Suggestion! (Full Version)

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Necro_Fire -> Suggestion! (10/12/2012 8:36:54)

I was thinking about how much technology advanced in the last 10 years, and thought about AE having an app for android and iphone.
Pretty much everyone today has a smart/android/I phone.
And i've heard of a lot of people going on holidays, or people being unable to acces any part of the AE community.
Because it is pretty much unnecessary/unuseful for the games to have apps for so many reasons, I.E; too small screens and incapability to run flash,
I've thought about a different approach.

My suggestion is to make an Official AE Forum app.
This way, people who are M.I.A so to speak, still get the updates of their favorite games.
Also, it would boost the forum activity of many people and has the chance to boost player activity psychologically.
Since they're already thinking about the game, the chances are they're pretty much going to play it as soon as they get home or to a computer.

Commercially. it's a great way to advertise, because people who don't know AE, may see the app in the app stores.
Optionally you could put an option of wich forum to view first, so you could add a small advertisement for example; Token or AC packages for the specific game.
Perhaps a free version with ads and a "pro" version without.

Making an app has been made so easy these days, so i see no reason why AE shouldn't have one!

Anyways, this is my suggestion to you, do with it whatever you want.
All i want to see is AE becoming more awesome then it already is^^

Grixus Faldor -> RE: Suggestion! (10/19/2012 19:59:49)

I think a mobile version of the forum has been discussed before, although I'm unsure of the outcome of those discussions. That said, an app isn't something that's created overnight and I imagine the forum devs have a huge workload as is. It would be nice, but I don't see anyone outside of the forum community using the app.

Necro_Fire -> RE: Suggestion! (10/20/2012 5:30:05)

Yeah, but it isn't something that has to be rushed.
I just thought it'd be a nice expansion for the forum and it would make the forum (even) more active.

Like i said, people who are unable to get behind a computer because of holiday, power-outs, etc, will still be able to get the latest news of their games.

Also, advertising helps a lot. Good chance that, if this were advertised on the homepages of the sites, more people will register to the forum.

However i also see the side-effects; with a b-load more people on the forum, it's going to be more difficult to moderate.

On the bright side, making an app has even been made so easy that even people with no programming knowledge and/or skills are capable of producing a decent app.

An alternative would be making the forum "mobile-friendly", but i reckon that is a whole lot more work.

Grixus Faldor -> RE: Suggestion! (10/20/2012 6:45:56)

The forum is still accessible on a mobile device provided it's viewed width-wise. Just because there's no app or mobile version of the forum doesn't mean that it cannot be used on a mobile or tablet device. As I said before, those interested in the forum have already got accounts and are generating ad revenue all the same, creating an app will be a drain on human resources.

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