'Own' a hairstyle or two? (Full Version)

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Liz Vicious -> 'Own' a hairstyle or two? (9/16/2012 10:45:38)

I logged into this game earlier for about the first time In a year. Had a look around to see whats new, as you do. Whilst doing so I discovered a new method for ripping off players 'owning' hair styles. It's clearly a false economy. Well, I suppose the game has to constantly find innovative ways to extract cash from it's paying public doesn't it?...

ND Mallet -> RE: 'Own' a hairstyle or two? (9/16/2012 10:47:19)

How is it a rip off? You no longer have to pay the varium price of the hairstyle if you just want to change your colors instead of the hairstyle.

Ranloth -> RE: 'Own' a hairstyle or two? (9/16/2012 11:01:58)

I would've thought paying some Varium once (permanently) is MUCH better than wanting to alter just few colours and paying same fee every single time. Clearly you like spending more which means old method wasn't a rip-off.

Besides this feature was suggested many times and Devs gave us what we wanted. System is great since I don't have to waste Varium to change one colour now.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: 'Own' a hairstyle or two? (9/16/2012 11:06:11)

This feature has been highly requested for a very long time, and ability to customize, theme and support is easier now with no additional expense. Color change is only 100 credits, and helm/hair is forever.
On a side note, a person can own (unlock) every un-lockable style possible, so it does provide a fun customization.

Short-term is may be high in cost, but if one enjoys the novelty of changing their appearance, it will be cost effective in long term.

Players now can purchase a full set of themed items from Aux, Sidearm, Primary, Armor, Bot and now Helm.

If there are ideas to improving this features to make it more exciting, do suggest on the suggestion forums. :)

AIT -> RE: 'Own' a hairstyle or two? (9/16/2012 11:50:05)

I do also consider it as a rip off. Way to pricey. Seeing I've had to pay 25-50 varium each time before during my 3 years on EpicDuel, you'd think that I already would have "unlocked" them, or atleast some of these helmets.

Fay Beeee -> RE: 'Own' a hairstyle or two? (9/16/2012 12:14:08)

Great idea.

I have tried a few also over my 3 years (and paid) was my choice to buy them.

Now I have another choice. Buy more or not? I like the one I have but, if I did buy, I would them be able to change between them any time, for no extra payment.

Win win lol

Stabilis -> RE: 'Own' a hairstyle or two? (9/16/2012 12:38:08)

It would help if there were package deals. Such as buying 5 premium hairstyles at a time for 500 varium and they become 100% free afterwards. I still encourage Titan and Rabblefroth to utilize their calendar/time functions to allow them to limit changing to free hairstyles to once per day, week, or month... but recommending once per day.

And yes, if we spend 25-50 varium on a hairstyle more than 5 times, we end up saving on hairstyles after that from owning them, big time.

Oba -> RE: 'Own' a hairstyle or two? (9/16/2012 12:50:11)


I do also consider it as a rip off. Way to pricey. Seeing I've had to pay 25-50 varium each time before during my 3 years on EpicDuel, you'd think that I already would have "unlocked" them, or atleast some of these helmets.

What he said.

ND Mallet -> RE: 'Own' a hairstyle or two? (9/16/2012 12:52:23)

It's not possible for them to have awarded the hairstyles that everyone already purchased in the past. They didn't even have to give us the one we had currently either :P

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: 'Own' a hairstyle or two? (9/16/2012 15:17:45)

Good thing I decided I was out of varium so that meant I could not change my colors.

I have had my signature horned helm since High Priest was one of the few armors in the game and now I can finally change my colors

veneeria -> RE: 'Own' a hairstyle or two? (9/16/2012 16:03:33)

While being great having an hairstyle unlocked & forever credit free, the amount of varium before was the most accurate even though the system wasn't. The price shouldn't have been measured in comparison to the old system, as for that system was wrong which was the reason for it to be remade.

Nightwraith said it right, we mustn't look to the past, same goes for the prices, they don't have the same benefits of the weapons and other items. At least reduce it as a thanks for the enormous varium spent by the players in the old system.

STRUT MY MUTT -> Let's talk about Hair Styles/Character Customization (9/19/2012 12:56:23)

The new higher varium price is supposed to work out to be cheaper in the long run but it's going to be MUCH MUCH HIGHER.

