RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (Full Version)

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poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/22/2012 13:24:03)

These are some very vague descriptions. [8|]

Rock Dog -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/22/2012 14:55:37)

I wonder if I should post some of my old art on here...
I have bits and peices of old art I did a while ago (monsters and such)

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/22/2012 17:01:14)

@Rock Dog, why not? Just be sure to add some writing to make it more than a piece of art, cause well... i'm sure Nulgath will redo that anyway.

Character name: Primal geomancer
Alignment: 20

Description: A caster who taps into the shamanistic powers of nature, this powerful wizard is capable of conjuring deadly attacks from the very ground he stands on.

Stage one: A young man in simple tan robes and a hood to match. Wields a wooden staff. Has blue eyes.

Stage two: His robes are now dark brown and his staff has a large emerald sticking out of the top of it in a way that it looks like the emerald is actually growing out of it. His eyes have transited from blue to green. He now has a wizard's hat on his head.

Stage three: The Primal geomancer is now levitating off of the ground, and a number of small rocks are scattered around him, levitating as well. The rocks are not surrounding him, so much as just being held in place at random points in his vicinity. His robes are pine green and the head of his staff now pulses with light green energy. His eyes are aglow with a similar color. His large wizard hat has a glowing green leaf on it.

Concept cards
Force of nature: Cost:5 Effect: 5 damage unblockable and 25% chance of stun
Magma geyser: Cost:8 Effect: 7 damage and 6 damage over 2 turns
Nature's grace: Cost:6 Effect: 50% chance enemy attacks will miss for 3 turns
Primal regeneration: Cost: 5 Effect: heals 8 over 4 turns
Stone guardianship: Cost: 6 Effect: shielded for 10

Character name: Primal marksman

Description: An archer who taps into the powerful magics of nature, able to call down hundreds of stone arrows on his enemies as well as snaring his opponents with the surrounding plants, this bowman has many deadly secrets up his sleeve.

Stage one: A bowman with grey leather armor a darker grey hood, a quiver on his back and a light brown bow. Shoots grey arrows with light grey arrowheads and red feathers. His eyes are a shade of brown.

Stage two: Leather armor is now light brown and his hood is slightly darker. His arrows now are brown with dark brown arrow heads. His eyes are piercing green.

Stage three: The man now has dark green leather armor and a hood in a lighter shade of green, he has the small glowing leaf shape on his shoulder guards and bracers. His eyes are aglow with green power. His bow has a number of small lime glowing runes running down it's frame and it's string faintly glows green. His arrowheads have small green runes glowing on them and his arrow's feathers are light green

Concept cards:
Volley: Cost:6 Effect: deals 7 damage and double to shields
Trishot: Cost:5 Effect: deals 3 hits of 2 damage, each with a 25% chance of dealing double damage
Nature's wrath: Cost: 1 shield card Effect: Choose 3 attack cards, their charge costs are reduced by 2 for 1 turn
Forest's clutches: Cost:8 Effect: Stuns opponent for 2 turns
Hail of arrows: Costs: 6 Effect: 10 damage over 10 turns
Guided arrow: Cost: 4 Effect: 4 damage can not be blocked or dodged

Note: I didn't really see any bowmen so I made one, I hope you all like it. [:)]
ALSO: Does anyone know if Nulgath is actually going to go through these threads?

Edit: Character name: Primal battlemaster
Alignment: 20

Description: The primal battlemasters make up the elite melee fighters within the Primal sect of geomancers. Combining both bits of magic and heavy weaponry the battlemasters are the first in the fray and the last out. They incorporate both their impressive strength and their command over the earth to swing their axes with horrifying effectiveness. They are also known for being able to pull earthen javelins from the ground and hurling them with perfect aim.

Stage one: A muscular man with a hatchet and targe with a green leaf on it. He is wearing bronzed light plate and a full helm.

Stage two: The battlemaster now wears heavy scale armor and has a similar helm to stage one, albeit this one has a green glowing leaf on it. His shield is a kite shield with the leaf on it, glowing as well. The boarder of his shield has small glowing runes running along it. His weapon is now a large axe with a wooden handle with a green leather grasp.

Stage three: Now adorned with full heavy plate the Battlemaster has green leaf emblems on his shoulders. He now wields a massive duel sided axe and a tower shield. The shield has the leaf on it. His helmet is a plumed corinthian helm with a face mask, the plume being light green. leaving only his glowing green eyes visible. All leaf emblems glow unless stated otherwise.

