Specials Slot (Full Version)

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theholyfighter -> Specials Slot (10/5/2012 9:41:06)

Just as above. Weapons & Armors have a "Specials Slot", 1 slot at MAX. However, not to make this feature overused, I find it necessary to limit the items with the slot. I suggest that ONLY items that are LIMITED QUANTITY have it. Players HAVE TO BUY a slot to use it. I suggest 10,000 credits( since specials are thought of as a varium-only feature ). Then, from an NPC, (perhaps Vendbot, City Guard, or Alydriah) it owns a "Specials Shop", selling specials ( weaker than those specials from seasonal rares & promotional items ). I suggest selling a "Special" for 5000 credits.
1. A player only has to purchase a slot ONCE.
2. A player can only keep ONE special at once. If they want to use another special, they'll have to buy the other special.

They are just rough ideas tho.

gangster a -> RE: Specials Slot (10/5/2012 9:56:28)

^ what about a max of say 4 slots and then you would have to buy a new one after that

theholyfighter -> RE: Specials Slot (10/5/2012 10:04:38)

^ I was trying to inform " One slot per item." ,in order for the feature not to be overused~

gangster a -> RE: Specials Slot (10/5/2012 10:07:40)

^ i dont think people would agree with you but i think its good

theholyfighter -> RE: Specials Slot (10/5/2012 10:15:23)

Yea...it's a suggestion anyways... BTW, the purchasable specials have to be not-as-effective of course.

Stabilis -> RE: Specials Slot (10/5/2012 11:28:58)

Please, not % probabilities. If you do show us some % let them be constants.

I do support the general idea. These should not procure (cause and effect) on Strike, Sidearm, Auxiliary, Robot, skills, just because this allows hammering-type players to kill faster or disadvantage less from offence instead of defence.

If these specials procure when being attacked or over time or... it seems that EpicDuel lacks a complex battle structure and I can not name a third condition. So yeah, when being attacked or over time I am fine with.

theholyfighter -> RE: Specials Slot (10/6/2012 0:08:10)

Was thinking about something like Platinum's Pride, a once per battle skill and being able to decide when to use it.

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