Ebil Handaxe (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Ebil Handaxe (10/26/2012 3:18:53)

Ebil Handaxe

Also see: Ebil Handaxe Z and Ebil Handaxe G

Level: 3
Power Level: 3
Price: 31 Gold
Sellback: 15 Gold
Location: Operation: Gameocide

Element: Darkness
Type: Melee
Damage: 4 - 9
BTH: 0

Hits: 3
Element: Darkness
Type: Magic
Damage: 64.00% Base and Random each
Stats: No normal stats; 40.00% Lucky Strike damage each
BTH: +2 each
Rate: 20%

  • All normal player attacks deal *85/84 damage and take -1 BTH. (Not Factored In.)

    This powerful handaxe has been given a new paint job by EbilCorp, and been imbued with Darkness energy!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image and Description thanks to Shadow Genesis. Basic Stats thanks to Shadow Genesis and battlesiege15.

  • Dragoon23 -> RE: Ebil Handaxe (10/26/2012 3:19:13)

    Ebil Handaxe

    Also see: Ebil Handaxe Z and Ebil Handaxe G

    Level: 23
    Power Level: 23
    Price: 65 Gold
    Sellback: 32 Gold
    Location: Operation: Gameocide

    Element: Darkness
    Type: Melee
    Damage: 7 - 17
    BTH: 3

    Hits: 3
    Element: Darkness
    Type: Magic
    Damage: 125.33% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 84.00% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +10 each
    Rate: 20%

  • All normal player attacks deal *85/84 damage and take -1 BTH. (Not Factored In.)

    This powerful handaxe has been given a new paint job by EbilCorp, and been imbued with Darkness energy!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image and Description thanks to Shadow Genesis. Basic Stats thanks to Shadow Genesis and battlesiege15.

  • Dragoon23 -> RE: Ebil Handaxe (10/26/2012 3:19:35)

    Ebil Handaxe

    Also see: Ebil Handaxe Z and Ebil Handaxe G

    Level: 63
    Power Level: 63
    Price: 2,535 Gold
    Sellback: 1,267 Gold
    Location: Operation: Gameocide

    Element: Darkness
    Type: Melee
    Damage: 12 - 26
    BTH: 8

    Hits: 3
    Element: Darkness
    Type: Magic
    Damage: 267.67% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 172.00% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +27 each
    Rate: 20%

  • All normal player attacks deal *85/84 damage and take -1 BTH. (Not Factored In.)

    This powerful handaxe has been given a new paint job by EbilCorp, and been imbued with Darkness energy!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image and Description thanks to Shadow Genesis. Basic Stats thanks to Shadow Genesis and battlesiege15.

  • Dragoon23 -> RE: Ebil Handaxe (10/26/2012 3:19:48)

    Ebil Handaxe

    Also see: Ebil Handaxe Z and Ebil Handaxe G

    Level: 83
    Power Level: 83
    Price: 20,251 Gold
    Sellback: 10,125 Gold
    Location: Operation: Gameocide

    Element: Darkness
    Type: Melee
    Damage: 13 - 32
    BTH: 10

    Hits: 3
    Element: Darkness
    Type: Magic
    Damage: 337.67% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 216.00% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +35 each
    Rate: 20%

  • All normal player attacks deal *85/84 damage and take -1 BTH. (Not Factored In.)

    This powerful handaxe has been given a new paint job by EbilCorp, and been imbued with Darkness energy!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image and Description thanks to Shadow Genesis. Basic Stats thanks to Shadow Genesis and battlesiege15.

  • Dragoon23 -> RE: Ebil Handaxe (10/26/2012 3:20:07)

    Ebil Handaxe

    Also see: Ebil Handaxe Z and Ebil Handaxe G

    Level: 123
    Power Level: 123
    Price: 1,314,629 Gold
    Sellback: 657,314 Gold
    Location: Operation: Gameocide

    Element: Darkness
    Type: Melee
    Damage: 17 - 39
    BTH: 15

    Hits: 3
    Element: Darkness
    Type: Magic
    Damage: 446.00% Base and Random each
    Stats: No normal stats; 304.00% Lucky Strike damage each
    BTH: +50 each
    Rate: 20%

  • All normal player attacks deal *85/84 damage and take -1 BTH. (Not Factored In.)

    This powerful handaxe has been given a new paint job by EbilCorp, and been imbued with Darkness energy!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image and Description thanks to Shadow Genesis. Basic Stats thanks to Shadow Genesis and battlesiege15.

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