Items, Upgrades and its benefits on you? (Full Version)

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Digital X -> Items, Upgrades and its benefits on you? (9/26/2012 15:06:56)

Hey guys, just a thread idea popped up in my head, which item have you purchased or which upgrade did you choose that has had the largest benefit to your character/s ? this can be a promo, a new bot, weapon, anything.

For me it would be the Gamma Bot, i was extremely hesitant on purchasing this promo because i just saw the damage in the pack and didn't think it would be that good, but then upon creating a 5 focus build with moderately high tech it really did shine through and was the main reason why i even started using a Focus build in the first case (and also one of THE main reasons why anyone would, but you get the idea)

So, what has been yours, and why?

Mother1 -> RE: Items, Upgrades and its benefits on you? (9/26/2012 15:11:50)

Mine would be my first promo package with came in the heartbreaker saga. While I no longer have the Azreal curse I still have the Azreal borg, and even though I have every other bot then Gamma, The Azreal borg is my perfect robot partner.

Stabilis -> RE: Items, Upgrades and its benefits on you? (9/26/2012 15:46:11)

Like most Beta Testers, the Beta weapons. At a considerable status of player level +3 in damage and 50+ stat points before enhancements AND no requirements, these weapons permitted questionable versatility that let me use any form of build and challenge other players in battle.

The Beta weapons are weapons I wish everyone could have... because who likes requirements limiting their build choice?

DanniiBoiixD -> RE: Items, Upgrades and its benefits on you? (9/26/2012 15:54:26)

Gamma Bot and Bike. I sold the bike. I had frostbane. Sold it cause' of nonvariums bragging on maple cleaver. I'm currently a non varium, with the exception of my gamma bot. And ever since I bought my first varium package, I've been saying to myself. Varium really changes your play style.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Items, Upgrades and its benefits on you? (9/26/2012 17:01:08)

Founder Armor, used it until delta knight came out.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: Items, Upgrades and its benefits on you? (9/26/2012 17:03:43)

the eggzooka and energy eggzooka were definitely the best money ive spent on this game. they are well worth the varium i enhanced them with.
for a while the stun blasters were a good investment, but now they are not a very big part of the builds i use. next to the eggzookas, the delta staff
and delta daggers are my best investment. for robots, the gamma bot is definitely the best bot for me. its the only one i use now. i just wish id kept
the gamma bike as well. delta knight is the best armor for me now. well, we will have to see what this new armor is like haha.

Wraith -> RE: Items, Upgrades and its benefits on you? (9/26/2012 19:29:23)

Biggest use?


Ever since it's release in march 2011, it's been the only Aux I've used.

For over a year and a half.

MrBones -> RE: Items, Upgrades and its benefits on you? (9/26/2012 21:34:51)

Wraith is right.

My eggzookas have been the only auxi I have use since the first day of their release.

Wootz -> RE: Items, Upgrades and its benefits on you? (9/27/2012 8:57:56)

The Delta weapons. Perfect weapons for all classes!

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