merc skill change (Full Version)

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gangster a -> merc skill change (9/18/2012 5:46:22)

since merc doesnt have any sort of debuff at the moment why not give them smoke and then give tac merc adrenaline since tac mercs have mostly slow builds which takes longer time for rage and this could help them.

Stabilis -> RE: merc skill change (9/18/2012 7:27:24)

Well, I REALLY would have supported your suggestion to give Smokescreen to Mercenaries Ganster A, but it so happens that Mercenary is a base class and Smokescreen belongs to another base class (Bounty Hunter). Now, if Mercenary was in fact a secondary class (such as Mercenary + Bounty Hunter) then I would sincerely support this. As they are not, I can not, sorry.

Also, to give TacM Adrenaline requires that the class have 2 passive skills as all others do. This would equal 3 and count as 1 extra "status" advantage above the other 5 classes, and since Mineral Armour and Reroute are OK... I can not support changing them at the moment, sorry.

Mother1 -> RE: merc skill change (9/18/2012 7:37:12)

Not supported. for one Mercs have a debuff it is called Intimidate, and second give them smoke that would overpower them especially since they have bunker blaster. Tech spammers would have a field day wit this one since both are powered by tech.

They would hit you with a super charged smokescreen, and then hit you with an supercharged bunker blaster. Plus with Bunker blaster already ignoring 20 percent of the person's defense as well as having a 25% chance to crit along smoke being supercharged by the tech abuser that won't be much defense to protect them. Oh and heaven forbid that they are using the war weapon when they crit it would be a disaster. They would destroy everything and then Merc's would be on the nerfing table. So I can't and will never support this Idea based off that fact.

gangster a -> RE: merc skill change (9/18/2012 7:51:11)

well they could always remove intimidate and as for the adrenaline ok i guess that could stay

Mother1 -> RE: merc skill change (9/18/2012 7:58:23)

No didn't you read the rest of my post? Even if they did remove Intimidate, giving merc's smoke would overpower the class. Bunker already ignores defense and is one of the 3 moves that have the highest chance to crit. If you give Merc smoke then it would make bunker damage even more devastating. Plus remember both are powered up by tech so tech spammers would have a very powerful Smoke and Bunker combo that would be even more overpowered the the caster TM Malfunction Plasma bolt combo.

We are trying to balance classes not Overpower them. Overpowered classes go to the nerfing table, and everyone hate it when classes get nerfed. This Idea going in the game would Overpower mercs big time even though they are underpowered right now.

gangster a -> RE: merc skill change (9/18/2012 8:03:52)

if you have been on this game as long as i have you would know theres no such thing as balancing classes and mercs intimidate would make a big different if it was removed with smoke one reason they could have the same chance of winning as the other classes.

Mother1 -> RE: merc skill change (9/18/2012 8:15:59)

So you are suggesting that the Developers purposely overpower a class? No if they did this it would be like str blood mages all over again. Remember people want to win in this game more then anything else (Honestly there is nothing wrong with that) However as soon as they see an overpowered build that can give them plenty of wins everyone will be jumping to that class just like they did with str blood mages.

I can also see the counter build for this being abused as well. This build would also cause EMP/atom Smasher builds to go on the rise to counter this build, and people have enough trouble with EMP/Atom smasher builds as it is so you really want to put a combo into play that will not only overpower merc's but cause energy draining builds to go on the raise to counter this?

Remember when Tech merc had smoke? They were one of the most Overpowered classes in the game since str Tech mercs could just destroy everything with strength while weakening their opponents defenses. Because of this The developers took away smoke since the class was too overpowered. Giving Smoke to Merc's would be just as big of a mistake if not worse. The only difference is that Merc's don't have reroute to loop this, but str and tech spamming mercs would overpower the masses if they got smoke so not now not ever would I support this.

Stabilis -> RE: merc skill change (9/18/2012 8:47:27)

I can see that Mercenaries have 2 passives, 1 major (armour), 1 minor (rage bonus). 1 nerfer skill, 1 buffer skill, but no health restorer (except Field Medic- but that is universal) or energy restorer.

