=AQ= For those who like lore (Full Version)

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Elryn -> =AQ= For those who like lore (9/8/2012 21:28:25)

The AQ/WF Archiving Thread

As much as much of the games' lore finds itself in-game, part of it also finds itself on the forums. Through game related discussion in the General Discussion boards, the interaction between players and staff, lore is revealed that would otherwise not be known or, perhaps, known beforehand. This lore however is often lost to time as with age threads are purged and so is the lore.

Too much lore has been lost this way. To this end, the Archiving Threads have been made.

Players are the ones that most often come across this lore. Many and curious, ready and able, they scour the forums, read every thread. I believe this makes them most apt to use the archiving thread and archive lore of the AdventureQuest and Warpforce games. With their help, the archiving threads should in time become a useful repertoire of lore and break the cycle of lore loss.

Archmage Alfy -> RE: =AQ= For those who like lore (9/9/2012 3:25:37)

After reading the first few posts on the archiving thread, I only have one thing to say.

Good lord, I miss Kalanyr's presence on the forums. So very, very, very much [:(]

Keno Chao -> RE: =AQ= For those who like lore (9/9/2012 5:38:39)

Whatever happened to Kal?

stratuscone -> RE: =AQ= For those who like lore (9/9/2012 6:44:50)

^^ studying??

Necro_Fire -> RE: =AQ= For those who like lore (9/9/2012 7:04:13)

Does this include the IRC chats from the time of the devourer? or even before.

Duskstar -> RE: =AQ= For those who like lore (9/9/2012 7:11:35)

I don't see why it wouldn't :)

Elryn -> RE: =AQ= For those who like lore (9/9/2012 10:22:07)

Since the IRC is an extension of the forums, IRC logs are welcomed as well. As with forum quotes of course, they must be relevant and from a reliable source.

Necro_Fire -> RE: =AQ= For those who like lore (9/12/2012 10:18:04)

Well, aside from the whole "755 Conspiracy" thing, i don't remember a whole lot from the IRC.
Haven't been there in a long time.
So i wouldn't be a reliable source XD

Elryn -> RE: =AQ= For those who like lore (9/19/2012 16:23:25)

To clarify something:

Take the quotes more for the purpose of speculation than established lore/things. As it is not lore that is in-game yet, it is still susceptible to change, even more so with older quotes.

Biae -> RE: =AQ= For those who like lore (9/20/2012 3:30:10)

I'm pleased to see the old list of Archmage skills I deduced would be included are in there (my old handle on the forums was Bob Almighty). That was fun. I wish I could get more information on other classes to try and draw information out of like that... Good times.

Darquess -> RE: =AQ= For those who like lore (10/7/2012 10:00:18)

I know quite a bit, but none of it has anything to do with quests, more to do with random stuff and the characters involved, particularly the mysterious necromancer.

Genoclysm -> RE: =AQ= For those who like lore (10/8/2012 1:55:24)

Since you specified that my demon research has never been officialized, it's probably safe to add another observation or two to it. I'd like to point out that both the Doom Weapons of DF and the Shadowscythe virus of MQ appear to fit in perfectly well with the second definition of demon. Given that I write for AQ and not DF or MQ, that should be taken with a grain of salt.

Grim Trainer -> RE: =AQ= For those who like lore (7/5/2013 13:05:03)

I know some things about it.

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