Concept cards
Earthern strength cost:4 effect: 6 damage and breaks shields
Rock armor cost:5 effect: take 1 less damage from all sources for 8 turns
Stone prison cost:6 effect: stun for 2 turns
Brute force cost:8 effect: all attack cards cost 1 less
And a TON of heavy hitting attacks as well as quite a few shields

Character name: Terracor
Alignment: 35

Description: Terracor is one of the most ancient elementals that still exist today. Formed long ago he now teaches geomancers in the primal arts and instructs them to vanquish all that is evil from Oversoul.

Stage one: A rugged humanoid with small rocks falling off occasionally.

Stage two: He is now twice as large as before, with some rocks floating around him, similar to the primalist geomancer. The occasional bolt of very light green or blue arcs over random parts of his body.

Stage three: He now has some moss growing on his massive form. He is rugged and energy crackles over him from time to time. His eyes have a pale blue glow and numerous runes are glowing on random parts of his body.

Concept cards
Reform cost:4 effect: heals 8 over 2 turns.
Crushing blow cost:5 effect: deals 3 damage and breaks 6 shields. If they have no shields then it stuns.
Ancient protection cost:7 effect; shields for 12 and heals 5 over 5 turns.

Note: terra cor is latin for earth heart

Heres an interesting idea, since theres a whole "set" of these primalists why not make a quest where you fight a few of each, and have Terracor as a boss? Of course these guys could also be found as like 10% encounters in the mountains with Terracor as like a 3%.

Posts merge. Please don't double post. ~Mecha

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/22/2012 18:56:30)

@poodlemiester nice to see your suggestions they are good [:)]

I would make one but i broke my hand and my typing is limited

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/22/2012 21:31:03)

@zeuster Thanks man, I have tried to think up some new material, but after so many posts it gets tedious. And not seeing your suggestions will be missed, I liked reading them.
@below I hope to god he checks these threads. :p

halty -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/22/2012 22:11:27)

hey guys :D i got some news from nulgath well his posts :D here's the link.

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/23/2012 10:21:55)

*cracks knuckles* back for a little

Character: Epitome of Chaos
Alignment: neutral

Description:After serving good and evil in his life this warrior vows to end both and bring a chaotic peace

Stage 1: he would be a knight in purple armor with a lance
he would also have signs of wings growing and his eyes are cyan blue

Stage 2: He would be more chaos like and would sprout small wings..he would also have a lance that shows signs of chaos corruption
his armor would be more tainted and half of his face is a black shadow

Stage 3: he would be a chaorupted knight with purple wings that are bigger than before,his eyes would be in flames cyan flames
his armor would be completely tainted and he would have a lance that would have black flames spewing all around him

Chaotic hammer: he would give up 3 hp(scaled) for a attack with extra power..half the cost of a normal 5 damage card
Chaos break: he would use up hp(or if he was shield he would use that) to attack the foe with the power to auto break defenses(skexis fiend and other foes like barbarian counter)
Chaotic rule: he would summon a ancient text and it would summon chaos words to bind the foe stopping them from attacking
Chaos ender: sacrafice half your hp(scaled) your attack would gain power equal to how much hp you foe's shield effects are negated before this attack
Chaotic trust: you would lose half your hp in order to put up a shield equal to your amount of hp

Hopefulyl Nulgath can come and tell us opinions about our suggestions ^_^

Remnant the Unknown -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/23/2012 10:32:13)

Time I suggested something.

Character: Gravedigger

Alignment: Neutral

Description: In search of his brother, the gravedigger plans to fight to find the location to his brother's grave.

Stage 1: He would be just be a dark suited man, with a top hat, and a shovel.

Stage 2: Much like stage 1, but with a dark cape behind him and glowing blue eyes.

Stage 3: Like stage 2, but his eyes are on fire and he also carries a casket with spirits in it.

Spiritual Embrace: At the cost of 2 HP, he can do 4 unblockable damage using the spirits in the casket.
Shovel Dirt: He would dig up dirt to stun the foe for a turn.
Brother's Spirit: He would stab the ground with the shovel and an opening will appear in front of the opponent. The soul of his brother will appear as a blue wisp that attacks the foe for 9 damage.
Suffering: He would feel heartbroken and lose 1/4 of his health to double the power of an attack card.
Burning Desire: His shields will be converted to health. If you max heal and still have shields afterwards, the remaining shields stay.

Idea came from my character design that was originally for HeroSmash.

aliesterus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/23/2012 15:52:33)


Description: In search of his brother, the gravedigger plans to fight to find the location to his brother's grave.

A bit redundant perhaps? He's searching for his brother, of course he's going to try the location of his grave.

