Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (Full Version)

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Cyber Dream -> Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (9/23/2012 14:34:31)

People should be able to change back to their starting class for free after they alrdy purchased another class and u should be able to change back to the class you purchased for free. Most people might say this would bring more op builds or something but let me explain more. Say if u started with bh and u changed to ch, then when u changed back and forth between the 2 classes it would be free. Then for the class u didnt start with or havent alrdy purchase, u still have to pay 900 varium or 50k everytime u wanna change to it. To me this is a good idea.

Ranloth -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (9/23/2012 14:57:58)

No. Class changing costs money so people won't abuse it when next "class of the month" appears to be available and free to abuse until it's 'nerfed to oblivion'. Not supported.

Cyber Dream -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (9/23/2012 15:03:42)

Trans u dont get what imsaying. If there is a next class of the month everybody wont have it unless they got it from the start when the signed up for ed. Other than that they will have topay for it

Drianx -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (9/23/2012 15:12:05)

Actually Cyber Dream's idea is:

if you started your account as Tech Mage, everytime you will want to change class back to Tech Mage from another class you previously changed into, you will change for free.

Of course, changing from Tech Mage to any other class should cost varium/credits - as it does now.

Only changing back to your starter class should be free.

Mother1 -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (9/23/2012 15:16:34)

Not supported. Even though it is limited to the three starting classes like trans said if it becomes the class that has an overpowered build anyone who started as this class can jump back to it for nothing. This would cause unfair abuse for any person who started as this overpowered class not supported.

King Helios -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (9/23/2012 15:18:03)


What about changing to your evolved form 2/3 price? (600 Varium or ~33,333 Credits)

EX: Start Tech Mage, to Blood Mage (600 Var), back to Tech (Free), to Cyber Hunter (900 Var).

Death Jr -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (9/23/2012 15:31:28)


Also if a person has changed classes twice to the same class it should be free after wards if they release it so its fair to people who spent 9000 or more varium on classes like me.

Ranloth -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (9/23/2012 15:42:14)

Who said starter classes cannot be OP though? Caster TM is, Str BHs are coming out more and more, or some of older builds that allowed Mercs to dominate as well as TMs. Classes are made all for variety not power thus point of starter classes being free because they cannot be OP apparently is irrelevant since that statement is wrong and you can get data from in-game.

xGreen Warriorx -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (9/23/2012 18:19:53)

I support Cyber Dream's idea. All players should be able to easily experience more variety with 2 classes. It will keep more people playing for longer, which is always a good thing.

Stabilis -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (9/23/2012 19:13:48)

You might think of this as a silly suggestion (I have saved multiple silly suggestions over the years by the way)... and... this may be thought of as classic or unoriginal... but what if at level 25, players are permitted to participate in a mission that as a reward allows the player to class change to the evolved class or if not, award a bonus 25 000 credits (50% of class change)?

deltaknight7 -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (10/3/2012 20:01:12)

maby but better be a long hard mission

zion -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (10/4/2012 5:09:19)

Since they didn't make the new classes stronger, just different - I think you should have the ability to be the base class or the evolved class based on a mission. Purchasing class change would take you to a different 2 classes.
Example: Start as TM, at level?? you can do a mission that switches you to BM and vice-versa for no cost. If you want to be Merc/TLM or BH/CH you need to purchase class change (I'm thinking only Varium option) and get the cheevo. The number one reason why this makes sense? Class-specific equipment don't differentiate which type of mage, merc, hunter you are, it allows for more creativity and lowers the crazy amount of credits you need for everything even though they come so slowly.

theholyfighter -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (10/5/2012 9:30:07)

Think about it. If this game's balance is truely fixed, the issue of changing to the next OP class would be meaningless. Besides, it encourages people to try the starter classes more.

Mother1 -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (10/5/2012 9:36:29)

^ However the game isn't balanced in the least. certain builds are destroying all of the others and starter classes are no exception to this. If the game was truly balanced maybe but for now no.

theholyfighter -> RE: Should be able to change back to your starting class without paying. (10/5/2012 9:56:48)

Yea thats the point~ That's why I added the part which the classes have to be balanced to some degree~

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