Item merging (Full Version)

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Unknown Menace -> Item merging (9/17/2012 14:19:32)

What if there was a way to merge items as in stat/appearence wise.

This is pure a art related suggestion. I was thinking let's say you own a particular item of which you really like how it looks. How ever this item is old and outdated so you get something new from a promo. Now you could just sell it or keep it in your inventory. Or you can take it and together with the new promo item let them being merged into 1 item. This will take the stats of the new item and combine it with the art of the old one.

Example: So let's say you have some beta weapons than you get a new item from a promo and merge them together. It's the same new item you got (stat wise), but now it looks like a the beta weapon

Don't think this through as a buff for old items. Think it through as the same weapon that alot of other people got, but you decided to give it a different appearence.

(exception for bots and bikes)

Drianx -> RE: Item merging (9/17/2012 15:15:05)

Supported - although I'm pretty sure it won't happen.

Mother1 -> RE: Item merging (9/17/2012 17:42:27)

Not supported. If you are saying what I think you are saying then what is to stop people from combining items and making new Over powered ones? If this is the case then the new items would be extremely overpowered.

Second Silver TH -> RE: Item merging (9/17/2012 18:10:30)


Don't think this through as a buff for old items. Think it through as the same weapon that alot of other people got, but you decided to give it a different appearence.
It's like the "Show" feature on DF from what i understanded, using the stats from one weapon and the art from the other.

veneeria -> RE: Item merging (9/17/2012 20:19:05)

This suggestion sounds more like item fusion. [&:] I suggested a merging shop on my thread though, it might happen to be useful in these occasions.

Unknown Menace -> RE: Item merging (9/18/2012 2:32:24)



This is pure a art related suggestion.


Don't think this through as a buff for old items.

Maybe this makes it clear. You got a Delta knight armor just like 50% of the other ED population. So now you see everybody looking the same. But you also happen to posses beta armor so what you do is merge these two and just take the art of the beta gear and just combine it with only the stats of the delta gear. Art beta armor + stats Delta armor = No sign of any OP ness.


Just the word fusion makes me think of a certain cartoon series in which 2 people combined formed a different looking and 1 stronger being, which is not what i'm aiming for here.

SnowKnight -> RE: Item merging (9/18/2012 4:31:13)

What he means is we combine 2 armor , and we choose what stat for the armor , armor 1/armor 2,and what apperance we want , armor 1/armor 2
Also ,Supported i like some design on the past armor

Stabilis -> RE: Item merging (9/18/2012 7:20:04)

You nay also want to add that the value of one item transfers over to the other. I support this though.

Oh, and:


"beta armor"

Hihihihihihihihihihihihihi! [:D]

veneeria -> RE: Item merging (9/18/2012 10:04:09)

@Unknown Menace Ah... Like this interface where you could remake the armor into having an different look while having the stats of an another? Well that sounds a bit too hard, the information of the item stats are kind of bound to the appearance on the database :\ ...
Think it as a list, a huge one with all kind of information, X armor is called banana pilot and as a level 30 req ..bla bla bla...
To that to happen, i can only think of making all the possible combinations in different armors, then when x combination is made, you get that armor...

Though, on the other perspective, it would be really cool and useful, reusing art left behind and maybe this could work as the enchantments on aqw?

@Depressed void

Stop talking to yourself

Rayman -> RE: Item merging (9/18/2012 10:37:12)

Isn't This Almost The Same as Skins? Anyway I Support.

Unknown Menace -> RE: Item merging (9/18/2012 11:41:49)



I did it again didn't i!? Curse you google, i mean *cough* founder armor *cough* not beta.


maybe this could work as the enchantments on aqw

Now that i haven't thought of before, this could also work. Might be even better but i feel like harder to apply on ED than the original idea.

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