Jekyll -> RE: what do you think about ED's 100% prize? (10/19/2012 7:35:32)
No Bike wasn't even luxury item. Varium ones yes but Credit ones came out and people still bought them, so how was it luxury if it was free (Credits)? People are disappointing here, you get a FREE reward and you moan about it. Be unique about it, don't use the Bike, end of. Sucks to be you because everyone got reward. It's not any different in other games; L10 can get same rewards as top player yet no one moans about it. Deal with it. If it was a weapon, people would say it has crap stats or too high/low Level - completely fair. Bot? If it had crap ability, you'd cause crapstorm here because reward is disappointing. If you don't want the Bike, don't even get it. You'll be unique one without it, forever alone. We should never delve into the 'what-ifs'. Before you go on a rant, make sure that you don't make reckless assumptions like 'If it had crap ability, you'd cause crapstorm here' - rule of thumb. Bikes are supposed to be an end-game item. It's not good to see Level 1s with 0 wins riding on these bikes.