dethhollow -> RE: =MtAK= From the depths of an Alien Beard. (10/12/2012 9:03:46)
I'm back, with more questions and 50% less answears.... Ready? Can one really just walk into Mordor? One does not simply Wakka Wakka into Mordor. Why can't my sword cut through rice paper?!?! Not enough Friendship. The world's suppy of chocolate has fallen into the hands of Bill Gates.... Who do you put together in a sniper team to take him out? Seeing as he's a philanthropist...I don't. Bad news... turns out Bill had already sold it over the brown market. Tell your fellow fourmians what the heck went wrong. I ate it. You track the shipment down and it ends up in the hands of Zorbak. Without panicing, explein why dog's can't look up. Cause they don't like their lips. Deadpool breaks into your house and steals your wallet, quickly, figure out a way to catch a fish using a peperclip, 30 pounds of fireworks, a flashlight, and a blue pillow! I pick it up with my hands. Macgyver as a doctor.... Good idea, or absolutely horrible one? All 3. Well, until next time!