RageSoul -> Bank-Vault Piled-up Idea (10/31/2012 10:06:32)
Intro Note : Okay , i'm not stealing some ideas nor am i claiming them to be mine but i actually combined them with a somewhat interesting system . I have been not posting in the forums than usual since i've been busy a important stuff and OFC , thinking about more ideas / feature for this . So please before you post , read the parts slowly but surely ( if you have time ) and be warned : This . Is . Long! WARNING : Uber hard coding skills required ( to Titan and Rabblefroth at least ) and very long text ahead! Slots - the amount of spaces you have ( currently ) available to store the amount of items . Does not get affected by Mission Items / Consumables . Format : current slots / maximum slots * Slots increase every time you level up by 1 slot . The base Slot Capacity is 9 . --> so let's say , for an example , i'm Level 25 and i want my Caden's Wrath to be in the Vault - Bank , and since i'm at Character Level 25 , therefore i have 34 Slots . After successfully putting my sample Primary to the Vault , i now have 33 slots left to use. Credit and Varium Storage - similar to the previous part , except this time , you have no limits of placing in-game currencies . Transfer- putting one item/amount of currency into another character / alt NOTES : * Only Credits can be transferred , but Varium? No . My reason ? Because Credits is easier and takes a lot of time more to make than Varium . And besides , what's the point of buying Varium separately ? Also , it can be abused since i will be able transfer it to my lower-leveled alts with "pwns like hell" win records . * All weapons CANNOT be transferred , with the exception of the items the Devs gave to you based on the design you entered in Item/Weapon Suggestions. * The Suggested Item is labeled in a gold-colored name so you know which one ( in case you have the same item or more than 2 of those ). Q : What if i sold the weapon the Devs gave to me for giving them an acceptable design . A: If you buy the weapon in the assigned stores / vendors , then the item with the design based on yours and the first purchase of it will be the new marked item . Any more of those can't be marked . Only works if ever it was sold . Q: I sold it with enhancements , so does that mean the points will be transferred to the other item? A: No , so sorry for the disappointment due to it being abusable . Q: If i enhanced it and i want to transfer it to my lower-leveled / higher-leveled alts , would those points be in there or will it be like the previous statement? A : The points will remain at the character that you used to enhance the item ; meaning it won't be available to them unless they enhance it , but those won't be additional points for the other character's Enhancements on the original owner's Item. * However , there is a limit of Credits to transfer and receive : LEGEND : # level : # Credits received to you or other character / # Credits that can be transferred from other Characters . Level 1 : 100 Credits / 100 Credits Levels 2 - 4 : 125 Credits / 110 Credits Levels 5 - 7 : 150 Credits / 120 Credits Levels 8 - 11 : 180 Credits / 135 Credits Levels 12 - 16 : 220 Credits / 150 Credits Levels 17 - 22 : 275 Credits / 200 Credits Levels 23 - 25 : 310 Credits / 210 Credits Levels 26 - 27 : 325 Credits / 225 Credits Level 28 : 400 Credits / 275 Credits Level 29 : 450 Credits / 300 Credits Level 30 : 600 Credits / 375 Credits Level 31 : 850 Credits / 500 Credits Level 32 : 1050 Credits / 550 Credits Level 33 : 1200 Credits / 600 Credits Levels 34 - 35 : 1350 Credits / 625 Credits ^ Yeah , they're pretty messed up , but the scaling is based on level so that newbies / people who're old-timers won't be able to abuse this . BUT WAIT ! There's more : If the amount of Credits received by the Character you've given reaches between a certain % range , then there would be a "cooldown" or i would like to call "Remittance Time" Range 1 -->15 %- 20 % = 30 Minutes before transferring again. Range 2 -->21 - 29% = 45 Minutes before transferring again. Range 3-->30 - 59% = 1 Hour to wait . Range 4 -->60% - 100% = 2 Days * If the % is not a whole number , we use the basic "round-up-round-off formula" ( nos . 5 or up = round-up ; 4 or below = round off ) , which bases on the tenths digit ( 0.1) Example : 25 . 6 % - my tenths digit is 6 , therefore 25.6% = 26% *EXCEPTION - if the rounding-up equates to the next range's minimum % , it will not be considered the minimum amount of the next range . Example : 29 . 5% . It would still be in Range 2 , regardless to the tenths digit . Remittance Code - AKA your password needed to transfer . Tips : * DO NOT use the same pass your Master Account has for you not to get hacked easily . * You can use 2 codes : Main and Alternate , so use them in case you "accidentally" ( lol ) forgot the Main. * Don't be ashamed for writing both on a piece of paper and keep in you wallet or any other place only you would be able to know where or be able to keep . MOAR NOTES : * When you're trying to get Treasure Hunter achievement / cheevo , the stuff you have in the Vault won't count , just in your character's Inventory . * Speaking of cheevos , if you manage to transfer 100 times , you get the not-yet-official ( if this doesn't get implemented ) "Expressive Giver" achievement that's worth a whopping 1,025 Rating Points ( i said whopping since all you can do is transfer just to get it ) ! EDIT ( 11 / 1 / 12 ) Okay , now i'm here