Weird Case - The invisible HR tags (Full Version)

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monsti -> Weird Case - The invisible HR tags (9/30/2012 6:06:38)

Dear all,

I have a problem with HR tag on my guild thread (click my sig to access it).

I have many HR tags to create horizontal dividers for the separation of different content sections.

But, strangely, several HR tag lines seem to be invisible.

More strangely, when I try to zoom in/out, the HR tag lines reappears!


(Text block)
(Line 1)
(Text block)
(Line 2)
(Text block)
(Line 3)
(Text block)

When I view the page, Line 2 may be invisible,
When I zoom in, Line 2 will become visible! But, Line 1 and Line 3 may go invisible.

I have tried to debug, such as add a line before Line 2.

Further Example:
(Text block)
(Line 1)
(Text block with a NEW random Line added between the text)
(Line 2)
(Text block)
(Line 3)
(Text block)

What happens is New Line will be invisible, but the original Line 2 will turn visible.

Anyone knows the reason for this?
Is it because I am using internet explorer?
Does other browsers have the same issue?



Geek -> RE: Weird Case - The invisible HR tags (9/30/2012 10:52:10)

They're there on my end. Try clearing your cache? I would not recommend using IE. Chrome happens to be the best ATM.

Hope I helped!

Niki -> RE: Weird Case - The invisible HR tags (9/30/2012 13:55:34)

I'm using IE8 and IE9 with latest service packs and didn't notice such issue. Make sure your browser screen zoom is 100%, other values might cause that effect.

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