rare varium drop (Full Version)

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lordofeagles -> rare varium drop (9/14/2012 15:19:21)

something to keep people going on the game like me i don't have enough money to buy much in varium or wepons or what not and alot of decent stuff requires varium what i am suggesting is that you have permently a 25-50% chance that in battles you get like 1-10 varium pieces just like in adventure quest or a thing like ballyhoo in aqw, df, and aq so that people who are poorer or not on often have a chance tto get varium cheaply and also you could have a varium boost that for like 300 credits or so you get a better chance to get varium for 2-5 dos not change how much you get though just gives a 25% extra chance or so

AqworldThunder -> RE: rare varium drop (9/14/2012 15:28:57)

25-50% is too much maybe 1-5% if it was that high then nobody would need to buy varium just win like 300 battles to buy what you want. Supported though.

Shadow Slayer 2 -> RE: rare varium drop (9/14/2012 15:54:19)

Supported. Hmm.. If its going to be 1-5% chance with a 1-10 varium drop, thats TOO little. Maybe 5% chance with 20 varium drop. Nice idea lordofeagles :D

Edit: Also maybe the chance in a 2v2 and jugg should be higher as it takes longer...
1v1: 5% chance for 20 varium drop
2v2 and jugg: 7.5% chance for 20 varium drop???

Mother1 -> RE: rare varium drop (9/14/2012 16:03:45)

Not supported. IF this was put into play then Varium would lose it's value since you have a chance to win it in fights even if it is a small percent chance. We already have ways to get varium free, and a lot of things that drop in fights. We don't need Varium drops even if the chance is low.

Shadow Slayer 2 -> RE: rare varium drop (9/14/2012 16:09:28)


its a small percentage chance AND a small amount of varium. It will take about a 1000 battles to get 995 varium...and thats just for 1 weapon

lordofeagles -> RE: rare varium drop (9/14/2012 16:15:44)

i must your idea about it being too high is better i think that the 5% for the 20 is good
and there is no reason why the value should go down the only sure way to get varium would be to buy it value would stay about the same as it is

drekon -> RE: rare varium drop (9/14/2012 16:22:53)

Supported. I also agree with what Shadow Slayer 2 said.

doomturtle -> RE: rare varium drop (9/14/2012 20:45:20)

That is to much see it as this If this was always in comical biker would have gotten over 60k varium free. I would have got like 3k and I haven't been playing for very long it has to be 2% chance for 5 varium

lordofeagles -> RE: rare varium drop (9/14/2012 22:19:51)


2% is too low i agree with drakon and shadow slayer if 2% is give with five well lets see in adventure quest i get like 3 to 15 every 5 battle thats to much if someone was too make a profit off of this thats gonna be one slow salery we get a broken wepon in ed about once everytime we log on well for this it would be about every other time so it makes sense and also i think it would be a good idea to put a bonus in there for lucky chance so that in jugg and 2vs2 mostly jugg we have a 1% cance too get a 50 varium drop

Drianx -> RE: rare varium drop (9/15/2012 12:37:57)

Not supported.
Non-variums are doing better than ever now item-wise.
There's no need for further varium devaluation.

Stabilis -> RE: rare varium drop (9/15/2012 12:50:10)

The reason I do not support this is because you are suggesting to dispense premiums freely. While I do support supporting the free-2-play community, adding premiums into EpicDuel freely lowers the value of varium as a whole, and that lowers what value some players have when adding real world money into EpicDuel.

lordofeagles -> RE: rare varium drop (9/16/2012 15:06:00)

ok heres an idea alot of the complaints are about it being a rip off in money to the people who made epicduel well i got to thinking and here it is the way to buy it they put it up for like 10$ in the varium section and you go ahead buy it and get it for 6 months then for 20$ you get it for a year its an item you get called a varium locator or (finder) and after how many days you get it you go ahead log off and viola next day you go in it gives you a mail and it says your varium locator or (finder) has expired what you think

ninja.fighter -> RE: rare varium drop (9/17/2012 5:50:02)

supported its a good idead to keep the players towards the game [:D]

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