RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (Full Version)

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8x -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/18/2012 15:25:36)

Hey :D
Hello :3

So... Which way does the Wind blow? :P
The question was to you, not for me ;) But I believe it can blow anywhere because it has freedom.

Do your fingers hurt from typing answers to Eventus' questions?
Yes I had to take a 3 hour break :s My eyes hurt more actually.

Why are there no cookies in your pockets? I tried to steal some...
Unfortunately I have been picket-pocketed by many others :/ Do not worry, I am going to buy some more soon!

Since you don't have any cookies can I steal your chairman bux?
Uh oh *Sells Chairman Bux*

Why are mercs fat?
Because NightWraith made them so ;). Even though mercs may say it is muscle we know the truth!

Bye Bye
See you!

Edit: I have time, so here are some random questions.
Edit: Okay

The fruit that Spongebob lives inside under the sea?

The symbol of the Euro currency obviously used in Europe.


Haha, your color, what are you going to do now?
It is not my colour! haha!!!, and even so I still have my italics and bold on :)

Smiley face?

Where did numbers in your name go? Did wind blow them away?
No actually, as SeaHawk came and sat on my numbers to take a rest. But as the wind was moving it pushed the friendly Seahawk of bringing the numbers down with it.

#0099FF isn't your editting color, is it?
Nope it isn't.

This is kinda fun?

Umm... Bye?
Uhmmm Bye.

Battle Elf -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/18/2012 15:51:55)

Hey Wind!
Hi Battle Elf!

It's so awesome you're an AK now, we've needed a new one for the Q&A for a while :).

What is your favorite non AE game?
Fable from Xbox, Kingdom Hearts from PS3. NBA 2K13, COD.

What's your favorite type of cookie?
The M&M cookies from Subway :D!

Not many cookies to steal, err I mean questions from me.
Been robbed :(

Congratz buddy!

Gingkage -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/18/2012 18:43:26)

Congratulations, Wind!
Thank you GingKage :D.

Only a couple questions from me, since I remember the first few days of being an AK, and they're pretty overwhelming.
Yes I know right, they are just... unbelievable.

If you could have anything from any one book, movie, TV show, or cartoon (anime counts as a cartoon in this case), what would you pick?
Other than a super hot girlfriend... A Genie lamb from Aladding which allows me to make more wishes ;).

Okay, so one question and a gift.
Ooh I love gifts.

*holds out a box* Inside this box is an infinite supply of one thing, and one thing only. What's in it?
Talent-Wisdom.... Why? Because with talent and wisdom I can make infinite of other things, by using my talents to make money and pick up girls ;).

That's all from me. Congrats again, and good luck.
Thanks again :D

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/18/2012 20:02:49)

Hey again. It's me again, here to flood you with more questions!
Oh you again...

Icy is insane. You obviously haven't seen Icy insane yet, then.
Well he seemed pretty sane when he helped in my Music Video!

Practel is also insane for not knowing how to spell his name right.

So how did LANDIS shackle you, then, if it's an absolute no-no? You must have some shackles if you're an AK!
He shackled me with the help of The Game.

You lost The Game if TG caught you despite the 0.1% capture rate.
I know right :s 0.1% The Game ended up winning..

What name would you have taken if Eventus took yours?
I would take Eventus... Right back at him!

Apparently people stole cookies from you. So that means you have cookies.
I do not! *hides cookies*

oooo... look at the pretty sky!! *snatches some cookies*
Not again >.>

Omnomnom... errm, what, these? Oh, I bought them at the store.
Really? Which store? Because I baked the exact same kind this morning!

TankMage bugged you to create this thread, yet he hasn't posted. Conspiracy much?!
Yes hmm... we should call him some more.

The Wind blows all directions, or none at all! Now join my faction.
Now come and find me first.

Is there a significance to the number 24?
The story behind it to how it became my favourite number. NOTE DISCLAIMER I DID NOT TAKE THE NUMBER 24 FROM KOBE BRYANT SINCE IT WAS MY NUMBER BEFORE HE USED IT. I was in year 1 in Primary School, then our deputy principal asked us to guess the age of her son and I guessed 24, and I was correct so it became my lucky number.

Do you like moose?
I love the moose.

Do you like potato?
Potatos are awesome... Since I am one ;)

Do you like wabbits?
I like them more than I hate them leave it at that...

Do you like cheeseburgers?
Yeah they are pretty tasty.

Do you not like EbilCorp?
Do I not know the correct answer to this questions?

Legion or Exile?

Exile or Legion?

