Guardians of Fate (Full Version)

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Beos -> Guardians of Fate (10/1/2012 2:47:05)


Focus: The protection of the planet. The guardians are a neutral party, sworn to neither good nor evil, though the opinions of each member are widely different.

Requirments and how to join: This information is listed on the Clan website. To join you must submit a full character biography and to be added to the i-game guild list, you must be level 40.

Forums: here


The Recruits: A member who is below level 40. Has no privileges other than posting in approved parts of the forums. Recruits will be assigned a Lord to follow. Once you reach level 40, you will be able to to chose your own lord.

The Cursed: The lowest level of the guild ranks, just short of being kicked. Like recruits, they have have no privileges other than posting in certain parts of the forums. However they are also stripped of their title and any honor ranks they might have attained. This rank is only awarded to those who break the rules. In order to have their rank restored, all four Lords must be in agreement about it.

The Worthy: Those who have passed the tests required to join the GOF. Basic privileges with full access to the forum.

The Chosen (Limit of thirteen): The best of all the guardians. The show true strength and dedication to the cause. Grants full guild privileges and acces to full forums, plus a Chosen and higher only forum.

The Lords (Limit of three): Only the best of the best attain this level and even then they must remain a stalwart and upstanding member. Demotion from this rank is very common if the member is not careful. Full guild privileges, full forum access, access to Chosen forum, and many other privileges to be announced.

Sub ranks

Fiend Mage - Darkness

Blade Master - Metal

White Mage - Light

Dragon Born - Neutral

Water demon - Water

Fire Djinn - Fire

Knight of the Realm - Divine (limit of five)

The Master: Me

Our Lore

The Guradians of Fate were an army that exised outside of time. They were a neutral party, dedicated to no side. They watched over the world and cut down anyone who became to powerful. One day there was a schism. Half of the Guardians felt that they needed to take over Lore. The other half felt as if they should stay out of theruglar affairs of the people.

After heated arguing, war broke out. The Guardians turned on themselves. Brother was pitted against brother. After the dust settled, not a single Guardian was left alive. The Master moved on, looking to rebuild the order. He watched the warriors of Lore. No he is ready to rebuild. Will you heed his call and join the Guardians?




Guild Battle Music: Du Hast


Meetings will be held at mt house and last for about fifteen minutes. Anyone can come. I'll also have be on Twitter, answwering any questions that youi may have. Cheack back here pftem for dates and times. I'll have a short summary of what went on and any major decisions that we've made.

Our sig:


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