RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (Full Version)

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KnightofNyx -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/2/2012 18:10:38)

Character: Karl the Time Traveler

Alignment: Neutral

Element: Energy

Description:. A young man who found a special hourglass that allows him to travel thought out time and space.

Stage 1... A young man with blond short hair wearing a short brown vest over a plain white T-shirt and a red bow tie and blue paints, caring a magic green hourglass.

Controlled : Time flies when your having fun.

Enemy: Your a relic compared to me.

His attacks come from the hourglass as green energy bolts

Stage 2...Karl the Chrononaut- Look at from AQW. he carries the green hourglass in one hand and a high tech gun in the other.

Controlled: To the void and beyond!

Enemy: Executing hostel removement.

He fires energy blast from his gun.

Stage 3...Karl the Chronomancer- look at from AQW. he carries a staff with the green hourglass on top.

Controlled: Time is precious, you should have spent yours wisely.

Enemy: I come from beyond time to face you.

Attacks with staff.

From stage two neutral to good

Stage 3 (good)...Karl the TimeKiller- look at from AQW. he carries the green hourglass in one hand and a futuristic sword in the other.

Element: light

Controlled: The road of time is beautiful its a shame you wont see it.

Enemy: You my kill for today kid.

attacks with sword.

From stage two neutral to evil

Stage 3 (evil)...Karl the Chronocorruptor look at from AQW. carries a chaorrputed staff with a purple hourglass on top.

element: chaos

Controlled: Time and chaos are more similar then you think.

Enemy: Chaos knows no limitation.

Attacks with staff.

Inspirations.. the firsts is like doctor who but twicked a bit the others are from AQW.

Side Note: if aliment based in future from stage 2 would branch into both good and evil.

FieryEaglen -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/3/2012 1:36:29)

Character : Chaos Archknight (The chaos Archknight)

Alignment : Evil- 30

Element : Chaos

Stage 1, Chaos Villager : A strange Nomad, have Demon horns, all of his clothning's accessories are made out of chaos forming together. Have wings and a Chaos eye on his face and every part of his body. Also have a Chaos fireball in his left hand and a sword made out of Chaos.

Controlled : They will pay.. what they did to me...

Enemy : I cannot be controlled.. I'm a master! They will suffer pain...

1 hit : his unarmed hand sends out a chaos tentacle.

2 hit : You attack the enemy in the first hit and you became a mini chaos tornado.

3 hit : 2 choices you want to make : You become a tornado and at light speed to your enemy and attack 3 times. You stomp the ground and 3 spikes hit the enemy.

5 hit : You became giant and a giant chaos eye surrond the enemy attacking 5 times.

Stage 2, Chaos Knight : Looks the same but with just a helmet and takes a form of Pactonal Knight, still have wings but much bigger. Also, the Knight still ahve the Chaos fire ball but much bigger and a bigger sword.

Controlled : They are weaklings! They will bow to me, saying "Master"... one day...

Enemy : Chaos is part of my life.. I will put chaos into beings making my army grow!

1 hit : Stomp the ground and a spike came up to the enemy.

2 hit : The enemy is surrounded by a spike in the left and right and the spikes attack the enemy in the head.

3 hit : Stomps the ground 3 times and 3 of your same blade came falling down to your enemy.

5 hit : You took out your blade making it point to the enemy. And a big laser beam came hitting the enemy.

Stage 3, Chaos Archknight : He now unequips his helmet and the horn grows bigger. He now have glowing purple eyes and all the chaos eyes are absorbed into his body and the chaos energy is unstoppable so all his armor is made out of chaos tentacles. Now wings are bigger and sword have purple rocks surronding it.

Controlled : They will bow to me now.. I knew this day would come.. they would see my wrath.. my pain!

Enemy : My enemies suffer way too much.. but I will make them suffer.. more and more!

1 hit : Use your blade to attack.

2 hit : Stomps the ground and the place is filled with chaos hitting the enemy.

3 hit : A giant blade came falling down the sky.

5 hit : You point your blade to the enemy and tentacles came hitting the enemy. and grabbing the enemy.

( I don't know how to create chaos cards but this might help.)

Chaos Strike : You have a 20% chance to 16. 30% to 15. 40% to 14. and 50% to 13. Also, 60% to hit 8-13.

FieryEaglen -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/3/2012 1:44:03)

Shouldn't you add information? That's not going to help but just showing images.

KnightofNyx -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/3/2012 10:45:31)

i figured that i let the oversoul team work on that. i just want a time related character.

UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/3/2012 18:07:59)

EbilCorp Employee
Alignment: -45 Evil
Element: Shadow
Description: An employee of the ebilest company in the world.

