RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (Full Version)

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lowelyfe -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/22/2012 20:33:48)

might i suggest some sort of judgemaster character at 45-ish good

Not Me -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/22/2012 22:02:28)

(Stealing poodlemiester's format, if it is his...)
Character name: Jeida RuneEdge
Alignment: 0 (Neutral)

Description: Once the leader of the Templar Order of Nima, Jeida lead her platoon into an ambush set by corrupt mages. When it was over only she was left. After that day she swore to strike down all mages she crossed. But when she felt the pressence of a mage and attacked, it was all too late for her to realise it was just a little girl, who had no idea of her ability. Now Jeida is unsure of herself, and only wishes to find forgiveness. (Super thanks to OAS Spartan for helping me write this ^^ lazy bones has nothin else to do I guess)

Stage One: A warrior with a katana, scars around her body. She wears a breast plate and a long dress. A choker is also around her neck.

Stage two: Jeida adorns her arm blade, the arms of her armor are removed on the blade weilding arm and her dress is torn down one side, allowing better mobility. She also has grown two wings and turns alignment to 15 good

Stage three: Jeida has now found forgiveness in the arms of battle. She has taken up the shield of her home and has four wings coming from her back. Her choker is covered by a long scarf that also covers her lower face. A scar across her eye.

Concept cards

Holy Smite:
Cost: 5 mana
Effect: Attacks enemy for 6 damage.

Cost: 4 mana
Effect: Takes all mana from mages and gives 5 shield.

Righteous Strike:
Cost: 8 mana
Effect: Delivers large damage (7) and an additional 3 damage to mages.

Blackwinged -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/22/2012 22:36:30)


Effect: Delivers large damage (7) and an additional 3 damage to mages.

^Is there a way for the game to tell the difference between a mage and not a mage?
Right now we just have characters. There is curently no categories of different characters, excpet for Neutral, Good, and Evil that will coming. Oh and the different elements.
In other card games, I've seen them put characters into different classes like "warrior" and "beast", so that may be nice to have in OS.

Not Me -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/22/2012 22:39:29)

^I was thinking that that kind of thing would be put in before my suggestion was considered ^^ Plus it would be making it do that extra damage to the fire and pyre witch... aren't those the only ones so far?

killer15683 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/22/2012 23:16:27)

Character name: Demonic Angel

Description: A human born with the body of darkness but with a heart of light is known to be the most humane person alive. Now dead, he/she refuses to give into death and continues to live to protect the ones he/she care about. The body is reconstructed with the body of a demon and a soul of an angel.

Stage one: A young person like a peasant, trying to find the strength to protect the ones he/she cares about. He/she wields
a sword and or sickle.

Stage two: Now in the state of limbo where the soul and body are being reconstructed. He/she now looks like in a state of being a human and spirit at the same time. His/her nails are sharpen to claws and are used as a weapon.

Stage three: Now in the complete state, he/she now wields two scythes: One for darkness and one for light. the body has grown a pair of wings: one which represent the demon used to reconstruct the body and one the angel used to reconstruct the soul. Horns and a tail is grown from the body and a shattered halo appears above the head. Although looking like a complete monster, it is pure and won't attack anyone that it knows as an ally.

Concept cards

Judgement: Cost:5 Light: Deal +7 Damage and will heal 4 if not blocked.
Chain of Souls: Cost: 6 Shadow: Deals +3 Damage and stunned for 3 turns
(Oblivion: Cost:7 Light 6 Shadow: Leaves the enemy at 1 health if not blocked; Cannot be used if enemy is already at 1 hp) this card will only appear if there's multi-colored cards are created.
Card damage and charges used are subject to change if needed.

FieryEaglen -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/23/2012 10:38:26)

Character : Fiery Assassin (Name if you want : Senberus)

Alignment : 50- EVIL

Description : A assassin consumed in fire and used for evil purposes. Have a half heart consumed by the Fire Element and another half heart consumed by the Darkness Element. Wears a mask which is half red, represents the fire, and half black, represents the dark. Half of the body is covered with fire, while half of the body is dark. The Fiery Assassin does not listen to instructions and move by their own selves. Most of them can be found in small woodlands covering and often seeks for pirates.

