can also reassure you that the balance topic in ED GD and the suggestion topics here are all read frequently. As also proven here, even if one is missed initially, it will certainly be read when another sweep is done. We may not always post, since sometimes we need to consider things or discuss things, before we reply, or sometimes we just genuinely pop on, get a load of ideas, note them, then leave to consider them.

As for normal suggestions, a lot of features in-game are effected/originate from player suggestions, and a lot more than people see. To name a few, buying hairstyles permanently, name change, class change, how wars work, being able to choose out of a number of options of add-ons when purchasing a Varium package, missions, mission chains, bots, battle drops, new classes, mutating weapons, and Limited Quantity Items - all player suggested, or heavily player suggestion influenced releases, just to name a handful. Point is, we value player input very highly and this means that means that we check this section and any other places where people suggest things (Latest DN , and Balance Discussion topics) very frequently. If players suggest something on the forums, there's a very high chance that we'll read it.

Now that in mind, it makes this whole suggestion, in a way, of limited use. The point of these forums is for players to have a place to get help, discuss the game and to give feedback/suggestions on it. In other words, they cover the whole purpose of what this group you are proposing, would do. Adding a group to do this would cause a 'hierarchy effect', since whether you feel it would or not, the fact they have direct contact with a Dev or Admin would make them naturally above other players, which wouldn't be fair. It would require a lot of trust put into players, because it is very hard not to be naturally bias towards your own class, and if you try not to be biased towards your own class, you'll likely end up being bias towards other classes. It'd create a lot of coding to add this new toolbox for them to use and it'd also require RabbleFroth or another member of the ED Team to take control of this group and be responsible for them. For the amount of work it would be and the amount of downsides there are, it's not really worth it, when the forums cover most of it anyway, and we do check the forums very frequently, even if we don't post every time we read an idea, I can guarantee that we read it.

I hope you understand that, and thank you very much for the idea, I can see where you are coming, but I hope you understand that we do actually read the forums a lot, and player ideas are incorporated into the game a lot more than most people realise :)

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