Ranloth -> RE: The mercenaries (10/24/2012 2:47:39)
If it's bad for F2P and good for Varium then there's a problem. Nerfing all classes to match Mercenary is really not a way to balance the class at all since you'll disappoint thousands of players with nerfs that may not solve everything. Mercenaries always were jack of all trades, they need a buff but not a big one nor a small one. I already suggested in my thread for Adrenaline to affect enemy's Rage bar (so takes whatever your % is off Adrenaline and makes enemy gain rage x% slower as well) + me and DeathGuard discussed about changing Intimidate slightly like FC was done (now BC); it'd regain some damage you deal whilst enemy is Intimidated as Energy which wouldn't be big amount, similar to that of BC. What are your ideas? You're supposed to be talking about the issue as well since you're the thread starter, we're supposed to give feedback so Devs can see it.