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/23/2012 16:51:30)

@remnant maybe something like "This gravedigger is on a search for his brother's bones, and will attack anyone who stands in his way."?

Character name: Bone God
Alignment: -40 or -50

Description: This horrific monstrosity was constructed from the remains of hundreds of the greatest warriors to ever live, and fueled by thousands of mortal souls. Whoever is responsible for such an ultimate force of death most be truly feared.

Stage one: A very large creature which is composed purely of bone, it's body type is similar to a gorriliphant's from dragonfable. It has one very large skull for a head that has glowing pale blue eyes. It wields a very large bone axe, similar to xerxe's weapon in shape from AQ classic, with a couple of skulls hear the head of the axe.

Stage two: All of the eyes on the skulls glow and his axe has some small glowing runes on the axe head.

Stage three: Spikes protrude from it's back and it wields two identical axes. Energy crackles over various parts of his body and occasionally bolts down the creature's weapons. By the way, this thing is a hulk, about 3 times as tall as your average man and built like a tank.

Concept cards
Soul siphon cost:5 effect: heals 8 over 4 turns and damages enemy for 8 over 4 turns
Necrotic rebirth: cost:10 effect:if below 5 hp heal for 15 and shield for 5, if above heal for 10
Dark one's call: cost: 3 effect: next enemy attack hits them instead of Bone God

I really enjoyed making this one.

Zanzibaarus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/23/2012 21:35:27)

I'm making one as half-serious/half-joke, due to an event earlier today.

Name: Bloody-Boxcutter
Description: A demon known to devour the blood of victims was a box-cutter.
Alignment: -50 Evil
Stage One: A small floating box-cutter, surrounded by an aura with a tinge of red.
Stage Two: The blade on the box-cutter is larger, and noticably covered with fresh blood.
Stage Three: The box-cutter is about the size of a claymore, and wielded by what looks like a human with large horns and cuts surrounding their skin. There is a noticably large cut on the left thigh.

aliesterus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/23/2012 23:57:39)

Should I ask what this event is? I'm getting some funny images and some not so funny ones.

Remnant the Unknown -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/24/2012 3:45:21)

Thanks for suggestions to improve the description. I was trying to imply that he's fighting everyone to get answers to where his brother's grave is.

New one:

Character name: Lost Assassin
Alignment: Neutral

Description: Finding his way home, this assassin will put up a fight if provoked. The speed and poisons this assassin wields is on-par with the greatest assassins in the land.

Stage one: Just a regular assassin, knelt between his two long katanas, with his face half covered by a scarf.

Stage two: Similar to stage one, but he's holding the katanas and there are runes on his head and katanas.

Stage three: Like the other 2 stages, but electricity surges through him, and his pigtails flow upwards and his eyes glow.

Concept cards:
Venom: Creates a poisonous mist that makes the opponent take 1 health/shield each turn. The damage increases by one for 5 turns.
Runic Shield: Creates a shield generated by the runes, that takes in all damage for 2 turns.
Expose: Slashes at the opponent's weak spot for 4 damage, and the opponent takes 2 extra damage for 4 turns.
Precise Blows: Does a slash combo, that does 1 unblockable damage. This attack does 3 attacks.

Next one:

Character name: Psychic
Alignment: +15 Good

Description: The psychic is a powerful foe, who attack the mentality of their opponents. They excel with breaking through mental defenses.

Stage one: Just a monk-like person in a mage's robe and a hood

Stage two: Similar to stage one, but he's holding a floating orb with a rune that's also shown on the hood.

Stage three: Like the other 2 stages, but the orb glows and the psychic is floating due to mental powers.

Concept cards:
Mental Combo: Fires 3 mental waves that will deal a 3 damage DoT for 2 turns.
Transmutation: Turns 3 shields into a 4 damage boost for one attack.
Headache: Gives the opponent a headache, which stuns them for a turn.
Calm Mind: Calms the mind and heals 4 damage.

hidan_orochimaru -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/24/2012 9:05:01)

Character name: Scylla
Alignment:Evil -45

Description:This giant monster lives in the deepest caves under the sea and will attack anything moving in front of her.

Stage one:Normal Scylla(no tentacles)
Stage two:Scylla with six tentacles,each tentacle have a mouth.
Stage three:Scylla will breath water,the tentacles are poisonous.

dragokilla200 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/24/2012 13:46:06)

Character: Dragoon
Alignment: Good
Description:knight that have special bonds with dragons and devote themselves to learning the ways of the dragon
Phase 1...A guy with s spear and recruit armour
Phase 2...a dragoon in dragon armour
Phase 3...dragon overlord(human transformed from a human to a dragon)

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/24/2012 17:56:33)

@Drago You do know a dragoon is just a cavalryman right?

