~*Supra Kiing*~ -> Faction Memebers :D (10/21/2012 16:54:31)
I know When I'm in a new faction I'd like to see who's in it and what stuff they have etc... But I'd have to open up char-pages and then type the name in which some cases are annoying consider the other persons name and how they spell it. Instead How about we just go to our factions button where it shows the names of everyone and just click their name? and it'll open their Char - Page? I know this might be just basic and a lazy idea and it might have been suggested before but think about it?[:)] The little things matter the most [:D] But Seriously Wouldn't be a bad idea when and if cause the devs have spare time cause I know they are busy especially with the new updates and yea [8D] Thanks for Readin ~*$upra