Drakonnan's Fury G (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Drakonnan's Fury G (10/29/2012 1:49:56)

Drakonnan's Fury G

«Mastercraft Fire Spell. Damage depends on health. Mastercraft Bonus is chance to Thermal Shock enemy.»

Also see: Drakonnan's Fury and Drakonnan's Fury Z

Level: 63
Power Level: 66, Mastercraft
MP Level: 65
Price: 2,788 Gold
Sellback: 1,394 Gold
Location: AQ's 10th Anniversary: Act 3 - Drakonnan

Element: Fire
Cost: 48

Hits: 3
Type: Magic
Element: Fire
Damage: 20 - 59 plus 178.67% Stats each
BTH: +16 plus Stats each

  • The damage depends on how much HP you have left. It scales linearly from 0.5 to 1.5, which means that you multiply the damage by:
    [ 150 - (% of HP left) ]%
  • The cost increases as the damage increases, too. It starts out at the listed cost, and increases to the maximum. In between, it scales linearly, which means that you pay an additional:
    Additional MP = (Base Cost) * 8 *(1- [current HP]/[Max HP])
  • You need a minimum cost to cast it in the first place, but if you don't have enough MP to pay the full cost, then you pay the remainder in HP at a 2 HP = 3 MP ratio. This spell can kill you if you don't have enough HP or MP.

    Amount of Health 	0%	25%	50%	75%	100%
    Damage Multiplier	1.50	1.25	1.00	0.75	0.50
    Additional MP     	384	288	192	96	0
    Total MP Cost     	432	336	240	144	48
    It can inflict* the monster with Thermal Shock. You have a (berserker multiplier to damage) * (# of hits that connected)/3 *11.53% chance of inflicting it. The monster can resist** with a save:
      Level: PLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    The monster has a +0 bonus to its save. Fire-element monsters are immune to this***.

    * The immense heat has stunned your foe!
    ** Your foe endures the worst of your powerful flames.
    *** Beings aligned with the Fire Realm cannot be thermally shocked!

    This spell manifests Drakonnan's rage to strike down your foes! This spell does more damage (and costs more MP) as you get hurt, and there's a chance of inflicting Thermal Shock on the enemy as well!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image thanks to Skull Kid. Basic stats thanks to kittycat, Drakeh, Parsec. majesticstar3800, and tomboy22.

  • Dragoon23 -> RE: Drakonnan's Fury G (10/29/2012 1:50:40)

    Drakonnan's Fury G

    «Mastercraft Fire Spell. Damage depends on health. Mastercraft Bonus is chance to Thermal Shock enemy.»

    Also see: Drakonnan's Fury and Drakonnan's Fury Z

    Level: 143
    Power Level: 146, Mastercraft
    MP Level: 145
    Price: 11,658,637 Gold
    Sellback: 5,829,318 Gold
    Location: AQ's 10th Anniversary: Act 3 - Drakonnan

    Element: Fire
    Cost: 123

    Hits: 3
    Type: Magic
    Element: Fire
    Damage: 56 - 167 plus 354.67% Stats each
    BTH: +36 plus Stats each

  • The damage depends on how much HP you have left. It scales linearly from 0.5 to 1.5, which means that you multiply the damage by:
    [ 150 - (% of HP left) ]%
  • The cost increases as the damage increases, too. It starts out at the listed cost, and increases to the maximum. In between, it scales linearly, which means that you pay an additional:
    Additional MP = (Base Cost) * 8 *(1- [current HP]/[Max HP])
  • You need a minimum cost to cast it in the first place, but if you don't have enough MP to pay the full cost, then you pay the remainder in HP at a 2 HP = 3 MP ratio. This spell can kill you if you don't have enough HP or MP.

    Amount of Health 	0%	25%	50%	75%	100%
    Damage Multiplier	1.50	1.25	1.00	0.75	0.50
    Additional MP     	984	738	492	246	0
    Total MP Cost     	1107	861	615	369	123
    It can inflict* the monster with Thermal Shock. You have a (berserker multiplier to damage) * (# of hits that connected)/3 *11.53% chance of inflicting it. The monster can resist** with a save:
      Level: PLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    The monster has a +0 bonus to its save. Fire-element monsters are immune to this***.

    * The immense heat has stunned your foe!
    ** Your foe endures the worst of your powerful flames.
    *** Beings aligned with the Fire Realm cannot be thermally shocked!

    This spell manifests Drakonnan's rage to strike down your foes! This spell does more damage (and costs more MP) as you get hurt, and there's a chance of inflicting Thermal Shock on the enemy as well!

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image thanks to Skull Kid. Basic stats thanks to kittycat, Drakeh, Parsec. majesticstar3800, and tomboy22.

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