Phase 1 : A young person like an original Assassin but with 2 twin blades with red coloured fire on it.

Phase 2 : Now in the half state, it cloths are a little burned in the half side while the other half remains the same, and have blue coloured fire on it.

Phase 3 : Now in the complete state, he wields a red coloured heated blade. And the othered with black coloured dark blade. It wear hoods and eyes glows whenever fighting a monster/person. The soul is consumed by dark while the body is consumed by the fire. And is very hard to find/posess and have very great defense (DARK) and attack (FIRE).

Concept cards :

Darken Fiery Blades (6 Fire and 2 Darkness) : You attack the opponent with your fire blade causing 10 damage, while you use your dark blade to consumed your opponent's light into fear and darkness making them have a stun.

Darkening Shield (8 Darkness) : You used your darkness and fear to create a terrifying shield (10 shield) and also leaving behind fear causing 12 damage in 3 turns.

Fiery Attacks (8 Fire) : You attack your enemy with your fire blades and damage your opponent for 10.

Healing Oblivion (10 Darkness) : You heal to 12 in 3 turns with your darkening Oblivion.

Fear (4 Darkness) : You let fear take over you and you go on a rampage causing you to plus 1 damage only for 5 turns.

Blades of Fire : You attack your fiercely with the fire blade causing them to have a 10 damage over 2 turns.


Monster :
Let the fiery and darkness consumed you, you won't have a chance to survive the terroring blades of mine!

Player :
My power holds the fiery and darkness, no one can withstand me!
I would like to help Nulgath in Oversoul to make the game more famous and more evil, so I created this character. :)

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/23/2012 13:44:34)

Yesterday from Twitter, I saw Revontheus say

For the first time in a long time...I enjoyed a maths lesson :o

So in his honor, I make the character . . . MATH TEACHER!!! [sm=zorb_smilie.gif]

Character: Math Teacher

Alignment: +50 Good . . . or -50 Evil, depending on your point of view.

Element: Neutral

Description: The Math Teacher journeys across the world of Oversoul, forcing innocent beings to learn math! xD

Phase 1: Standard Math Teacher.
Phase 2: High School Math teacher.
Phase 3: College Professor Math Teacher.

Cards (I simply can't think of what kind of horror effects could happen when these cards are used):
Algebra: Textbook of Algebra opens, and despair rains upon enemy: it is forced to learn algebra!
Trigonometry: Same as Algebra, but even worse!
Geometry: Worse than Trigonometry!

It's too horrifiying to think of what else, so that's my suggestion for now!

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/23/2012 15:42:10)

Character: Roosterbull
Alignment: 50 ebil(evil)

Description: in order for ebilcorp to fight against chickencow they created this monster

Element: Chaos

Stage 1: Roosterbull calf
Stage 2: a full grown roosterbull
Stage 3: a fully armored and goldlike roosterbull

Cards: rooster peck
5 damage for 3 energy

Rooster horde:
card that stuns for 5 energy

Rooster Blade:
10 damage over 2 turns costs 10 energy(unblockable)


Alignment: neutral

Description: a peaceful race that due to rising threats is lashing out

Stage 1: chickencalf with armor
Stage 2: a fully grown chickencow with armor and a spell book
Stage 3: Zeuster complete with spells and bacon

Chicken priest flash:
shield that blocks all damage for 3 turns 6 energy

Chickencow Archblast(Zeuster and Stage 2 only)
I hit of unblockable damage doing 8-15 damage 10 energy

Bacon Storm(Zeuster only)

Summons a storm of bacon doing anywhere from 10% of the foes hp to 50%
If the foe has a shield then
it does 1 hit of unblockable damage doing 10 damage to 15 damage
10 energy

aliesterus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/23/2012 22:30:42)


Just for the heck of it (I sorely hope this doesn't make it in-game)

Big Hand Man: Basically, a big hand that gets larger and larger. At the final form, he's holding a big mallet. Nuetral Alignment.

Rank 1 Cards: The normal cards you see in a deck, with three cards that boosts lightning to an immediate 10, no matter how much lightning you have. Requires 5 Nuetral Charges. Oh, and it also does 1 unblockable damage.

