One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Design Notes September 11, 2012 - Final Reckoning (9/12/2012 15:10:36)
@Smackie Just felt like pointing out that the varium edge is shrinking as the F2P populace shrinks. You are paying to be on par in at least 75% of your matches if not more so giving F2P's some good gear is actually giving the Varium users as bigger edge by allowing more F2P's to have gear at the top thus increasing our populace. That last part is all in theory we might quit anyway and then you still don't have much of an edge. Either way as counter productive as it seems shrinking the Varium F2P gap actually increases the edge that Varium players have. If you want technical just read below if not just skip it and reply or go about your business. quote:
I think it is a mutual agreement that generally non-varium players do not stand a chance against varium players of the same level. Forget the few rare battles where a non-varium player has won because of luck, anomalies are irrelevant to the big picture. What this has caused is an increase in players with varium and a decrease of players without varium. That means the advantage you should be getting by battling non-varium players is barely visible since most players you are facing have varium. This makes the advantage of varium appear to be small even though in reality (as I have shown here) it is quite massive. The best solution to this would be to get an increase in non-varium players to the point where the non-varium population at the level cap far exceeds the varium population. But if players are constantly losing to varium players and are tired of having little to no chance of winning, they will not continue to play and the non-varium population will continue to shrink. The best way to incentivize non-varium players to continue to play would be to give them a higher chance to win without destroying the advantage of having varium. Even though this may seem to be a step in the wrong direction temporarily, it is a great step for progressing forward. If you're asking why this is, then you are still not understanding the big picture but not to worry, continue reading! If the non-varium population increases, you will naturally see more non-varium players in random battles. That means you're facing more non-varium players and the varium advantage is smaller but clearly visible in the majority of battles. On the other hand if the non-varium population decreases, you will naturally see less non-varium players in random battles. That means you're facing less non-varium players and the varium advantage is larger but only visible in the minority of battles. Now do you understand how less gap = more non-varium players = more advantage overall? Taken from WhiteTiger's suggestion because it really states what is happening in the game both past and present.