Stage 1(Minion): A man wearing a suit and has the EbilCorp logo for a face. Like the house item in AQW
Stage 2(Soldier): He now has a mouth and EbilCorp katana. He also has shoulder armour that features the EbilCorp logo.
Stage 3(Manager): Armour now looks like the Platinum's Pride armour from EpicDuel. He still has the soldier face but has gone back to fighting bare-handed like minion.
Stage 4*(Chairman Platinum): He is now similar in appearance to Chairman Platinum from MechQuest. He wields a large, yellow, energy axe in one hand and a large shield with the EbilCorp logo in the other.

Suggested Lines

Apprentice Both:

Veteran Player:
Resistance is futile.
Veteran Enemy: OverSoul is now sponsored by EbilCorp.

Master Player: For EbilCorp!
Master Enemy: Victory for the Chairman.

Legendary* Player: This'll be more fun than firing those accountants... out of a cannon.
Legendary* Enemy: You're not even worth calling in the minions.

*I'm not sure whether to make this Legendary or a Master SG. That's for Nulgath and the rest of the staff

KnightofNyx -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/3/2012 20:21:18)

nice one i might give-up my time character for a chance to play as platinum.

jayk the pikachu -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/4/2012 6:09:36)

Character : Ebil Chaos
Alignment : Neutral
Element : Chaos
Description: The ebilest company in the world...Chaos Style!
Stage 1(Minion): A man in a Black Suit with a Purple Tentacle over half of the Face.
Stage 2(Chaos Executive):Now sits on a Robotic Dragon simular to the Ebil Dragon Rider armor in AQW but slightly damaged.
Stage 3(Chaotic Chairman): He is now similar in appearance to Chairman Platinum from AQW. He wields a large Purple Sword in one hand and a tranparent Shield in the other

Suggested Lines
Apprentice Both:Oversoul is now Ebil... i mean ChaosCorp's!

Veteran Player: For ChaosCorp!
Veteran Enemy: Victory for the Chaos Chairman!

Master Player: This'll be more fun than Chaorrupting those accountants.
Master Enemy: You're not even worthy of being powerful.

UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/4/2012 17:05:59)

So basically, just my idea, but you made it more AQW oriented and Chaorrupted it. You might want to be a bit more creative, though I do like the idea of a Chaotic EbilCorp.

Alignment: -30 Evil
Element: Shadow
Description: One of 7 corrupted spirits unleashed by Tomix. After its defeat it fled to OverSoul.

Stage 1: A red-orange, humanoid figure with no detail except for flames outlining its entire body.
Stage 2: It's eyes are now peicing red and is hands are clawed.
Stage 3: He is now drahon shaped and has large horns.

Suggested Lines

Apprentice Player: DIE!
Apprentice Enemy: Wrath consumes ALL!

Veteran Player: My claws hunger for your flesh!
Veteran Enemy: I'll kill you!

Master Player: I'll feed you your own heart!
Master Enemy: Your blood will cover my horns!

Warlord Revan -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/6/2012 2:59:59)

You have an epic dragon idea i hope it gets added.

jacobmarco66 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/8/2012 11:02:07)

Charater: Santa Revontheus

Alignment: Neutral

Element: Ice

Description: Revontheus is dressed up for Christmas and he wishes a Marry Christmas to all the players

Controlled: Marry Christmas! Have a presant :D

Enemy: You have been very naughty this year

1 hit: hits with candy cane

2 hit: bomb presant

3 hit: throws a giant coal

5 hit: flys into the sky and lands on the enemy or player with a giant bear

OverlordCody -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/8/2012 11:04:54)


Alignment: Evil -35
Element: Earth
Description: Nulgath made a sandwich one day... Turns out the sandwich started to move and gained powers!

Stage 1: A sandwich made of the following: Bread, Roast Beef, Lettuce, and Swiss Cheese.
Stage 2: The sandwich grows bigger, and it grows wings.
Stage 3: The sandwich becomes the size of a Human because it sprouted legs and arms. He also has green eyes now.
Stage 4: The Sandwich turns into a Dragon made of sandwiches.

Suggest Lines

Apprentice (Controlled): One does not simply walk into my path and try to eat me.
Apprentice (Enemy): Eat me and you will explode.

Vet (Controlled): I'm the only SANDWITCH to talk.
Vet (Enemy): Where is my beef blaster? I need it to exterminate you.

Master (Controlled): Look, another person going to be shot by the Beef Launcher 3000!
Master (Enemy): Time to test my Beef Blaster 3000 on this moron!