Rank 2 Cards: Here's where the fun lightning stuff begins. Lighning Searcher, which does 6 unblockable damage for 5 lighning. it's an OP card, but I WANT to make an OP class :D. Besides, immagine how hard it'll be to kill this. It also gets a card called Lightning Sphere. It works a lot like a combination of Counter Strike and Skexis Fiend's Iron Hide. So it actually reflects up to 20 damage, even unblockables. Costs 7 lightning. Oh, and it's permanent until the full 20 damage is dealt. And for a cost of 8 lightning charges, Lightning Void, deals 15 damage to the enemy, 7.5 of which is unblockable. So yes, you'll lose 7.5 if you have a shield :D. Oh, and the other half destroys some of the shield.

Rank 3: Best card in the deck. Ever. With only 1 lightning charge, Judgement Hammer of Pure Lightning deals a crippling shield breaker, so all shields are broken, and then it deals 12 full damage head on, and a DoT of 3 damage for 3 turns. DoT total winds up being 9.

So what do you think about this class?

I still haven't gotten a comment on this yet. Please give feedback?

ND Mallet -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/25/2012 23:18:47)


aliesterus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/25/2012 23:48:42)

C'mon? gimme a hand here about the handy hand? The hand needs a hand and his mallet needs a rating and a comment... several comments actually, but you get the point.

satro1 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/26/2012 23:21:15)

vampire character!

Dannish -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/27/2012 10:22:00)

Death's Apprentice.
-50 EVIL
Description: Once a apprentice of Death, he/she has betrayed him and has gone out to find his/her's true power.

Apprentice: A human with a scythe of shadows.

Veteran: A humanoid of a spirit and human with a shadow as a weapon.

Master: Has the appearance of Death himself, but with a sword of destruction.

My suggestion for element: Chaos.

0 Neutral
Description: A Unlucky paladin soon became undead and got the curse of a Dracopyre. With it's power, the dracopyre destroys good and evil alike.
Element(s): Light, Shadow, Earth and Energy

Apprentice: A undead paladin in shinging armor with giant wings coming out of it's back

Veteran: The armor starts to crack with a skeletal right hand. The wings grow larger and teeth start to form in the skull.

Master: Fully mastered it's powers, the UnPalaPyre has full flesh except its right hand. ON it's right hand is a braclet of light and shadow. In it's deformed hand carries a multi-elemental sword of Light, Shadow Earth and Energy.

Description: A lucky zard who hasn't been destroyed by it's trips around the world. With it's adaptive technique, it has learned the art of elements all around. For it's own, fights for evil
-25 Evil

Apprentice: A rainbow zard with the appearance of a normal frogzard.

Veteran: A slightly bigger zard which grew two small upper hands or claws and learned the art of the sword.

Master: It's body color returns to green with a small sun on it's back of all the elements it learned. Its upper hands grew to the size of human arms, baby size, and holds a sword and gun like the Alpha Pirate.

Grand Lumeomancer
Description: A ultimate lumeomancer who has gone through timeless training for years. He/she now decides to destroy evil souls.
+50 Good

Apprentice: A glowing angel with wings. The person slightly floats from the ground.As a weapon, he/she holds and light sword and a glowing Lumeocon in the other hand.

Veteran: Same look, but the eyes start to spark and both the Lumeocon and sword glow.

Master: Fully off the ground, the eyes are white, the sword is bigger and the book grows to it's brightest. Across his/her's arms are shining runes which destroys darkness by touch.

That's all, for now.

Please have one of these accepted.

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/27/2012 17:48:05)

Format is to be used by all who want, for the sake of a more awesome suggestion! [;)]

Character name: High Inquisitor

Description: Extensively trained in the arts of combat and the arcane, this master of divine judgment has been imbued with holy light. He now wanders Oversoul, looking to make evil answer for it's vile transgressions.

Stage one: A knight in light grey plate. Has a mace in one hand and a tome in the other.

Stage two: Now has a full helm with golden plume, and his armor is bright silver. His mace now has a light yellow glow to it and his eyes are glowing a similar color.

Stage three: The armor of the inquisitor takes on a bulkier feel, along with gold trim. His helm is far more decorative, with golden trim and such. His mace looks similar to the grand Inquisitor's from Aqw, though shortened to the size of a singled handed weapon. A glowing golden omega sign is seen on his tome, which is scarlet in color. His eyes glow with a strong golden shine.

