Energy Blade Eastside (Full Version)

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golden1231 -> Energy Blade Eastside (10/14/2012 11:28:12)


Energy Blade Eastside

Location: Hostile Takeover by EbilCorp -> Missions -> East Side
Objective: Congratulations! You bested the EbilCorp guard and got the information to the SDF!
Requirements: None
Release Date: October 12th, 2012

  • EbilCorp Security

  • Xena
  • [link=]SDF Guard[/link]
  • [link=]Associate[/link]

    Xena: <You>! It's dangerous for you to be here!
  • Oh? Why?
    Xena: Chairman P and Mr. Z have called everyone into a meeting!
  • Wow...
    Xena: Wynonna will contact the SDF when it's safe but you need to warn anyone left on the East Side!
  • Oh boy!
    Xena: Be careful of the EbilCorp Guards, and be safe, <You>!
  • YOU be safe!!

    EC Guard: Hey! You're supposed to be in the Ebil Sales Conference with the rest of the student workers!
    <You>: Yeah but...
    EC Guard: I don't know what you're playing at, but Chairman P isn't going to like it!
    <You>: *Sigh* we seriously always have to do this stuff the hard way...

    (After defeating enemy:)
    SDF Guard: Chairman P is definitely up to something.
    Associate: <You>, we brought your mecha - you should jump in, just in case!

    Rewards Shop:
  • Valor Badge

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