I obtained the EpicDuel Guide to Britain, which area do you plan to conquer?
Some of Lycusland :)

I bet you regret not imposing a question limit, or a page limit, or any limit!
Not at all, this is good editing training.

Where is your new EDMV?
Where? Still in my head.

Is the glass half full or half empty?
Half full.

Why do you confuzzle people?
Because I can? But I usually don't.

So you approximate 97% of the AKs are insane. First, you're wrong. Second, if the AKs are insane, and LANDIS is the head of the AKs, does that mean LANDIS is the Head of Insanity?
What are you trying to say!? :O

Up or down?

Left or right?

If D.U.M offers you an invitation to join Dynami. Don't. Do. It. Join the clan of the WIND - Aerodu!
Uhmm ok?

Are you an EbilCorp follower?
A Double-double Agent.

You're working for them, aren't you?

You sure?

Really sure?

Really really sure?!

Really really really really sure?!?!

You're still required to join the other insane people in IRC.
I have already done so :)

You're also supposed to get more insane people into IRC.

What does IRC stand for? Hmm...
I Run Circles.

First thoughts when becoming an ArchKnight?

Favorite AE game?

Favorite aspect of ED?
Chat to people while beating them up.

Favorite aspect of ED you look forward to?

Why did you not stick 'I will not answer questions previously asked' as a rule?
Because training.

Bad move. Very bad move.
I know =.=

Enjoy the endless stream of questions. To make your MtAK much, much harder (and memorable!) I have decided not to put your edit color tags. :D
Oh wow I actually did not realise it HAHA!



XapApp -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/19/2012 3:43:13)

*poke poke* Hello sir, the wind blows this way! *points to this post*
Oh So it does!

Wi-Wi-Wi- Wigimon Wigital--- I summon Wind, the ArchElement! I choose you, Bakugan Roll and Let it rip!

3,2,1 Let it rip! Go Dragoon (Wind Dragon, Beyblades season 1!!!)

Which references did you get from my previous line?
Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Bakugan and Beyblades. As for the ArchElement I don't know?

Who belongs in the empty space in the following? ____y Days to come!

Me (wind :D)

How's the weather today?
It was cloudy, but then had some late showers.

Did you know this actually is my first time posting on a MtAK/MtM thread?

I had no idea. But I am happy you posted your first one in mine.

Wind goes round and round, right? So do the wheels on my bus!
Ok turbo...

What do you think of the way I'm placing each line in this thread? Wierd? Confusing? Annoying? Lame?


I'm wondering how you're gonna edit this post with it like this, oh and am I allowed to edit this post with more stuff after you've edited it? Or do I have to make another post?
Make another post.

How do you measure wind?

You can't really measure it... except by using a proper experiment. The way I would measure it is use the wind to blow a marble on a flat surface, then see how far the marble rolls.

If eVentus is the Whispering Wind of Fate, what are you?
The Whispering Wind of Awesomeness

Windy Days to Xap!


estehmanisdinginnn -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/19/2012 8:47:29)

1. C
2. o
3. n
4. g
5. r
6. a
7. t
8. u
9. l


Mecha Mario -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/20/2012 2:22:15)

Wind, congrats on becoming an AK!
Thank you very much Mecha!
I think you need to make another EDMV soon. :D
I think you may be correct! Soon...
No bag of your favorite cookies for you if you don't make another EDMV soon. :3
Whaat! How are you going to stop me from walking to my local Subway and purchase my favourite M&M Cookies hmmm? Going to fly to Australia aha?
Dat is all. Good luck, and have fun!
Thank you!

P.S: Thanks for laying out my editing colour :)

Ianthe -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/20/2012 3:44:42)

Hey! So, I had a bunch of questions, but I ran them through the Bad Translator. What I want you to do is to answer all of them, but run your answers through the Bad Translator so that we're speaking the same language. (For best results, run all your answers through at the same time!)
Oh goodie!

WILL, too. Water?
Will water it that?

The Sun is?
It is a canvas big bullet of gas brlant.

He today?
Who today is?

If you have a good test?
I have a good proof to.

Global design suggestions?
Make the World a cube instead of a Correction of the sphre.

Correction what.

Slowly, very slowly?
I am fast enough rellement.

Can I tell you?
You can say me whatever.

rayniedays56 -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/20/2012 15:01:41)


2: If your sock drawer has 6 black socks, 4 brown socks, 8 white socks, and 2 tan socks, how many socks would you have to pull out in the dark to be sure you had a matching pair?
I would only have to pull out two socks because I had my night-vision goggles on.
5 because there are only 4 colors

3: If I say "Everything I tell you is a lie," am I telling you the truth or a lie?
The truth.
Lie because I said everything I tell you is a lie

4: I have rivers without water,
Forests without trees,
Mountains without rocks
Towns without houses.
What am I?
Your Imagination.