Concept cards

Zealotry: Cost:5 Effect: Deal 3 damage, stuns
Conviction: Cost:10 Effect: heals for 15 over 3 turns
Sanctity's vendetta: Cost: 5 Effect: deals 6 damage, but 8 to darkness element creatures and an additional +1 to evil aligned creatures. +2 damage if Alignment is -35 or more.
Holy Imbuement: Cost: 2 cards Effect: Double damage of 1 card. Note: Effect could make the tome disappear, and the Mace grow to full 2-hand size, for 1 strike.

unicron -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/27/2012 20:22:59)

I put an idea in an old suggestion thread of an Apocalypse Horseman and now I have a good description on each stage
it's element can be the opposite of Chaos (Order) if you don't decide to create that element then it can be Shadow or Fire
Name: Apocalypse Horseman
alignment: Neutral
Description: Lived inside another dimension the Horseman left for Oversoul when Nulgath appeared in order to keep Oversoul's balance. He serves no alignment and will slay either side who threaten to stop him.

apprentice - Ender: looks like recruit except the torso and arms are bigger, has long hair, bandages around his hands and wrists, instead of a spear it can be wielding a basic looking Scythe or Broad Sword (which ever) he is only wearing trousers, greaves, a belt with a skull and his eyes glow white and have no pupils or irises.

veteran - Apocalypse Warrior: same as before but wearing spiky pauldrons, spiky gauntlets, spiky armour on torso, wears a hood. His face can't be seen under the hood apart from his glowing white eyes and his long hair hanging out. Again He wields a Scythe or Broad Sword but this time they look badass (add some skulls etc)

Master - Apocalypse Horseman: basically it's Apocalypse Warrior but riding upon a demonic like horse and has fire for it's mane, the horses eyes are glowing orange, it has glowing cracks over it's body.

Tell me if you think this sounds good?

Oh and one last thing maybe release Fire Klunk for Halloween since he's wearing a witches hat which is usually associated with it?

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/28/2012 12:04:19)

@Akura_ you basically took my chickencow character! >:O

Akura_ -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/28/2012 12:12:00)

i used the template of the one you used an just made the opposite of it , is all O.o sorry. ill delete it . my appoligise *sighs* every single time.

xdeathxessencex -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/28/2012 12:36:00)

Character Name: The Avian
Alignment: Good +30-50
Element: Light
Description: A proud and graceful warrior, but blood thirsty for war.
Inspiration: Runescape's :

Level one: Apprentice - A bird with elongated body and legs
-Attacks with no weapon, just flies and dives to attack-

Level two: Veteran - A bird with elongated body and legs with armor on it's wings and a spear
-Attacks with the sharpened wing blades and throws spear-

Level three: Master - Develops a spear same concept as before, but with body armor, head armor, and wings

1 Combo: -Uses wings to blow a gust sharp as a blade towards enemy-

3 Combo: -Dives towards the enemy, either spears the enemy multiple times, or spin dives towards the enemy

5 Combo: -Attacks by throwing the spear, diving towards the enemy and spinning with it's wings-

Concept Cards:
Cost: 4 Charges
Effect: Heals 3 points each turn for 2 turns

Cost: 6 Charges
Effect: Deals 6 Damage

Tornado: -Level Three-
Cost: 6 Charges
Effect: Summons a storm that deals 8 damage and trauma causes enemy to lose a turn

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/28/2012 14:41:33)

Character name: Mercenary (Roderick)

Description: The leader of a band of mercenaries, this is one blade for hire you do not want to face off against.

Stage one: A man in leather armor swinging an axe.

Stage two: The man's leather armor now has metal shoulder and knee guards. He swings a pristine broadsword.

Stage three: He no has a hood, he also wears metal guards on his forearms and legs. His sword is notched on various places and the handle is wrapped in cloth.

Concept cards: n/a

Shock Value -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/28/2012 21:12:35)

Would be interesting to see a Scholar character (Elemental Scholar / Mage ).

I can just picture him holding a scroll...yet possess the abilities of a mage.

Alignment would be good, +10 at least.

Element: (uses multiple?)

