Another way to donate. (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Hamad -> Another way to donate. (10/10/2012 14:44:44)

In the UAE we have iTunes card, 25$,50$ and 100$
I think it would be nice if we can donate with iTunes, many countries got 5 ways to donate by cards,
When i check the '' get points '' section i didn't find iTunes, so please make iTunes way to donate [:D]

deltaknight7 -> RE: Another way to donate. (10/10/2012 21:30:09)

u want to have it so itune card work in artix to give u points? this would never happen

Stabilis -> RE: Another way to donate. (10/10/2012 22:39:35)

How this would work on iTunes is that iTunes would host an ios supported file such as garageband from Artix Entertainment to be distributed. EpicDuel is not made for Apple users much less Apple so this would not likely be happening until for example Apple buys out AE which is not likely.

Hatsuka -> RE: Another way to donate. (10/12/2012 2:12:31)

He means donate, Not buying varium [:D]

Stabilis -> RE: Another way to donate. (10/12/2012 7:33:59)

He wants Artix Points, from iTunes.

Hamad -> RE: Another way to donate. (10/12/2012 11:44:06)

So.. this wont happen ? :|

Stabilis -> RE: Another way to donate. (10/12/2012 12:00:15)


Mmm, no, unless you can find EpicDuel in the iTunes store.

EDIT: to be able to buy Artix Points, it would have to be an add-on. Since EpicDuel is not in the store, there is no add-on, so the points can not be bought.

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