A map :3

5: Mom and Dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family?
7 because the daughters EACH have 1 brother. They are all related, therefore, there is only 1 brother.

6: What question can you never honestly answer yes to?
This one.
"Are you asleep?"

7: Had enough of my riddles? NO?!
I don't Know.
You know you love the Rayne :)

8: You approach two talking doors. One door leads to the City of Truth, while the other door leads to the City of Liars. You do not know which door is which. You are able to ask only one question to determine which door is which. The door that leads to the City of Liars always speaks lies, while the door that leads to the City of Truth always speaks the truth. You want to go to the City of Truth. What question do you ask to determine which door leads to the City of Truth?
"If I were to ask the other door which door leads to the city of truth, what would he say?" and then you pick the opposite door of what he tells you.
Nice google search, but an easier way is "Do both doors lead to the City of Lies/Truth?" If the door say's "YES" choose the opposite door. If it say's "NO" choose THAT door :3

Have a Raynie day! :D

TankMage -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/21/2012 9:24:06)

Windy! Thought it was about time I replied and gave you some congratulations.

*gives Wind congratz*
*Receives and thanks*

Some say the Chicken came before the Egg, others say vise versa. Thoughts?
In the beginning God created birds first, the Bible does not mention anything about creating eggs. I believe the bird came first because God could have made a Chicken from just dust therefore there was not any need for an egg, it would have been God's decision to make birds come from an egg prior to creating the bird first.

Me thinks the wind needs to blow in the direction of the Irc a bit more often ;)
It will be soon.

So it would seem fairly obvious that the % of AKs that are insane is rising by the day, how can we stop you from joining them?
You cannot stop the wind.

^ Trick question, it's impossible not to become insane
True ;)

Anywho, I'll be nice and leave it at that
Aww D:

Congratz again and cya in the IRC *waves*
Certainly, see you in-game as well.

Goony -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/21/2012 20:09:32)

Hiya Wind,
G'day Goony.

Congratulations on becoming an AK :)
Thanks a bunch :D

Ozzie, Ozzie, Ozzie...

Your response color needs to be darker, I can't read your answers without my glasses:(
Oh I am very sorry, it is a bit late to change it now. I suggest highlighting my edits with your cursor. Very sorry :(

What do you think SMGS and Eventus would do if you just deleted all the spam questions from their posts?
They would definitely be unhappy, but they can't really do anything right.... except reporting me to my Boss for being bad O.o?

That's all cobber, digger, bluey, sport, maaattttteeeeee.... All the best and cya ingame :)
Aha Cheers, will do :P

Chosen 0ne -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/21/2012 20:46:37)

1.) Hello wind, first off, congratz!
Thank You

2.) If your traveling at a car going faster than the speed of light and you turned your headlights on, what would happen?
It would take a few seconds for the light to actually appear after you have turned them on

3.) What is your favorite Pokemon?
Damm there is honestly too many really. 436+ It would probably be Ditto, can change into any other pokemon.

4.) Mac or PC?
Darn another good question. I have used Windows PC's all my life but I am currently using a mac which I am now used to. I would say Windows since I am dedicated and I have used it longer. Plus windows 7 split screen is very helpful.

5.) Earth, water, or fire?

6.) Why am I asking you questions?
I cannot answer that question.

7.) Are you sure?

8.) Have you eaten any AK cookies?
Not yet, thanks for reminding me.

9.) How do they taste?
I will tell you when I find out.

10.) Do they have chocolate chips in them?
Unsure I believe there are a few types.

11.) Is eleventeen you favorite number too?

Mr. Black OP -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/21/2012 21:26:27)


In most MtAKs I would ask you a series of trick questions with a hidden message inside of them...
Oh ok then :D!

I feel lazy right now.
Awwww D: Well do post some later then!


Hope you don't break wind (double meaning [:D]).
Haha so funny.... Wind has two meanings they, wind (verb) wind (noun).

Lycus -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/22/2012 10:06:04)



Does the Wind blow North, South, East or West?
It blows through all four of those directions.

How are things going!?
It is going really really REALLY good! :D.

Lucky number/s?

Favourite animal?
Pokemon... If not then probably a bird.


I love basketball! I play the sport and love it a lot. If we ever meet one day, we have to play some ball :P.

