=ED= Balance Forum Rules (Full Version)

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Scakk -> =ED= Balance Forum Rules (10/19/2012 19:37:00)

The Rules of the EpicDuel Balance Forum

  • All Universal Forum Rules relating to posting behavior apply!
    These rules should be the first things you read when you join the forums. They apply everywhere; this means that any behavior prohibited by the Universal Rules is prohibited in this forum. This means no flaming, no trolling, no spamming your signature or emoticons, and no mentioning hacking. Period. 

  • Game Balance Discussion Only
    The only topics to be made in this forum are those related to the balancing of the game EpicDuel. Any topic created here needs to be done in a fashion to show why you believe there is a balance issue with the current state of something in game. If you are wanting to suggest something new as opposed to a balance issue then you would need to use EpicDuel Suggestions for that.

  • No Duplicate Topics
    If you have a topic in mind, please search the forum to see if someone had it first. If there is already a thread about your topic, please read it first to see if it covers your discussion. Posting a new thread about a topic already being discussed creates spam and only decreases the quality of discussion in each thread.

  • Do not Respond to a Rule-Breaking Post
    The proper course of action in this circumstance is to alert a member of the EpicDuel Forum Staff via PM. Check to be sure which ArchKnights are online before sending a PM to ensure the problem will be handled without delay.

  • No Spam
    Spam is anything that is not directly related to the topic at hand, as well as any additions to a post that are deemed superfluous and unnecessary. This includes (but is not limited to):
    • Do not comment on the thread if you have nothing else to add to the discussion.
    • Do not post off-topic replies which does not contribute to the discussion.
    • Do not post petitions, polls, ratings threads or surveys that is not valid for discussing.
    • No bumping of older topics (or otherwise known as necro-bumping) which has not been posted for more than 14 days.
    • Do not use image tags in your post; instead, use links for your screenshots.
    • Do not post video links that is not PG-13 (like offensive/profane material).
    • No oversize fonts, unnecessary/blinding color, or posting in all caps.

  • Scakk -> RE: <b>=ED= Balance Forum Rules (10/19/2012 19:41:07)

    If an issue arises within the EpicDuel Balance Forum (be it clarification of the rules, an issue with a specific user, or reporting rule violations), the following is a list of individuals to contact. If you wish to report threads in violation of the rules, you may contact any EpicDuel ArchKnight. If you have an issue with an EpicDuel ArchKnight, please contact the head moderator. If your issue is with the moderating staff, please contact [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/image] Scakk and/or [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/image] Zyrain.

    ED Balance Forum Head Moderator:

    [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/image] Battle Elf

    EpicDuel ArchKnights:

    [img]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/img] Digital X
    [img]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/img] Exploding Penguin
    [img]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/img] Kokujoe
    [img]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/img] TankMage
    [img]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/img] Teufel Hunden
    [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/image] WhiteTiger
    [image]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/image] Wind

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