I paid 295 varium for my wolf head to be unlocked. When ED says it's unlocked permanantly, what does that mean to you? Well to them it mean only until you change class and then you have to fork out another 295 varium to unlock it again!! What a rip off. Now I've paid almost 600 varium for my wolf head and I'm going to change class again soon. That makes it about 900 varium for my style.

What gives ED? Seems you guys are getting too greedy even for me. And I usually defend you when ppl complain about the high cost of playing this game. I change class about once a week or so, this must be addressed.

ND Mallet -> RE: Let's talk about Hair Styles/Character Customization (9/19/2012 13:10:28)

Are you saying that unlocking a mage style and switching classes from mage to merc and then back to mage would re-lock that hairstyle you bought or are you trying to say that unlocking a hair style that is multi class only allows it to be used by the one class you bought it for? IIRC you don't have to unlock the hairstyle if you know you'll be changing quite often between classes or hairstyles. As for the unlocking part I believe that may be a bug the devs should look at.

STRUT MY MUTT -> RE: Let's talk about Hair Styles/Character Customization (9/19/2012 14:11:49)

I was a bounty hunter and unlocked the wolf head style for 295v. Then when I changed class to tactical merc, the wolf head was re-locked so I had to pay another 295v to unlock it again. This is what I'm steamed about.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Let's talk about Hair Styles/Character Customization (9/19/2012 15:09:36)

This is because every class has its own heads even when they look similar between classes often.
There are also different head styles for male and female so a set of heads contains
6 for the classes x2 for the genders = 12.

It would be better for the players to unlock the whole set when buying a head style
because nobody should experience a loss for changing the class.

DanniiBoiixD -> RE: Let's talk about Hair Styles/Character Customization (9/19/2012 15:25:49)

I have a good suggestion. They should give you the choice of unlocking hairstyles, or just paying the previous price to just wear them. Problem Solved

Stabilis -> RE: 'Own' a hairstyle or two? (9/19/2012 16:03:42)

Well, there are not exactly 3 unique sets on each class. For example, my current helmet. Everyone can use it. The list of hairstyles is X in length. My hairstyle is element Y in the list. If I buy the hairstyle for property, I should be able to refer to element Y in the list freely regardless of my class.

So, I do think that this is a bug, and STRUTT should be able to access that hairstyle free of charge.

STRUT MY MUTT -> RE: Let's talk about Hair Styles/Character Customization (9/19/2012 16:18:11)

So now I have to spend 1770 Varium?

But if I go back to bounty hunter it will be unlocked already?

Mecha Mario -> RE: Let's talk about Hair Styles/Character Customization (9/19/2012 20:14:13)

Merge threads, and deleted some posts in here.

I was a bounty hunter and unlocked the wolf head style for 295v. Then when I changed class to tactical merc, the wolf head was re-locked so I had to pay another 295v to unlock it again. This is what I'm steamed about.

Not a bug. You change from Bounty Hunter to Tactical Mercenary class. Because of that, you never own the wolf helm style on the Merc class. However, if you change from a Bounty Hunter to a Cyber Hunter, you would have already unlocked the wolf helm, since you already unlocked when you were a Bounty Hunter. If you change back to a Bounty Hunter, the wolf helm would still already be unlocked for you.

If you unlocked a helm on Bounty Hunter, you would already unlocked the same version on Cyber Hunter and vice versa.
If you unlocked a helm on Tech Mage, you would already unlocked the same version on Blood Mage and vice versa.
If you unlocked a helm on Mercenary, you would already unlocked the same version on Tactical Mercenary and vice versa.

Stabilis -> RE: Let's talk about Hair Styles/Character Customization (9/19/2012 20:21:39)

This is not the best way to go about this new feature. The "wolf" look for example is really the same helmet (#X of halloween looks) on all classes. The format barely even changes. This helmet should definitely be one of the unisex helmets that can be fully owned across all character types.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: Let's talk about Hair Styles/Character Customization (9/19/2012 23:01:46)

I use one helm for techmage/bloodmage
I use one helm for Merc/Tac Merc
Bounty... I don't like either of the bounty's right now... So no worries
This kinda helped me

STRUT MY MUTT -> RE: Let's talk about Hair Styles/Character Customization (9/20/2012 10:08:21)

Mecha Mario, if indeed that's the way it is, at least that cuts it down to half of what I thought it would be. Still I agree with Depressed Void, it should be one price for all classes. Anyway Mecha, thanks for clearing things up for me. See you guys in battle.

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