Legendary (Controlled): I got this far just to be attacked by a crew of people with spears that want to eat me? Great!
Legendary (Enemy): You shall not possess me; In fact I will posses YOU and your whole pathetic crew!

Suggested Cards (Edited in):
Sandwich Rain: Do 4 Unblockable Damage for the cost of 5 Energy.
Beef Blaster 3000: A flying sandwich turret comes from the sky and shoots the enemy, doing 10 Damage for 7 Energy. Applies DoT of 2 for three turns.
Lettuce Wall: Set up 10 shields for 7 Energy. If the enemy is behind their shield, they lose their shield. If it is multiples, they lose one shield.
Undeath Photosynthesis: Discard 1 card to gain 5 HP and 10 Energy. (This is a Darkness Card)
Sandwiches' Bane: Do 5 damage and inflict a DoT of 3 for three turns for 7 Energy.

Edit: Yes, the Vet (Controlled) line is a pun of a mob in DF.

drakfyre -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/8/2012 18:14:53)

I would like to Recommend a Coal Miner Character for the holidays! I'd draw one but i have not learned enough figure's in school yet :P . I'm guessing it could go like: Coal Minor, Coal Miner, then Mine Champion.

PocketProtector -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/8/2012 18:18:26)


Description: This animal is the essence of dreams and all things sleep-related. But dreams aren’t always what they seem…
Dialogue: *snort*
Starting animation: Paws the ground while whipping its head. Steam comes out of its nostrils.
Attack animation: Batters the opponents with its horns.

*Veteran and master decks contain the special cards from previous levels.*

Appearance: A regular grey-woolen ram with small, curled gray horns.
Alignment: Neutral +5
Element: Neutral
Special cards:
Weaken – lowers the opponent’s attack by 2 for 3 turns (a grey cloud surrounds the opponent)
Batter – adds 1 to each attack card

Appearance: The ram is still grey, but the horns are bigger and more convoluted. Its hooves appear sharper.
Alignment: Neutral +5
Element: Neutral
Special cards:
Subdue – rids opponent of all current defense (ram kicks opponent with hind legs)

Master A
Appearance: A white-woolen ram with yellow runes on extremely large and twisted beige horns; its eyes contain yellow flames as well. Blue wisps surround the hooves.
Alignment: Good +20
Element: Light
Special cards:
Draw – each attack card played adds 2 to player’s defense (ram breathes in wisps drawn from the opponents)

Master B
Appearance: A black-woolen ram with red runes on its legs and neck/head; its eyes contain red flames as well. Its horns appear to have tendrils, composed of both immobile and mobile parts.
Alignment: Evil -20
Element: Shadow
Special cards:
Fear – opponent is unable to attack for 2 turns (ram sends out pulse of darkness; opponent is paler for two turns)

Master C
Appearance: A golden ram with earthy tones; its eyes contain green flames. Its horns are brown and are surrounded by black and white wisps. Patches of grass appear at its hooves.
Alignment: Neutral 0
Element: Earth
Special cards:
Confuse – two random opponent cards are discarded (ram jumps in a pattern)

Not too fond of master C, also the entire thing is a train wreck, anyone have any better suggestions?

Silver1 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/9/2012 3:17:49)

How about instead of character evolution you could instead fuse them together to form a sort of tag-team? Like the Augustiner and Bavaria, they are found at different areas, and right now they can't evolve, so you could say they eventually met when they were recruited into your team and it was love at first sight or something.

Cagey -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/9/2012 11:03:26)

Juggernaut Of Nulgath
A normal Human Character with dark red Cloth on him, like Spear Native.
He wields Bane of Nulgath and has Voidfangs sheathed on his back, he also has pockets that have Gems of Nulgath, D.Crystal Shards etc. and the Contract of Nulgath
A choice of 3 Characters
Warlord Of Nulgath with Ungodly Reavers and Vestige Of Nulgath
Dimensional Champ with Claws of Nulgath and Shifter Helm
Arcane Of Nulgath with C.Phoenix Blade and Archfiend Cloak along with a hood
Possession Chance: Very Hard

Zanzibaarus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/9/2012 12:31:10)

@Cl0seD Cag3
As interesting as the suggestion sounds, it really needs a Veteran form. :/

I mean, we don't have a single character that follows that same guideline of Apprentice -> Master, so yeah...

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/9/2012 12:33:08)

^ Actually it must have a veteran character, or be a veteran. Without Veteran form, his master would have to turn into veteran instead.

The order is Apprentice ---> Veteran ---> Master ---> Legendary, you can't simply jump over one of those just to get another.

UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/9/2012 16:53:59)

I'm in a Lovecraftian mood right now so...