Description: A wandering scholar seeking ancient knowledge of the elements.

Stage one: Scholar, man holding scrolls.

Two: Wearing more advanced robes of a mage, energy orbs of different colors in both hands.

Three: Wearing wizard robes, holding a staff, surrounded by magic.

Laken1 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/28/2012 21:14:24)

Character name:DOOM VOID
Alignment:50- EVIL
Description: He has been here, in the darkness millions of years ago before Oversoul came to be. Now that light has come to the world, and Nulgath clamed to be the ruler of Oversoul, the DOOM VOID has come out of the shadows after sleeping for centuries and vowed to destroy Nulgath and let darkness consume the world once again.

Stage one: A void (that looks like the void knight) with onyx skin and a sword with red markings on it.

Stage two: The same except, his body is covered in red markings... the markings of the langauage of DARKNESS.

Stage three:This time he has a book hovering in his hands with spells of the langauage of DARKNESS.

Concept cards: I'll think about them later.

BlueKatz -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/30/2012 4:01:25)

Although I don't suggest any extremely original characters here are some of my skills suggestions. Most of them are pretty balanced on papers.

Note: So I typed this for a day with 1 hand while playing OS on dual screen and I still don't get any new characters... RIDICULOUS!
Why I make this? Many to see how many cool skills can I think of with curent skill system. With BALANCE!
Also I see too many suggestion pretty is dealing damage, stun, heal... etc

Important suggestion: I would love if the game make clear of "Round" and "Turn". Not only this is more common tern it also open much more DoT effect varies.
A Round end when both players finish their actions
A turn end when a player finish his action

Effect: Reduce enemy's charge by 3 for 2 rounds. Reduce their Charge Rate by 1.
Cost: 10 Charges
Visual: Throw small burst of smoky firework
Preference: High rank Rogue like characters.

Effect: Steal cards from enemy (order from right to left). The amount of cards stolen equal to the amount of blank card slot you have after using the move.
Note: If Multi Element charge system will be improved in the future then it's ok to keep the Element of those stolen cards.
Cost: 7 Charges
Visual: Fade behind enemy and knock them off the ground. Gold coins drop randomly along the way back.
Preference: Stealth based characters.

Effect: Copy enemy's last card move. Consume your Element Charges. Fail if you don't have enough required charges.
Cost: 1 Charges
Visual: None
Preference: Stealth based characters

Hit and Run
Effect: Deal 3 damage then apply 2 Shield
Cost: 3 charges
Visual: Attack then block
Preference: Rogue like based characters

Badly Bleeding
Effect: 2 Unblockable damage every turn (not Round). Lasted 3 turns.
Cost: 7 Charges
Visual: Bloody quick cuts
Preference: Any Rogue like characters

Poison Dart
Effect: Apply a DoT effect that deal 1 unblockable damage and reduce 1 Charge every round for 4 rounds.
Cost: 8 Charges
Visual: A quick poisoned dart attack
Preference: Stealth based characters

Stab Wound
Effect: Dealing 6 damage. Active all hostile Remaining DoT at the same time.
Cost: 8 Charges
Visual: Quick dash with focused attack, knowing enemy down.
Preference: Any Rogue like characters

Effect: Can be used on any pure offensive card to delay the attack by 4 turns (so the attack will land after enemy's 2nd turn). The Charge cost will be delayed until before the attack, if you don't have enough Charges the attack will fail.
Cost: None. (Cost of the used card, the cost will be delayed after 4 turns)
Visual: None (to fake enemy). When active appear behind enemy and stab him.
Preference: Stealth based characters

Effect: Use on any normal Attack Card and land a trap visually. Enemy will be hit by the trap (be attacked by the Attack Card used) and will be stunned for a round.
Cost: 4 Charges
Visual: Place a trap (foothold). Trap damage enemy.
Preference: Rogue/Hunter based characters

Effect: Show enemy's cards and their Charges and Charge Rate.
Cost: 3 Charges
Visual: None
Preference: Rogue/Hunter based characters

Effect: Showing you charging on screen while you can use any cards you want. On next turn (after enemy turn) all of the cards active
Cost: 2 Charges
Visual: None (that's the point)
Preference: Rogue/Hunter based characters