Lord Hades -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/24/2012 22:27:58)

@Poodle: Unless we take the Final Fantasy definition.

Anyway, here's mine.
Cataphract (Good +30)
These warriors are completely and utterly protected from harm by their heavy armor.
Phase 1: A horseman in chain mail, riding a semi-armored horse. He holds a javelin.
Phase 2: The horseman is in bronze plate armor, his horse is in plate armor, and he wields a short spear.
Phase 3: Both rider and horse wear golden scale armor--the rider's helmet gains a large red crest. He wields a long lance.

Zanzibaarus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/24/2012 22:43:06)

I was working on a project involving cardboard and I lacerated my thigh.

sir connor -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/26/2012 20:40:53)

Character: Wetboy
Alignment: Evil -25

Description: A silent master assassin highly trained in the field of wetwork.

Phase 1: A man in light gray clothes wielding a shortsword.
Phase 2: A lightly armored man with a cowl wielding a dagger.
Phase 3: A man in gray armor with a masked cowl wielding twin curved daggers.

cardshockmasterb24 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/26/2012 22:01:42)

my first suggestion o.o here goes notheing

Character name: Arachnaros the Vile
Alignment: 50- Evil

When encountered as a PvE monster: Know my name and tremble mortal, I am Arachnaros the Vile!

When used in combat as your character: You will make an excellent snack for me

Description: Once a simple spider, an evil wizard tortured and twisted it into a being of both intelligence and evil. When the wizard had finally finished his work, the spider was anything but simple. Arachnaros destroyed the one who created it, and then set off to rampage around the realm to make others suffer as it had.

Stage one: A spider the size of a car, its eight eyes red and full of hatred. The body is black and on the abdomen the shape of a fanged skull with horns.

Stage two: The mouth of the skull opens a little to reveal a forked tongue, its fangs now start to drip
Poison onto the ground.

Stage three: Arachnaros true form, he becomes a beast of true fear. A demonic aura can clearly be seen around him, and the poison now drips the color of nightshade. His eyes have become as black as night, and the skull is now opened in a full on scream

Concept cards
using nightmarish powers, Arachnaros instills fear into the target, lowering their chance to hit by 25% for 3 turns. Costs 6 darkness energy

Toxic Fang: a strike that hits twice, poisons the target and deals 3 damage per hit, poison lasts 2 turns and deals 10 damage per tick. Costs 5 darkness and 3 earth energy

Spider Snare: Stuns the target for two turns, trapping them in a web cocoon. Costs 7 earth energy

8-legged defense: Arachnaros puts up a solid defense using his legs, reducing incoming damage by 2 for 5 turns. Costs 8 darkness energy

(I wasn’t sure if I should include this, but just to be thorough I wanted to throw it in)

Single attack animation: a strike from his front leg like a spear
Double attack animation: double leg stab
Triple attack animation: double leg stab with a bite chained in
5combo hit animation: Spit a glob of concentrated poison as the target
Victory animation: he hops up and down with a wicked look of glee on his face
Death animation: Falls on his back and curls up into a ball, like how a normal spider would die
(If you have any suggestions, please Pm them to me. Id like this suggestion to be as good as possible)

aliesterus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/26/2012 23:53:55)


Character: Dragonlord
Alignment: 0-Neutral (CAN change, in fact, this should affect the elemental cappacities of this class)
Element: Starts out with Nuetral, and will change due to your alignment.(good will give this light, evil will give it shadow. If it's neutral, it stays nuetral.) Has a secondary element of lightning
Description: Dragon Champions of Lore, able to use a variety of skills. Very few members are known because of their secrecy and being a chosen companion of a dragon is rare. A select few Dragonlords had followed a mysterious entity into this world, and has then resided here permanently.
Stage 1: I wanna see what YOU'VE got for this one Nulgath.
Stage 2: once again, what you've got, I wanna see.
Stage 3: I think you get the idea.

Shield Cards:
2 10 shields for a cost of 7 lightning chages
3 5 shields for 3 charges (good = light, evil = shadow, neutral = neutral)

Attack Cards:
3 - 5 attack cards (good will give this light, evil will give it shadow. If it's neutral, it stays nuetral.) for 4 charges.
5 - 2 attack card (element charge same as above.) for 2 charges.
3 - 1 attack card (element charge same as above.) for 1 charge.
4 - 4 Unblockable (element charge is lightning) for 5 charges.