I would accept reinforcing the nerfer skill Intimidate to reduce an equal amount of Support at the same time as Strength... and improve by Dexterity (lack of Dexterity skills).

gangster a -> RE: merc skill change (9/18/2012 8:49:43)

^ it sounds like a good idea but i dont think the devs would change a skill that then reduces 2 stats. and mother1 i appreciate your input we all have different opinions.

doomturtle -> RE: merc skill change (9/18/2012 9:04:55)

Has anyone actually played as a merc and tried out different builds because they are not underpowered both merc classes require more strategy and less abuse of 1 skill and 1 skill tree. I have seen plenty of unique merc builds that work great

veneeria -> RE: merc skill change (9/18/2012 9:55:28)

I don't quite agree on the suggestions gangster a. Though i agree that tact mercs are kind of ... too boring for a class.

The only aspects that so far i considered that should change about mercs:
- life stealing bonus skill of blood commander not being close as great as the energy regain skill of reflex boost. For 30 damage you get like 3 hp which is kind of awful and nearly useless.
- our debuff scaling being slower than the others (at least it looks like it)
- our greatest defense is also our greatest weakness, if the damage is too high, we have no way of protecting and to recover from the damage would mean a huge energy sacrifice. (Rage and Criticals or massive criticals kind of decide right away our battle)

And about tec mercs, i never really played the class yet, but they do need to change that stun grenade with an plasma grenade and/or change their Field Commander with intimidate. [>:]

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: merc skill change (9/19/2012 0:20:37)

Merc game:
Smoke -> Bunker -> Attack until rage -> Rage Berserker with a physical wep


Smoke -> Bunker -> Android attack -> Gun -> Bunker

Mother1 -> RE: merc skill change (9/19/2012 0:32:04)

@ Blaze that was what I was trying to point out about giving Merc's smoke. It doesn't help that it improves with the same stat that bunker does, so tech spammers would have a really strong combo. and unlike the hunter classes who have a debuff and cheap shot (another move with a high chance to crit) Cheap shot doesn't improve with any stat unlike Bunker blaster.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: merc skill change (9/19/2012 1:06:22)

Technically, cheap shot improves with strength
But I get what you mean, it just has too many stat abuse options with smoke
Although, I do think this would still make Merc OP, but maybe add malfunction instead of smoke, for less synergy

Mother1 -> RE: merc skill change (9/19/2012 2:02:27)

Blaze no then they would have both Blood commander and Malfuction which both work with support. Support/strength builds would be born from this. Malfuction and Blood commander would work together (especially if they are using energy primary, sidearm and/or aux)

Plus no class has both an offensive buff (which would be blood or field commander) and a defensive nerf (this being smoke and malf) together in one class. Giving Merc either of these would just overpower them only difference is smoke would be worse then Malf since Smoke and bunker work with the same thing while with malf it is blood commander.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: merc skill change (9/19/2012 3:01:15)

technically, mage classes have a defensive and offensive buff. tech mages defense matrix gives raw defense points; technician gives technology which improves resistance, plasma bolt, super charge and robot attack.

bloodmages energy shield gives raw resistance; reflex boost improves dexterity which gives more defense, improves plasma rain and overload.

bounty hunters have smokescreen which lowers the opponents dexterity, thereby increasing your chance to hit them as well as raising your damage to them. they have energy shield, which gives raw resistance. they have reflex boost which improves multi-shot and stun grenade.

cyber hunters have defense matrix which gives raw resistance. they have malfunction which lowers the opponents resistance, with the added effect of lowering their deflection chance and raising your damage against them.

so really @Mother1 most classes have an offensive and defensive skill together. just because mages and hunters dont have a skill that raises their strength DOESNT mean that they do not have a defensive/ offensive skill combo.

also, the devs could do the same thing that they did with the mercs already, give them a similar skill, just change it so that its unique. a.k.a. blood commander/ field commander.

Scyze -> RE: merc skill change (9/19/2012 5:28:42)

Mercenaries don't need enhancements with it's Skills. With the right build, they function well.
My build is good. I don't want enhancements with the class with such as Smoke Screen as there would be loads of people going with a Physical Primary with MAX Maul and Berzerker.

For a build to be "hard to beat"; people don't know what you are likely to do. Something which people can predict easily is the Strength Blood Mages.
If you really don't know what happened when (Tactical) Mercenaries had Smoke Screen, they took the opportunity and when crazy with Strength Maul and Double Strike with other handy moves.

So no, this would make the game unfair more since already, we know that there are too many combinations of attacks that could be OP.


Smoke -> Bunker -> Android attack -> Gun -> Bunker

© Blaze The Aion Ender

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