Effect: 2 Unblockable damage. Prevent enemy from using any Shield based card and Healing on next turn.
Cost: 5 Charges
Visual: brief red glow
Preference: Hunter based characters

Effect: Non Visual effect: 5 Shield and 5 Counter damage (similar to Counter Strike).
Cost: 10 Charges
Visual: None
Preference: Hunter/Rogue based characters

Net Throwing
Effect: Stun enemy for a turn. Enemy can only use up to 3 cards each turn for 3 rounds afterward.
Cost: 12 Charges
Visual: Throw a net on enemy
Preference: Hunter/Rogue based characters

Effect: 3 hits of 1 Unblockable damage. Damage Shield by 5
Cost: 6 Charges
Visual: rapid shots
Preference: Any gunner/hunter based characters

Effect: Deal damage equal to remaining Charges, cost all remaining charges.
Cost: 3 Charges
Visual: a quick powerful 1 shot hit. Shaking screen even without kill.
Preference: Heavy gunners

Effect: Deal 2 damage and 2 unblockable damage for 2 turns (not round).
Cost: 10 Charges
Visual: double shots!
Preference: Heavy Gunners

Suppressing Fire
Effect: For every card enemy play next 2 rounds they take 1 damage.
Cost: 2 Charges
Visual: Shot randomly across the screen
Preference: Any gunners

Black Powder
Effect: Deal 18 damage. Take 4 damage recoil
Cost: 10 Charges
Visual: Rush into enemy and spray fireworks
Preference: Any gunners

Taking Cover
Effect: Turn 1 Attack card into Defend Card. Heal 2 HP.
Cost: None - Cost of the used card
Visual: Dodge back
Preference: Any ranged characters

Head Shot!
Effect: Deal 8 damage, 12 damage if enemy has no Shield. Instant kill if enemy has 4 HP or less.
Cost: 8 Charges
Visual: And briefly aimed shot to the head
Preference: Any ranged characters

Rapid Fire
Effect: 5 hits combo of 1 damage each.
Cost: 3 Charges
Visual: 5 hit combos every time!
Preference: Any ranged characters

Effect: After 2 rounds, dealing 4 damage and stun enemy for a round
Cost: 7 Charges
Visual: Whist. After 2 rounds enemy got shot from above and stunned.
Preference: Any Group based characters

Fatal Strike
Effect: Deal 12 damage. If enemy is Shielded, deal 8 Shield damage and 4 Health damage.
Cost: 11 Charges
Visual: Focused attack.
Preference: Any

Effect: Deal 4 damage every round for 4 rounds.
Cost: 9 Charges
Visual: War Cry (summoning help). When enemy got hit slashes appear cost him
Preference: Any group based characters

Effect: Deal 3 damage. Lower enemy's Charge Rate by 1.
Cost: 8 Charges
Visual: Random attack slashes
Preference: Group based characters, boss characters

Effect: 2 turns of 3 Unblockable damage.
Cost: 8 Charges
Visual: Attacked from side and behind
Preference: Group based characters, fast characters, illusionist

War Drum
Effect: Instant 2 Charges (can be used on the same turn for other cards).
Cost: None
Visual: Raise weapons multi times.
Preference: Group based characters

Effect: Show enemy's cards after they draw new deck.
Cost: 3 Charges
Visual: Scope symbol on head.
Preference: Group based characters, commandos.

Effect: Regenerate 2 Charges over 4 rounds.
Cost: 3 Charges
Visual: Supplies appear randomly around the background on player's side
Preference: Group based characters

Effect: Regenerate 1 HP over 7 rounds.
Cost: 3 Charges
Visual: Knee down and health symbol over head
Preference: Group based characters

Suppressing Support
Effect: Every time enemy takes a direct attack move they take 1 damage. Lasted for 3 rounds
Cost: 2 Charge
Visual: Wave the weapon. Enemy take shot off screen when attack.
Preference: Group based characters

Effect: Absorb up to 12 damage
Cost: 10 Charges
Visual: Summon similar characters/Symbols...
Preference: Group based characters

Squad Attack
Effect: Multiply an attack card by 3.
Cost: Multiplied card x3 + 3
Visual: Clones attack at the same time
Preference: Group based characters, illusionist