Ancient One
Element: Shadow
Alignment: -50
Description: Waking from his dreamless sleep, the Ancient One has come to Oversoul.

Stage 1: A small Cthulu-like creature floating, similar to a Greedling, but green.
Stage 2: It's now bigger and no longer floating, it's tentacles are longer now.
Stage 3: Looks like Kathool Achoo, but the head is rounder and less squid like.
Stage 4: Cthulu, but he has glowing red eyes.


Apprentice Player: I awake...
Apprentice Enemy: Who dares wake me?

Veteran Player: I will devour you.
Veteran Enemy: You will suffer.

Master Player: You cannot resist!
Master Enemy: You cannot resist!(It's that awesome)

Legendary Player: That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange eons even death may die.
Legendary Enemy: I have come from R'lyeh to Oversoul, you can't stop me.

Element: Shadow
Alignment: -45

Stage 1: A young man with a crazed look in is eye, he's holding a copy of the Necronomicon.
Stage 2: His fingers are now tentacled and his eyes glow.
Stage 3: Kathool Adept, but instead of the sword he's holding the book.


Apprentice Player: I've found it! Finally, the ancient secrets are mine!
Apprentice Enemy: I have learned the secrets of the Ancient Ones!

Veteran Player: When he comes, you'll wish you had worshipped him.
Veteran Enemy: The Ancient One comes! I knew it!

Master Player: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Master Enemy: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

Exo -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/9/2012 20:11:34)

You guys get serious when suggesting characters. I say, they should make a unicorn character.
Could be girly if you want, or it could be like an epic skeleton unicorn. Idk. Just a unicorn cuz you
made a headless hollow.

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/10/2012 17:24:38)

I think it would be nice to have the Dreadspider, Abaddon and Gressil in game

Element: Shadow

Stage 1: Dreadspider
Stage 2: Abaddon
Stage 3: Gressil

I'm not really sure what his lines should be

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/10/2012 17:41:08)

Star Lord
Stage 1: Star Recruit : Standard Gears University Uniform
Single and Double attack: Pulls Blaster and shoots enemy (1 shot per card used)
Three hit Combo: Blasts enemy with a massive Beam from the Blaster
Five hit Combo: A Star ship bombards the enemy with
Enemy: One day i will see the stars. You get to see some now though.
Controlled: My Dream is to become a Captain one day. You are just one rung on the latter of success.

Stage 2: Star Captain : Mechquest Star Captain Uniform
Single And Double Attack: Draws an Energy Sword and Slashes Enemy (1 time per card used)
Three Hit Combo: Pulls Out Plasma Axe and Strikes the Enemy 3 times
Five Hit Combo: Pulls Out Double Energy Saber and hits the enemy 5 times(moving super fast)
Enemy: I sail a Sea of Stars and you are Nothing compared to what i have seen
Controlled: -Hostile Detected- -Engaging now-

Stage 3: Star Lord: Aqw Starlord Armor
Single And Double Attack: Fire a Blast of Energy From its hand
Three Hit Combo: Stabs the Enemy with multiple Energy Weapons
Five Hit Combo: Fires a Drone which shoots the enemy repeatedly
Enemy: The Stars are mine to Command. Would you Like to see them?

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/10/2012 18:06:08)

Guardian Dracolich
Stage 1: a mini dracolich like in dragonfable
Stage 2/3: the dracolich through great necromancy has become a beast of death and destruction
Legendary: after great power and the remaining life force from the great necromancer this dracolich has become a towering beast of legend and death

This dracolich was once a dragon created in order to guard the tombs of the great departed,
but after dying a great necromancer brought his bones back to unlife
and now is used to destroy everything

Just to mix it up the dracolich will mainly use the shadow element,
it will also add up the powers of fire.

Neutral 0 or evil -10

i won't make up anymore thn 1 card.
but at master and legendary form he gains 2 new cards

Master: Healing Darkness:
turn any attack card into a healing card
you heal in amount to how much energy the card costs (or cards)

Legendary: Age of Malice:
the dracolich through all of it's hardships summons all of it's hate and channels it(and 4 other cards)
into a attack of unrivaled power

the dracolich basically takes the effect of the Healing Darkness move but turns it into damage
it will either be 2 times the total or diffrence in hp

FieryEaglen -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/12/2012 5:17:38)

Yours is great. I'm saying another person but yeah.
I just went to Thailand and I got to see Pattaya's Sea Adventures and I saw a octopus so...

Character : Kathool Achoo

Alignment : Evil -50

Element : Water

Stage 1, Kathool Ach-squid : Looks like a big squid.