Special Cards:

2 Shieldbreaker Charge(charge cost of 10 lightning): uses up all your shields to break the enemy shield, also deals a Damage over time of 2 per turn. DoT lasts for 4 turns. Will allways be the first card to be used. You must have at least 5 shields for this card to be used.
2 Drake Bleed (charge cost of 7 light/shadow/neutral): deals a poison of 3 for 4 turns, and heals you for the same ammount for each turn.
3 Drake Charger (charge cost -5 light/shadow/neutral) requires you to discard one card to use this, and stocks 3 charges of lightning. Will allways be the last card to be used.
3 Scale Regeneration: Adds two lightning charges for each light/shadow/neutral attack card you use. This will allways be the first card to be used after an attack.
2Dragonspear (charge cost of 5 light/shadow/neutral): Discard as many cards to charge up the power of this spear, the damage is the number of cards discarded multiplied by 2. You gain 1 lightning charge for each card discarded.
1 Super Charged (Charge Cost of 2 light/shadow/neutral): Gain 7 Lightning at the expense of healing the opponent by 4. The opponent must have at least lost 3 health for you to use this card.
5 Surge Charged(No charge cost): Adds 4 damage to all attack card excluding unblockables. Must discard two cards to use.

Okay, this is what I believe to be my final update. Can I get some feedback?

Lord Hades -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/27/2012 1:52:04)

@aliesterus: Dragonspear still looks a bit OP'd, as a first-turn draw can deal up to 8 damage. Change the cost to 6, so it can't be used on the first attack. Also, the Scale Regen. is incredibly overpowered.

Character: Aestalius, the Enhanced
Alignment: Good
The Enhanced are a sect of alchemists dedicated to continual improvement. While their potions don't experience much variation, they achieve maximum effect.

Stage One: A young man in robes, holding a potion in each hand.
Stage Two: The man has a black beard and hood, and a bandolier of potions strapped over his chest.
Stage Three: The man has a long grey beard and carries a staff topped with a potion vial in his left hand.

Duplication Tonic: Acts as a copy of a selected card, and deals +1 damage. (Cost of the card +1 Chaos)
Mana Potion: Gain 3 Chaos Charges. (Cost 0)
Unstable Unguent: Deals 2 damage and 2 unblockable Fire damage. (Cost 4 Chaos)
Aelius' Mysterious Flask: Deals 5 damage of a random element. (Cost 5 Chaos)

aliesterus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/27/2012 6:58:09)

Dragonspear was based off of the empower card, which with two you can pull a total of 12 damage with it on a 5 card, and empower has no charge cost at all. This card basically pulls a bit charge costs than Empower does, and will leave you almost chargeless in your main charge pool. But thanks for the feedback!

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/27/2012 13:52:59)

Character: Doombat

Alignment: Neutral/Evil

Description: Driven by the thirst of blood, this bat has mutated into a shapeless blob of limbs and claws, made solely to drain anything living of life.

Stage 1: Gray blob, some thin limbs.

Stage 2: Same as stage 1, but the limbs are buffer and there are more. Color is darker.

Stage 3: Has a slight man-bat shape, but the color is almost black. Limbs are muscular and bladed.

Life Drain: A leech mouth appears and latches on to the enemy, restoring a 3 life points while damaging enemy by 4. (5 Shadow)
Energy Drain: Same as Life Drain, but enemy energy is reduced by 3. (5 Shadow)
Poison Slash: Scythe like bat wings attack. Normal attack, but leaves a poison effect, each time does 4 damage. (5 Shadow)
Empower: Same as Blood Void's empower.

Feedback anyone?

Josh Lycanthropy -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (9/27/2012 22:15:40)

Character: Julius

Alignment: Neutral

Element(s): Earth (Main) & Water (Secondary)

Description: This nasty little plant has one mean bite! But don't worry, the more it eats... the BIGGER it gets!

Stage 1: Large mouth, short vines, big leaves.

Stage 2: Bigger mouth, longer vines, bigger leaves, thorns and buds grow in.

Stage 3: HUGE mouth, very long vines, huge leaves, more thorns, buds become flowers with little mouths.

Special Cards:
Poison thorns: Same as Poison except vines reach out to the enemy. (Water 5)
Big Bite: Take a big bite out of your enemy to heal yourself. (Water 8)
Underground strike: Attack your enemy with vines coming out of the ground. (Earth 5)
Plant Quake: Trade in a card to use your vines to smash the ground and cause high damage. (Earth 8)

(Note: Special Cards become stronger with every stage.)

If you need inspiration, see "Audrey 2" from "The Little Shop of Horrors" the musical version to see what i'm going for. And yes I put this in right after watching it.

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