Crashing Battle
Effect: Deplete an equal amount enemy's Shield with your Shield
Cost: 1 Charge
Visual: Rush in and attack with weapon using both hand.
Preference: Group based character, shield characters

Shield Bash
Effect: Stun enemy for a round. Dealing 2 unblockable damage
Cost: 7 Charges
Visual: Bash enemy with a shield
Preference: Shield characters

Shield Crush
Effect: Dealing 6 Unblockable damage along with 2 direct damage.
Cost: 9 Charges
Visual: Jump and smash Shield onto enemy face
Preference: Shield characters

Patient Killer
Effect: Deal 1 damage, 1 unblockable damage and apply 1 Shield and heal 1 HP every turns for 3 turns. At any given point during the effect if enemy HP drop down to 4 or below player can perform a kill with 4 hits of 1 damage unblockable.
Cost: 12 Charges
Visual: Normal moves
Preference: Shield characters

Extra Shielded
Effect: Turn unused Attack cards (and other Extra Shielded card) on the deck into Shield. 1 Shield for each card.
Cost: None
Visual: Normal Shield animation
Preference: Shield characters

Shield Throw
Effect: Turn all Shield into damage.
Cost: 1 Charge
Visual: Throw Shield at enemy and leap for an attack
Preference: Shielded characters

Block 'n Attack
Effect: For ever Shield lost you deal damage to enemy(counter attack). Can damage up to 7
Cost: 4 Charges
Visual: Block with 1 hand and attack with other
Preference: Shielded characters

Relentless Attack
Effect: Deal 7 damage at the cost of 4 Shield
Cost: Also cost 2 Charges
Visual: Attack with wide opened arms.
Preference: Shielded characters

Safe Move
Effect: Reduce charge cost of every using cards by 1 if player has Shield on. The amount of charges can be reduced is based on the amount of current Shield (with so 2 Shield you can only reduce charges by 2)
Cost: 1 Charge
Visual: Symbol
Preference: Shielded characters

Perfect Timing
Effect: Non visual effect. Absorb up to 10 damage on next turn (enemy's turn) at the cost of Shield.
Cost: None
Visual: None
Preference: Shielded characters

Defensive Play
Effect: Instead of damage enemy you heal with that amount. Does not effect DoT. Cannot use cards next 2 rounds.
Cost: None
Visual: Raise the shield and moved slightly back
Preference: Shield/Polearm characters

Throwing Spear
Effect: Keep throwing spears for 3 turns dealing 2 damage each
Cost: 4 Charges
Visual: Throw spears
Preference: Polearm characters

Focused Swings
Effect: Waste a turn to apply charge effect. On the next turn all Attack cards gain +2 damage.
Cost: 1 Charge
Visual: Normal Charging animation
Preference: Polearm characters

Effect: If you successfully survive enemy's attack without losing HP you deal 2 damage afterward. Lasted for 8 rounds
Cost: 8 Charges
Visual: a quick poke
Preference: Polearm characters

Imbalanced Thrust
Effect: A strong thrust that stun Shielded character or deal 7 damage on non Shield one.
Cost: 5 Charges
Visual: A thrust
Preference: Polearm characters

Keeping Distance
Effect: Reduce incoming damage of first hit by 3, second hit by 2 and last by 1 (by damage order). Last for 4 rounds
Cost: 8 Charges
Visual: Keep his spear ahead
Preference: Polearm characters

Pinned Attack
Effect: 4 Damage and stun enemy. Cannot use offensive cards next turn.
Cost: 6 Charges
Visual: Pin the weapon down on enemy, knowing him down
Preference: Polearm characters

Strike From Above
Effect: If enemy use direct attack on next turn then deal 9 damage before their attack land.
Cost: 5 Charges
Visual: Keeping the weapon high to gain height advantage, prepare for the attack
Preference: Light 2 handed characters

Strike From Afar
Effect: Dealing 7 damage without trigger any effect.
Cost: 6 Charges
Visual: a quick attack from standing position
Preference: Light 2 handed characters

Ranged Advantage
Effect: Dealing 2 damage every turn for 6 turns.
Cost: 8 Charges
Visual: A quick wide swing
Preference: Light 2 handed characters

