Default text colo(u)r options. (Full Version)

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Golden Emperor -> Default text colo(u)r options. (9/19/2012 13:49:30)


A significant number of people I know always have their text in a certain non-black colo(u)r. It is very repetitive if they have to enter the codes or choose that colo(u)r everytime they post something, an even greater number of people would love to have their text a certain colo(u)r but don't because of the hassle. I'm one of them. So I'm wondering if could be an option added which sets the default colo(u)r of your text? It would be a similar option to 'Forum Color Style' under 'My Control Panel'.

I understand that the staff might have considered this but decided not to implement it because of the lack of visibility of some colo(u)rs, making it hard for others to read. But this can be overcome by only allowing forums users to have the option of selecting from a list of high-visibility colours, eg blue, dark green, gold, brown, etc.

Thanks you,
Golden Emperor

Corvus Corax -> RE: Default text colo(u)r options. (9/23/2012 20:33:52)

I don't think there are any immediate plans to implement such an option to the forums. Depending on what browser you use, there are several free clipboard add-on's that you could save your formatting to and copy/paste from whenever you need it. Good luck!

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