Sellback (Full Version)

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8x -> Sellback (10/21/2012 11:29:04)

Credit Sellback:
This is an idea that would help non-variums a lot. When you buy a credit item and try to sell it, you get 50% of your credits back. But what if the sellback increased over the time?

For example, +1% per week and it would be capped at 75%. So if you wait 25 weeks before selling your gear you would bet back 75% of your weapons original credit price.

Varium Sellback:
It should be 90% for 48 hours after purchasing the weapons and after 48 hours it would drop back down to 15%.

Ranloth -> RE: Sellback (10/21/2012 12:29:58)

I don't agree on the raising value since it doesn't make sense; you use weapon more and sell it back for more? If you did the opposite - 75% -> 50% over time - then I'd be good enough. Or just simply 50% would be already a great aid for everyone. That includes enhancements too, right?

As of to Varium one, all for yes. It's enough to give us some time to test it out and sell it back with minimal loss, just like AQ did it.

8x -> RE: Sellback (10/21/2012 13:11:50)

Yeah, I guess the credit sellback really doesn't make sense.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: Sellback (10/21/2012 13:23:08)

though it would be cool if perma rares increased in value over time.

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