Have fun, and good luck!
Thanks again :D!

Smackie El Frog -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/23/2012 9:57:20)

Oh hai wind
Oh hello Smackie

Huge congrats again mate!
Thanks buddy.

So chunky or creamy peanut butter?
Chunky peanut butter :D

You have a build almost complete with 1 stat left over. This one stat could increase each of your 4 main stats up 1 rank, which do you use it on? (str, dex, tech or supp)?
I'd use it on Dexterity, because not only does it boost my defence and block chance. I am also a Caster Tech Mage at the moment, using Overload and Plasma rain each which improves with dexterity.

Who's your favorite musician?
There are too many for me to just say one.

What's your favorite faction outside of your own?
Dam there is quite a lot, but since I can only think of one now. The Evil Council... happy?

Take care and cya around delta V!
Yeap will do!

Rayman -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/23/2012 15:47:24)

Hello Windy
Hello Rayman



What's you'r fav build ?
Caster Mage builds.

And Fav ED Stat? (str,dex etc)

Well I don't have the head to ask moar right now, so that's all.

MirageD -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/23/2012 16:07:21)

hiya wind [;)]
Heya mira :D

congrats !! i don't have any questions but i wanted to stop by and say hi *waves*
Ohh ok!!! *Waves


xGreen Warriorx -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/23/2012 17:24:52)

Hi Wind. Congrats and all that stuff.
Haha thanks.

Is your favorite color blue? You will NEVER guess what my fav color is. [;)]
Blue isn't really my favourite colour. Green?

How about your second favorite color?
Possibly green.

Third? Fourth? My little bro knows his fav colors all the way to 20. Changes every time he says them though lol. How about you?
Yeah I don't know that many.

Do you have fun answering these Qs or are you annoyed at all the time it wastes? *coughSMGscough*
I have fun since they are my friends asking the Q's.

That's about it. Have a windy day. :)
Thanks :p.

Edit: Added a little something.
Edit: What?
Edit2: This: *coughSMGscough* [8D]

D.v.D. -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/23/2012 21:37:06)

Now for the Questions! YAY!
Haha thank you!

1. What Kind of fishy business do you have?
Uhm... no fishy business :o?

2. What kind of fish do you have?(I has fish too)
They are Koi and fighting fish, but they are really small.

3. I'm SURPRISED this haven't been asked. Do you play any instruments?
WOW I JUST REALISED THAT TOO! Yes I play the Trumpet. I used to play the piano but I quit.

5. Is this font hard to read?
Nope, because I read it in the same font when I am editing.

6. Did you notice there was no 4?
No I did not realise.

7. Do you get irritated from all of this questions?
Not really...

8.Are you double jointed?AKA Hypermobility
Only my left thumb is double jointed.

9.How big is your tank?
It's a pond for the koi. And for the fighting fish, it is about 25cmx20cmx15cm.

Have fun with those question Also are you in to aquatic plants? &Iwill come back with moar questYAWNs later
No I am not. Ok.

XapApp -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/24/2012 4:05:09)

I'm back!
Uh oh.

About the "ArchElement" thing from my previous post, that was connected to the Yu-Gi-Oh reference. Picked up Arch from ArchKnight and added what you are to make ArchElement. o_o

Ohh true I get it now.

About the weather question from the previous post, I was actually expecting you answer "Windy" or something related. :P - Well you said you had late showers so I guess what rayniedays56 wished you came true. "Have a Raynie day!". What I wished also came true. "Windy days to Xap!" - I've been having windy days now. :D
Aha nice.

Did you know that this is my second time posting in a MtAK/MtM thread?

Yes I did.

When does this MtAK thread of yours close? :O
Usually 2 weeks after I created the thread. But in this case, after 3 days of no posts.

Blow me away!!!

Uhmmm ok... *whoosh

Scyze -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/24/2012 5:28:38)

Haha, some moreeeeeeeee!

What is your favorite dessert?
Ice-Cream Cake.

Do you like fast food?
Fast food is good because then I don't waste time.

Money or life?

When is your favorite part of the day?
Coming home after school and sleeping. Playing games.

Do you like Apple products?
They are alright.

Why are you here?


