2v2 Tag Team With Friend (Full Version)

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brysonboyy -> 2v2 Tag Team With Friend (10/21/2012 5:25:02)

You guys should make it to where you can invite and 2v2 with a friend...that would be cool

RageSoul -> RE: 2v2 Tag Team With Friend (10/21/2012 5:45:06)


XapApp -> RE: 2v2 Tag Team With Friend (10/21/2012 6:25:40)

You shouldn't gain any rewards from this because people would do what they used to do with the 1v1 Challenge, get another character of their's and challenge it to get rewards.

BinV2 -> RE: 2v2 Tag Team With Friend (10/21/2012 6:37:59)

that would be too OP because you could have any partner you want
and pvp is random people not people you want to be in the battle.

rayniedays56 -> RE: 2v2 Tag Team With Friend (10/21/2012 7:01:39)

Problem with this?

strength bm with 28-34+35+10 physical gun damage with a tech bh able to minus 50 dexterity.

That is horribly OP IMO, and the fact is, people WILL abuse it. If it is abusable, it WILL be.

XapApp -> RE: 2v2 Tag Team With Friend (10/21/2012 7:48:52)

If you don't get any rewards from this, it wouldn't matter if it's OP or not. People can use it just to have fun with their friends and/or test out 2v2 builds.

Lord Nub -> RE: 2v2 Tag Team With Friend (10/21/2012 11:14:23)

Supported as a new battle mode. I'm sure they have ways of tracking dummy players by now and in a new mode I doubt the challenge button would be any different. Also, closed servers need to be actually closed and send a warning to all left on the server that it will be kicking everyone off.

classifiedname -> RE: 2v2 Tag Team With Friend (10/22/2012 19:34:47)

guys he never said you would be on same teams.... just you'd be in same 2vs2.....
though that would be unessecary since i can already time my joining and 2vs2 with a freind.

i do not support it the way you proposed it

i would support it if
instead people should be able to do a just for fun round where you can have 3 freinds join you in a 2vs2 match. sorta like challenge battles.

or make it a new tournament style battle mode where you can choose your partner.

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