Controlled : Being on air is not my weakness... I'm not a very similar opponent to you.. But I will just let you suffer like how people threaten our kind and eat us.. Now I will have revenge on my brothers and sisters...

Enemy : Being on the water is to show my full potential! This is the day, you will get smashed by a Squid and people will laugh at you..

Stage 2, Kathool Ach-big : Tentacles grow longer and now have a more evil face, also, the body grown.

Controlled : You threaten our kind.. now you will be suffering like we do!

Enemy : You have been caught and human-beings like you have slow movements on Water so swinging your weapons will not be effected! This is the day you die!

Stage 3 : Kathool from AQW and is overgrowned.

Controlled : Grrr... I will eat your body for breakfast and the rest for dinner. And also, you are a little pest compared to me.

Enemy : You shall be destroyed! I will feed the sharks with your blood and body, and your head, arms and legs for me! Food is served...

Skills :

Flooding waves : Send out waves of water and your enemy can't attack you for 3 turns and after 5 turns if your enemy don't defeat you. They will deal 3 damage every turn until they die.

Aquatic Commands : Fishes including shrimps, lion fish, sharks will attack straight at your enemy.

Bloody water (Since sharks like Blood) : You use your tentacles to stomp the ground and a shark will turn 5 times at light speed and get out of the screen.

Kathool's Commands : A Kathool armor like in Dragonfable came and an anchor got out of his hand and it attack straight at the enemy.

3 hit : Kathool stomps the ground once and a anchor came down into enemy. And stomp and the same thing happened.. and then he got anchor out of his mouth and it attacks the enemy.

5 hit (it's actually funny) : Kathool stomps the ground and nothing happen. And it repeated for 3 times and then A huge amount of sharks attackt he enemy.

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But I didn't double post.. o-o

UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/12/2012 17:00:20)

Void Vagrant/Vigilante/Violator
Element: Chaos, gains some Ice cards at Veteran.
Alignment: -30 Evil
Description: A warrior from the Void, he will not rest until Oversoul is his.

Stage 1: Similar to Sword Apprentice, but has piercing red eyes, Void Dragon-style feet, and his face is blacked out. His hands up to his elbows are also blacked out and his elbows are spiked. He wields no weapon but has elongated, almost bestial claws. He wears Voidly armour and has a small, smiling, toothy mouth on his stomach. He stands in a hunched fashion.
Stage 2: Looks like full Void Vigilante set(weapon, shield, misc., all of it), but his eyes are still visible.
Stage 3: He grows Brilhado-style wings and his Void Vanquisher blade is now glowing red, but fainter than in AQ. He is also considerably taller.


Apprentice Player: What a lovely realm, I'll have to change that.
Apprentice Enemy: All souls will go to the Void.

Veteran Player: You will die for your crimes against the Void. Possession is punishable by... DEATH!
Veteran Enemy: I'll slice you into so many pieces, even the Void won't repair you.

Master Player: I am a champion of the Void, you really think you can beat me?
Master Enemy: Oversoul is mine now!

Dannish -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/12/2012 19:32:12)

These ideas came from dreams and things I've seen. They even scare me... So here we go! I will add....

All Elemental
+5 Neutral
Description: A human corrupted by the Elemental Avatars fused with a deadly widow. He now only seeks a home to stay in.
Circle Color Suggested: Black

Apprentice: A child whose hair is hanging in front of his face. He has plagued skin turning black with bits of brown. His right arm is mere energy of each element in the world of Oversoul.

Veteran: Sprouting the 8 legs of a spider, each color represents the elements in Oversoul. He now floats on a rock. His arm has turned into a Shape-Shifting weapon.

Master: His spider legs now carry him around with the boy turning into a void essence.

Legendary: His skin the color of stars, he is the elemental carnage now fitting to be a human. He still controls all elements along with one of the Void.

0 Neutral
Description: A weapons master who just wants a Katana.
Circle Color Suggested: Red
Controlled: My quest for the katana is almost finished...
Enemy: So, do you have a katana?

Tsunamix1: Turn all defense points into one giant slash of weapons.
Hurricane Hx1: Turn all Defense into health.

Saianix (Veteran):
0 Neutral
Description: His quest now complete, he is in need of the Fire Rune.
Veteran Cards:
Specials: Enlightenmentx1: Turn all enemy attacks into HP for 2 turns.

Saianix (Master):
0 Neutral
Description: Saianix's quest now complete, he aims for victory above all.
Master Cards:
Fire Ballx2: 10 points of fire damage.
Explosion: Inflict 8 points of damage with the heat of gas after 3 turns!

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