Promaster -> RE: CH and BM facelift (10/25/2012 6:30:21)
It doesn't make any sense at all, actually. CH with bloodlust and SC is just way too OP. Being able to regen hp and ep? How is that balanced? Coupled with EMP, they'll own every other class. CHs in no way should mirror Tlm. Each class are supposed to be unique and special in their own ways. Your crazy-but-might-work way is crazy and wont work. BMs, like Trans stated, are practically glass cannons. Although this is not WOW, saying that this is ED does not imply that all classes are flexible and able to use any builds. Blood mages are not made to tank. They are made to deal high DPT and that is what DA and Bloodlust is for. To deal damage and survive with it. Making fireball and bludgeon have no sync with malf will only destroy the class, seeing as how each of the blood mage's skills are not compatible with each other, unlike CHs/BHs with malf/smoke and massacre and TMs with malf and supercharge. In conjunction with what Trans said as well, every class needs a stun. It's not because the Devs said so, but because every other class has one. If you take away overload from BMs, they will be the only class without a stun, which gives the them a disadvantage during clutch moments. The only thing that i actually want implemented for blood mages would be to return assimilate back to them, but of course this will make the class OP in the end. If any of this was implemented, everyone will be Cyber Hunters and Blood Mages will be extinct. So not supported in any way. No need to hate Blood mages to this extent and being biased to CHs.