zion -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (10/4/2012 5:09:19)
Since they didn't make the new classes stronger, just different - I think you should have the ability to be the base class or the evolved class based on a mission. Purchasing class change would take you to a different 2 classes. Example: Start as TM, at level?? you can do a mission that switches you to BM and vice-versa for no cost. If you want to be Merc/TLM or BH/CH you need to purchase class change (I'm thinking only Varium option) and get the cheevo. The number one reason why this makes sense? Class-specific equipment don't differentiate which type of mage, merc, hunter you are, it allows for more creativity and lowers the crazy amount of credits you need for everything even though they come so slowly. --Noiz