RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (Full Version)

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dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/3/2012 12:09:23)

2 levels away from the next custom weapon tier.... -5 BtH, 0% Special, level 118 pure water damage!

I call it.... The Nautican Blade of Insults or NBoI!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/3/2012 13:14:43)

I was thinking of something similar dethhollow, undecided whether to go for a spear or sword though, as for the lean for the spear I am thinking -4 BTH rather than -5, just seems a bit too much especially if I go for the sword; in which case I may go for no lean. 0% special is good for now though it will be interesting to see if the burn or paralyzing additional effects will change that when they are finished. Either way Dynami you had better watch out. I am thinking of the name 'Dynami's Bane' or 'Sword/Spear of Dynami's Bane'.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/7/2012 22:12:23)

Alright, let the round.... Begain! Wait, I have to at least try to say something original........ Starting cake-a-saurus... Sauron.... Rat. Yeeaaahhhh.....

Anyways, Oliver, didn't know you could tell if I've read a PM or not. Havn't logged in the fourms for a little while. There just hasn't really been as much of a reason to. I used to log on almost every day to visit the RPA but... well, that's a different story.

Ready Paxians? In the wise words of Wallo: "Go kill something and get paid!"

EDIT: 17 waves down, and I should probably get a certain item to help my accuracy while it's on my mind.

11 more waves down, and I'm increadibly close to the next custom weapon level!

17 more waves down. So I came out distracted and defeated 45 Dynami waves this round.... Probably could've done better, but it's a decent ammount for someone not used to really Warmongering. I'll be back in about an hour for the ending screenshot!

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/8/2012 14:21:10)

In the words of some great Dynami fighters, Bring it. You shall never prevail....NEVAH!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/9/2012 0:17:48)

Oh we are Spanish.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/9/2012 22:11:22)

And here is the ENDING SCREENSHOT! Oh gosh, what to say now.... Meh, you tried your best.

Zero idea who won/ lost, but I'm going with that!

And now for the results!

In hopes of continueing this Dynami slide we would like to claim B8 and B7 from them. Things are starting to heat up in this contest.

You and me both.... Aerodu gained 298 points while Dynami gained... dadada dada da ba duhh da daa! Actually, Dynami LOST 283 points! Which means Dynami, you've been Turkied! Aerodu gains both spaces!

Now for Dynami. They attacked A8 and B12. Failing an attack on Aerodu, lets see if Geoto did any worse. Geoto lost 42 points, so Dynami did not take thier space. Sorry.

And finally, for Geoto. After sending me thier plan twice, they chose to cookie A13 and B1. And, so it shall be cookied worse than if Bob the Baker himself tried to do the job! 2 more Dynami spaces down!

Overall, good Turkey Paxia. Let's keep it up next week as well! 2 more good turns, and we'll wipe Dynami off the map and have a fair 1-on-1 Paxian clan duel! Till next week. Parting is such sweet sorrow!

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/9/2012 23:10:58)


Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/10/2012 0:40:36)

Another good week, which is surprising considering the BURP war, ususally Dynami get huge scores during a war.

we'll wipe Dynami off the map and have a fair 1-on-1 Paxian clan duel
Well we will need to exterminate Glacius first for that to happen, though that should not be difficult.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/10/2012 0:45:32)

What do you mean we? Your the only ones who can get there[;)]

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/14/2012 23:28:25)

And, finally, it's time for round # TEN!

.... And yes, I did run out of creativity with the link names.

EDIT: 7 waves down! And now 11 more waves, so thats... 18 for today.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/15/2012 1:53:10)

Good luck everyone, just two more weeks of winning and we can seal Dynami's doom.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/15/2012 13:44:41)

Why is everyone hatin' on us?

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/15/2012 14:22:57)

'Cause your the big bald baddies.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/15/2012 15:21:39)

We're not bald!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/15/2012 15:26:58)

It's not so much hatin' Diggy, as much as resisting.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/16/2012 1:31:22)

Considering how much Dynami has enjoyed dominating us over several weeks I think we are owed the opportunity to do the same now the tide has turned.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/16/2012 10:19:08)

So you don't even try to be better and just gladly hop down onto the level we are? This is why we can't have nice things, everyone is fighting fire with fire until the whole island burns.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/16/2012 21:12:14)

We don't need no water; let the Link! Link to the end of the round! Fresh off the press!

It's an old saying that's been in my family for -1 generations. Anyways, this round is OVER! I should've probably attacked more, but... ehh, yeah.

First off, Dynami's plans. In case you didn't know, I do these in the order they're sent. No more distractions! Dynami decided to attack A7 and B7, both Aerodu and Geoto! Dynami actually lost 301 points. But, did the other clans do worse? Aerodu gained 368 points. Meanwhile, Geoto gained 96 points. So Dynami has failed both attacks.

Geoto attacked B2 and B3. Both Dynami. They gaimed the spaces, see above for scores, and insert mildly creative discription.

Aerodu, to wuote them again....

Frostval is here and Kibbles is giving more than just Gold. He is giving Aerodu B6 and A14.

Wouldn't it have been hilarious if Dynami went back to scoring 1-2,000 points this round. Just so Kibbles would look like a jerk.... Anyways, Aerodu gained both spaces. Now, they just have to add salt.

Now for the real intresting part. I should have the map updated a minute or so after posting this and, as you can see, the only remaining Dynami spaces are B4 and B5.... Aerodu will have to attack Geoto. I love how this game is turning out! Dynami, the once proud superpower, is near death. And now the remaining clans will be right at each other. Will Dynami make a comback while Aerodu and Geoto are potentially fighting each other? Will Aerodu beat Geoto or vise-versa? And now that Dynami's gone who the heck will I farm on weekends!?!?

Once again, I am so glad things took this turn of events instead of having it be another round where everyone only fights Dynami, or if Dynami just decimated everyone. You will have to watch your defense scores closely so that you can be sure that not only does Dynami die, but that the other clan doesn't beat you. Have fun gathering anti-Wind/ anti-Earth monster equiptment!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/16/2012 21:57:40)

And now the plot thickens! Who shall be the victor in this fight? The rebellion enters its next phase. Beware the power of a united Aerodu!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/17/2012 0:58:08)

I would like to propose that Aerodu and Geoto hold off on open hostilities with each other until Dynami is beaten completely, then we can fight each other without any nasty surprises.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/17/2012 1:02:18)

Sure, I guess one week of one move won't kill us.

Tuss -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/17/2012 7:28:53)

I'd like to request that that small white gap between B4 and B5 be coloured in. It makes it look like we don't mean business.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/17/2012 13:14:37)

I would like to propose that Aerodu and Geoto leave Dynami alone because they also spared Glacius. Otherwise I'd have to call them hypocrites.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/17/2012 13:47:18)

That small gap is the last of Unity's terrain, lol!

Anyways, Geoto did finish off Nocturu and Lucian. It's alittle late to call hypocrit.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread #2 (12/17/2012 15:18:20)

It's never late for that. Not as long as Glacius still lurks in that corner.

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