Carnax Stomp Z (Full Version)

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Balu -> Carnax Stomp Z (10/29/2012 8:02:16)

Carnax Stomp Z

«Earth spell. Mastercraft; can Daze the monster.»

Also see:Location: AQ's 10th Anniversary: Act 4 - Carnax
Element: Earth
Type	Z
Level	104
PowLvl	114 MC
CostLvl	111

Price	3333
S <48h	2999
  >48h	833

MPCost	436
Hits: 3
Type: Magic
Element: Earth
Damage	59-98
Stat%	284
BTH	28
  • Spell has 33.61%/3*HitsConnected chance to attempt to make the monster Dazed (2 rounds, 25% chance of not acting). The monster gets a 0 bonus to its save:
      Level: 114 vs Monster Level
      Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    `The stun rate is modified by enemy Earth resistance. So 50% Earth means overall 12.5% Daze, 120% Earth means overall 30% Daze, 200% Earth res means overall 50% Daze.

    ****Those aligned with Earth are immune to the dazing effects of Carnax's quake.
    ****Your opponent is knocked about, but shakes off the worst of the blow.
    ****The quake from Carnax's stomp has dazed your foe!
    ****Your opponent cannot be Dazed!

    Call forth an image of one of Carnax's legs to crush your foes, dealing reliably strong damage as well as having a chance to Daze your opponent!


    Numbers thanks to BlackAces. Images and description thanks to Abaraa.


    Spell starts out with:
    Damage	177-295
    Stat%	852
    BTH	28
    With three equally powerful hits, each hit does *1/3 damage.

    MC: Pays for the Daze effect.

    This has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.


    October 28, 2012: The spell was released.
    June 15, 2017: Price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
    Price	9350
    S <48h	8415
      >48h	4675

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