Interacting with the other AE games (Full Version)

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Crimson Eagle -> Interacting with the other AE games (10/29/2012 3:45:43)

Well everyone knows that its been a good 3 years with AE but will we ever have the extra rewards like AQW, AQ, DF and and MQ
What I mean by this is, if you purchase a guardian, dragonlord or star captain. In the other games you get extra rewards! Like these:
For dragonlords in AQW
For guardians in AQW
For starcaptains in AQW

Why doesn't epic duel reward you for upgrading in AE's other games?
It should...

Who supports?

Ranloth -> RE: Interacting with the other AE games (10/29/2012 3:51:20)

Because ED isn't part of AE, or putting it better, it wasn't part of AE. It was bought by AE, not an original game made by AE so it doesn't work that way.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Interacting with the other AE games (10/29/2012 3:53:43)

Yeah I know that but they should anyway... They are apart of AE now anyway.

zion -> RE: Interacting with the other AE games (10/29/2012 4:55:51)

Supported... AE likes giving extra perks to sell those memberships. I still think they should bring back Elite to ED, but that's another story...

8x -> RE: Interacting with the other AE games (10/29/2012 5:12:51)

Extra items in AQW just make you look good, but in ED extra items would give some players unfair advantages in PvP.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Interacting with the other AE games (10/29/2012 5:16:18)

How would it give an unfair advantage?

Ranloth -> RE: Interacting with the other AE games (10/30/2012 6:11:28)

Items here give advantage in PvP, not just for show. So it's like asking players for $20 for new item that will give you advantage over others; It's a free weapon.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Interacting with the other AE games (10/30/2012 6:14:46)

But remember you pay for it. Its like varium

gangster a -> RE: Interacting with the other AE games (10/30/2012 6:16:03)

^ that would count as a promo item which we get already dont necessarily count that as a reward

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