Trading (Full Version)

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KEzAx -> Trading (10/27/2012 20:21:20)

I believe it would be good if you could trade with other players
eg. if someone has a ebil husk p and you have the ebil husk e
they wanted yours and you wnated theirs you could trade

if you wanted the delta sword and you have a frost sword
they wanted the frost sword and u wanted the delta sword you would trade!

or you can trade weapons and they will give you a satisfactory amout of credits for it..

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Trading (10/27/2012 20:25:31)

Trading is already in the F.A.Q...
I would love to have this idea, but there's some problems,
Someone could not know how rare their item is and sell it for something not worth it
People could make alts and trade all their items to the level 1 making them OP

Plus they even said that trading will NEVER be apart of ED
I personally love the idea, and have posted te same suggestion.
But like I said ^^ too many faults

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Trading (10/27/2012 20:38:12)




Things like trade won't be implemented until we have better systems in place to prevent players from getting scammed. Much larger game companies than AE have trouble keeping their trading systems secure. If nobody ever got scammed, then that would be different, but people still give their usernames and passwords out, share accounts, etc. Implementing "gifting" or trade only seems to be rewarding scammers. I'm sorry, I know many of you want trade, but it's not something we can do at this time.


Trading will be something that most likely will never be released in EpicDuel, due to the high risk of scamming and other issues that stem from Trading. Most games that include trading have huge issues with players who don't understand the game trading weapons for something that isn't worth it, or being scammed, and having all their items given to someone else. The amount of issues that would come from implementing trading is much higher than the pros that it gives. So unless there's a way to make it scam proof, it won't be happening.


The main thing is also the fact that to trade items, it may require superior knowledge of the game, since someone may say 'can we trade your Energy Eggzooka for my Overlord Cannon?' - now to you, and quite a few others, you can see that's not fair, the Energy Eggzooka is much better than the Overlord Cannon, however, if the player convinces them, and the other guy may not know the stats of Overlord Cannon, nor look them up, and end up trading. That may sound like something that wouldn't happen, but I can guarantee you that would happen A LOT, and when the player realises how he's been 'done out of a good weapon', they'll start messaging the Help Team to get it undone.

Now the Help Team has a very very large amount of work as it is, with issues from all the AE Games flooding in. They don't need the added pressure of endless emails about swapping weapons back from unfair trades. Not only that, but you then have the issue of people turning up in Oz, and instead of just having 'F4f', you'll also have people saying 'Any one want to trade for ______' 'I'm trading ______, anyone interested?' and overall, with the amount of issues it would cause, the whole system for the amount of work and effort it would have to take to make, it could single handily ruin the game. Increased scamming, spamming, Help Team messages, people angry due to the results, the knock on effect of all of those, and what for? So a few people can use the feature properly and trade items. Right now, the cons are certainly a lot higher than the pros, and for that reason, this most likely will never be implemented.


This is a good idea, but it would cause a large amount of issues in the process. The question is, do the cons outweigh the pros?

If you created a character in Alpha, which had Alpha Weapons, you bought Founder, you had the Beta Gear and Gamma Gear, and you traded that to a new account, without any of the achievements etc. this would create a lot of confusion, since large amounts of players have these weapons without achievements. This may be solved by restricting these items, so that they cannot be transferred over.

Furthermore, if you decided to make a new account and traded over loads of rares to it, then people would be incredibly confused as to why there are level 1's running around with rare weapons. Again, restrictions may help this, by only allowing weapons around your new char's level to be transferred.

You buy Weapons and other items on one single character. If you can freely transfer them from one to another, then you'd only have to buy all the items once. This means that there would be a lot of people on new accounts who have fully enhanced weapons, and have an advantage over others, who are having to earn their items from scratch. This theoretically could be the same idea as a 'universal inventory' where all your characters use a single inventory, and you can use all your weapons on each, since you'd be able to do that anyway while transferring your weapons to whoever needs them, then you log out, transfer it back to your main, and battle there. Feel 'oh, I feel like battling on this account', transfer it to that one. It makes it so you don't have to earn the items more than once, which would be a huge balance issue between those who have played through before, and those who are new and playing from scratch.

As you can see, there are a lot of things that go against the suggestions, it's a great idea, but on a whole, I just feel that there are more cons, than pros. While it could be great, there would be a large amount of restrictions on it, it would take a long time to code, and in the end, have a system which would confuse players and balance.

Wonderweiss77 -> RE: Trading (10/28/2012 2:05:09)

i love this idea also but i cant support it BECAUSE this will SUPPORT hackers/scammers to hack/scam more which will INCREASE more hackers/scammer. BUT they should add a BANK into ed like RUNESCAPE and put a password for it incase someone hacks you or scams you and they'll be unable to sell your items.

KEzAx -> RE: Trading (10/28/2012 6:01:41)

I got this idea from borderlands 2
if you mods can look at the trading system on that
itll be great
because we cant make lower level people op unless we make a new account and buy weapons for them...

Lycus -> RE: Trading (10/28/2012 9:25:01)

This idea has been given before, please visit this topic before posting in future, to see if your idea is there! The Chose 0ne has given all the previous posts I have made on this topic, which I feel covers it all. May be in the future we may look at the idea again, when we have time, but for now it is not an option.

However, thank you for the suggestion! :)


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