I think I saw you last night outside, was that you?
I did not go outside last night, so it was not me.


kingpowerlord -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/24/2012 11:08:38)

congratz windy, nice to see a fellow forumite become an ak [:D]

so lets start shall we

to answer your question, the wind bllows from the southern hemisphere.


poke oh or yugimon?

which is your favourite ae game?

do you like lord barrius' pony collection?
What pony collection? Yes It is very nice >.> :3

can you asl lord barius if i can borrow a pony?
Well I don't know Lord Barrius that well yet, but we will see.

i prefer ponies over cookies but you can give me cookies...
No way!

waiting for the cookies...

any time now...

well guess smgs took all your cookies :) ill have to hunt down eventus for some ebil cookies then.


aw revoir

asta la vista



hdabvye a gholoed tkibmse ahs ajn ahk ahnld bougy mfe skohmle ckofolkeibejs*

*the code is eliminate every second letter once you start a word :)
*I was a bit lazy so I skipped the last 5 lines.

well see ya around,
Yup will do.

Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/25/2012 21:11:17)


Shall we dance with the Wind?
I don't know... I cannot dance that well :s

Its Coxy Time :D
Oh great :o

/me grabs his shotgun
/me grabs his machine gun.

Oh this little old shotgun you ask, its just a little something I used when people used ~ with their name when I did my MtAKs, so I thought I keep doing it by using it on New target practices ArchKnights like yourself :D
Oh this machine gun? I use it when other AK's come to my thread saying its their time and ask for a dance.

Now before I get you, I thought I ask you some things, sounds good?
You won't ever get me... But yeah sounds good!

1. How did you come up with your name, Wind?
Wow... This question comes up a lot... Well Wind is one of the awesome elements out there. And also it was my friends desktop password which I stole form him when we were like 7 or 8 years old.

2. Why are you going all over the place like wind?
Because I am the Wind.

3. You enjoying yourself as an ArchKnight with all those shiny buttons?
Very Shiny indeed :3

4. Hows your shackles? (I have none since I keep breaking them and I don't know why I keep coming, shiny buttons)
My shackles are pretty loose on me at the moment. I may need to ask The Game or LANDIS to tighten them.

5. Who is my bro? (No Hints for you :O)
Uhmmm King Coxy? Count Coxy, Duke Coxy?

6. You like My Little Ponies :D?
They are quite nice yes.

7. Whats your favorite non AE game?
Fable, Kingdom Hearts, Halo, COD.

8. /me steals cookies and gets his hand broken by the wind......ow
/me lol

9. Whats the answer of pie? (I want the current known answer :O)
uhm... 3.1416? (rounded fourth number to 6 because my maths teacher told me to do so).

10 You think you had enough Coxy Time?
Not really.

Sounds good, I guess I be on my way /me fires his shotgun and runs way along with the wind
/me escapes and fires machine gun back.

Congratz and have fun
Thanks! Will do.

Have an awesome day now
You too.

lolo666 -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/26/2012 8:34:16)

Hi this is Lolo666 / The Deathgirl

Congratz on being an AK! :P

Okay Lets proceed to the questions:

1. Which has more job to do? Programming or Designing?
I would say programming.

2. Answer This riddle : o t t f f s s _ _ _
I don't know.

3. U USED GOOGLE!! So when u were Searching i got your cookies :P
No I did not use google, because I honestly did not know the answer and therefore said that above. So you did not steal my cookies.

4. It was Yummy :)
Sure it was, nothing does taste quite nice I guess :P.

5. Wind or Wind?

6. Cake or Cake?

7. Pokemon or Epicduel? :O

8. I dare u to answer this question is RED COLOR!
Is RED COLOUR? Or In red colour?

9. How tall are you?
Tall enough to be shorter than Titan.

10. Are you planning to work for AE when u finish your studies?
Unless I wish to move to the US, not really. Although it would be awesome and quite nice, I cannot.

Thats about all! :D

~Lolo666 / The Deathgirl

Death Gigas -> RE: =MtAK= Which way does the Wind blow!? (10/26/2012 14:34:21)

Hey Wind!

First of all, congratulations at becoming an AK!
Thank you!

I have a few questions for you.

How long have you been playing EpicDuel?
5 Years, since 2007.

Are you looking forward to the new phase of EpicDuel?
Sort of.

If I threw a pie at you, how would you react? (Note: I might try this next time I see you.)
Well since I do not know you at all, I would probably chase you for a while. Then if you didn't apologize I would result to violence.

What are you looking forward to with your newly accommodated job?
Meeting with other fellow ArchKnights, and getting to know the community and it's people better.

Has everyone been nice to you so far?

Those are all the questions I can currently think of.

Good luck with your job, Wind!
Thanks again!

By the way, next time you meet me, I'll have a bag of cookies for you! That is, if no one eats them instead.
How would I know if it is you?

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