Imbalanced Strike
Effect: Deal 8 damage and limit enemy's card deck down to 4 for 2 rounds (if they have full deck the last card will be locked - can't even be discarded)
Cost: 8 Charges
Visual: A strong swing attack
Preference: Light 2 handed characters

Quick Thrust
Effect: Deal 4 damage and 3 Piercing damage.
Cost: 7 Charges
Visual: A focused thrust attack
Preference: Light 2 handed characters

Effect: Increase Shield by 2
Cost: 1 Charge
Visual: Hold weapon straight
Preference: Light 2 handed characters

Precise Thrust
Effect: Apply on any card to damage to enemy's Health pool directly (even by pass absorption effect)
Cost: 2 Charges
Visual: a flash on weapon/eyes
Preference: Light 2 handed characters

Deathliest Swings
Effect: Gain 1 damage, 1 unblockable damage and reduce enemy charge by 1 for each hit on that turn
Cost: 9 Charges
Visual: weapon glow
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Focused Strike
Effect: All attacks resulted in 1 hit instead. Damage is doubled. For every cards used deal 1 additional Unblockable damage.
Cost: Double the charge cost of other card
Visual: Screen shaking 1 hit attack
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Shield Shattering
Effect: Damage Shield at the cost of charges.
Cost: Amount of Shield damaged
Visual: A swing from side shield smash
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Focused Attacks
Effect: Hold back for a turn (does not regenerate charges) then unleash powerful attacks (start using cards). Every attacks gain +3 damage.
Cost: 4 Charges
Visual: Glowing weapon
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Rushing Recklessly
Effect: Select an Attack card. The card then will deal damage normally. However after enemy's next turn user's character will perform 3 hits of selected card and be stunned for a round.
Cost: x3 Cost of used card (counting the original cost)
Visual: quicker animation
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Fatal Cut
Effect: Dealing 7 damage. Enemy loses 1 HP (can't be adsorbed) every round for 3 rounds.
Cost: 7 Charges
Visual: a bloody strike
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Keeping the Pressure
Effect: Deal 4 damage. Increase Charge by 5
Cost: 6 Charges
Visual: Attack along with warcry
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Effect: Deal 7 damage. Reduce your Charge Rate by 1
Cost: None
Visual: a slow attack with heavy force
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Effect: Deal 3 damage, stun enemy for 2 rounds.
Cost: 12 Charges
Visual: a head smashing move
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Deathly Blow
Effect: Instant kill enemy if they don't have any Shield.
Cost: 20 Charges. Require max Charge Rate
Visual: an extremely strong blow
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Shocking Recoil
Effect: Deal 6 damage. Target takes 2 unblockable damage each turn for 2 turns
Cost: 5 HP. 3 Charges.
Visual: a strong screen shaking blow
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Bone Breaker
Effect: Deal 3 damage. Enemy is limited to 2 cards on first round, and 4 on 2nd round
Cost: 4 Charges
Visual: a strong sweep
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Interrupting Blow
Effect: Dealing 2 damage. Destroy 1 of enemy cards. If enemy move on next turn they lost the last card.
Cost: 2 Charge
Visual: ground blow
Preference: Heavy 2 handed characters

Wild Swings
Effect: Deal 2 Unblockable damage and reduce enemy's charge by 3. User's shield are temporary down for next turn
Cost: 4 Charge
Visual: Swing the weapon with 1 hand. Enemy gets pushed back
Preference: Melee characters

Fluent Combo
Effect: Gain 1 Charge and 1 damage for every chained direct hit (mean 3 hits combo resulted in 2 chained attack)
Cost: 3 Charges
Visual: The weapon glow creating smoke flow like effect.
Preference: Melee characters

<To be continued>

Laken1 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/30/2012 9:06:34)

I like most of the moves but 20 for a KO... I'd say 30 for something that deadly. Also, what do you think about my Doom Void?

BlueKatz -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/30/2012 13:10:22)

@Laken1 You will need more details though I think :P

Maybe, but in that case it would be too UP

xdeathxessencex -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/30/2012 18:36:48)

Loving the concept cards, Cept for the KO, shouldn't exist. Not even for 30 or 40 charges. 65 health + defense cards would make
it OP OP OP!... What about my char? [:D]

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