Changing fame? (Full Version)

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ReinXI -> Changing fame? (10/24/2012 2:26:19)

Ok I dunno if this has been brought up before or anything along those lines. But is there any possible chance there could be a change up in either how fame is earned or taken out all together? In my opinion fame should be earned by "earning" it and to be frank I get sick of every time I join a match the first thing I see pop up is "f4f, fame plz" or any variation of them begging. It should be earned by you know actually "doing" something winning so many fights earns you x fame or something along those lines. Its just really irritating maybe I just don't see whats so special about it I myself have been around on this game for a very long time ( most don't know me in game due to the face my name here is very different then in-game heck you might no me and just not know it! ) but back to what I was saying. Long time player ( even had an account way back when game was literally first made but that account just got all kinds of messed up / forgot info on it xD ) and I may not have the best w/l record 1202w/571l in 1v1 and 3007w/1696l in 2v2 mainly because I don't farm or grind or anything I just do a fight every few minutes or so casually earning wins/ losses. and my fame is really low ( 87 ) just because I find it pointless.

What I'm really just trying to get at is who thinks they should take out fame or change how fame works ?

Scyze -> RE: Changing fame? (10/24/2012 5:20:40)

You do earn your fames when you go and ask them. There are people out there who aren't famous or been known and if they have to earn it, what should they do? You have no rights on what your opponent can say in-battle or off-battle. If you had a habit of moving your body in such manner during school, how would you feel if someone came up to you and said, "you are so annoying with your habit."
The players of EpicDuel have the rights to say "f4f" in game. They just want a high number of Fames and potentially get the Achivements.

Bringing up the Fame function took a lot of time. I'm sure the Saff will not change or throw away this. It is just not going to be good. If you had to earn it, won't it just be unfair when you for the "Rising Star".

In your opinion, "f4f" is considered annoying, but in others' mind, they aren't.

ND Mallet -> RE: Changing fame? (10/24/2012 8:31:57)

I've always said to make it a referral system where if you get the guy to join with a new account(on an unused email and different IP) and gets so far in leveling then you can get a point in fame. You'd of course have to change the achievement reqs though. And the leaderboard could be seen more as the "Who's most dedicated to helping ED grow" rather than "Who's the most capable of saying f4f every battle and screen.

Unknown Menace -> RE: Changing fame? (10/24/2012 9:10:20)

But than here is the question again. How are you expected to earn fame without asking for it? Just a handfull of people manage to get famed because of the fact that almost every player on ED at some point is bound to get to know who they are. That makes them famous. So it's eather asking for it or getting famous. Or they manage to change the fame system somehow, maybe others can think of a way but i can't.

Mother1 -> RE: Changing fame? (10/24/2012 11:19:30)

LoL I remember the last fame topic in this part of the forums and I even remember when someone said they should have left the warlord achievement in the game since it was bring the game money and axe fame because they said it was a PVP not a F4f game.

But back on topic even though I do f4f if someone says no to me or doesn't answer I just leave it at that. There is a difference between fame asking and fame begging and yes I do find fame begging to be annoying. If the person doesn't want to fame you or has a good reason not to fame you then leave it at that. What is even worse about some fame beggers is that in 2 vs 2 some will leave the battle searching for fame while still alive which is really annoying and inconsiderate to your partner.

But as for getting rid of it completely no. While there are some things annoying about it the only reason people ask for it is for the achievements it gives. Takes those away and the fame thing would be mostly dead except to those high up.

But as for how a new way of making it work could go like this. Make the rising star achievement go rare (meaning removing the daily fame for fame achievement like they did warlord) then base fame on the amount of battles you get while upping the amount of fame needed for each achievement. it could work like this.

One vs one win and get 1 fame
two vs two win and get 2 fame
jug fights game 3 fame if you win (as the jug) 2 if you are the regular players.

This way everyone will get fame and the achievements and there would be no need for asking for it anymore since it would be build it. Your fame would become another form of your battle record.

Renn100 -> RE: Changing fame? (10/25/2012 10:19:37)

Mother1 +1 Like for the idea 1vs1 win=1 fame 2vs2=2 fame and jugg 3 fame cuz its harder. In that way only the strategyest players and who win alot get fame.:D

Fghuy9 -> RE: Changing fame? (10/25/2012 15:56:13)

@Mother1 That's a great idea. I don't mind people asking for f4f, I just say no, but some people spam the chat saying f4f, f4f, f4f, and sometimes they even call you a noob for not doing it!

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