Baydraze -> RE: Snork's Rare Prize (10/30/2012 15:46:07)
Ok, I don't want to post something at bugs cause It will be deleted anyway by the team. So.. If the 1% droprate would be 1% and there were 340 ppl with the armor. This was 2 days ago So. The amount of dropped armors would be over 600/700? I don't see people dropping it anymore. I am wondering if the drop rate is lowered? Or its a bug? I am over 250+ tries and this is getting very annoying cause I dont use any brainwash and everyone who is lucky deserves this armor BUT also everyone who works for it. The Team doesn't know how it is to see 250 times nothing getting dropped. It is just not fair. Everyone agrees with me. I doubt the drop rate was 1% in beginning cause I heard from many people the drop rate was much higher? Don't know this is a rumor, but now it seems the drop rate is far below 1%. My eyes and others ones are bleeding but we are working hard to get it. I know I am unlucky, but I also know a game has to be fair. You work hard for your credits to buy something. Same is for a rare drop. You work hard to get it. So you SHOULD get it Me and everyone who are over I dunno many tries certainly will rage quit this, cause this whole idea is totally unfair. 1%= 1 drop out of 100 wins. And thats it, ALL I WANT TO SAY and everyone agrees with me(except the ones who had in beginning)? Peace