almanac01 -> RE: =OS= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (1/14/2013 5:47:04)
ACC: Gotten all of the new souls except Mino. DIS: Found Poison Drake and got him down to 1 HP but suddenly DESYNC. >W< DIS: Missed ONLY Revontheus and Void Knight because Rev didn't appear in my invent when I caught him (around 20 times) and VK wasn't given to me. DIS: Haven't obtained Minotaur, Frostzard, Cosoma, Revontheus, Void Knight, Augustiner, Abber, Headless Hollow and Alpha Pirate. DIS: Ages away from 50k (that rhymes! ^_^). DIS: Farming is abysmal at the moment. ACC: ERMYGERD CAUGHT POISON DRAKE EDIT: Caught Merc Recruit! ^O^ EDIT 2: Caught Earth Golem! EDIT 3: Caught Poison Drake!