Mr. Glaisarus (Full Version)

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Voodoo Master -> Mr. Glaisarus (9/22/2012 3:33:53)

Mr. Glaisarus

Location: Evening Falconreach (Book 3) -> Down -> 2 Down Right -> Left -> Batoro -> Quests -> Mr. Glaisarus
Requirements: Completion of The Nix
Release Date: September 21st, 2012

Objective: Find the frozen fiend and end his freezing filching!
Objective completed: You defeated Mr. Glaisarus!

Experience rewarded: 1572
Gold rewarded: 70

(6) Snowball
(1) Mr. Glaisarus - Boss

Mr. Glaisarus

Glaisaurus Staff
Glaisarus Frosty Staff

Batoro: Mr. Glaisarus is a fiend who's face has been frozen in a permanent scream.
Batoro: His mother always warned him his face would freeze like that... and he never believed her!
Batoro: Now he filches frozen treats with finesse from the friendly yaga chef.

  • Quest

    You are in Gretel's shop, and need to fight a few snowballs. Then you meet Mr. Glaisarus.

    Batoro: Stop your fiendish pilfering, you frozen... fiend!
    Mr. Glaisarus: ....
    <Character>: Nothing to say?
    Mr. Glaisarus: ....
    Batoro: Well, his head is frozen.
    <Character>: Ah, was wondering why we were getting such a cold shoulder!

    Fight Mr. Glaisarus.

    Next Up: Megakyle

    Thanks to StealthMaster for correction.

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