Exploding Penguin -> RE: Poor sportsmen ship (10/23/2012 19:31:35)
Don't worry about it personally too much, it often happens in to me too. Sometimes when I'm testing out builds people say it's terrible, and I simply reply I was experimenting, and then for some reason they feel it's necessary that they taunt you and look down upon you for their own pleasure, typically also being a hypocrite in the process. I'd have to agree with Fay Beeee on this; I'd have to disagree with people who say to get over it or to say to deal with it because "it's a game." That entire concept is just ridiculous, saying to deal with it just because it's a game. Having people apprehended for poor virtous behavior on games actually can reflect their real life and make them a better person. Of course, we all are quite knowledgable that those people either are immature, have to let their anger out and don't know how, or any other numerous amount of problems. Although I'd suggest just ignoring out or looking through it at a positive way, I don't want to encourage the mentality that you have to deal with such behavior because it's on the internet or something. In my opinion, ED should have a seperate special category in the report section for people who just have poor sportsmanship like such, although I guess it could be put under harrassment. Being a poor sport and hurting others' feelings can not only ruin the offender's own life by not showing that such actions are not okay, but it also can discourage new players, and possibly a few older ones too, dragging them away from playing ED. Of course, this is just my speculation on things. It's not necessarily "correct," it's just what I'm suggesting.