Improved End Screen (Full Version)

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Stabilis -> Improved End Screen (10/31/2012 11:44:24)

When you end a battle, you get 1 of 2 screens, which are basic in the fact that you receive the loot and a tip. Why not improve them? Of all screens, these might be the least anticipated. By that I mean that few people desire to stare at them or stay staring at them. I do not encourage phrases, but this is like "going to McDonald's, grabbing your bag, and getting the heck outta' there".

Almost no interaction with the screens, it may question why we even have them.

A way to make them more interesting is to change them into a tactical report of the battle. For example:

Most Outgoing Damage = ?, -player name-

Most Incoming Damage = ?, -player name-

Most Armor Ignored = ?, -player name-

Most Critical Damage = ?, -player name-

Things like that. Discuss please.

Onlythestrong -> RE: Improved End Screen (10/31/2012 14:35:15)

Can't support this

Stabilis -> RE: Improved End Screen (10/31/2012 14:41:51)

Thanks for making this thread more popular.

DestruRaGe -> RE: Improved End Screen (10/31/2012 15:17:51)

I support. Would be cool to see who made most dmg, crits etc.

classifiedname -> RE: Improved End Screen (10/31/2012 15:40:33)

that's actually a very awesome idea ,it would be cool to see who did the most damage etc,

XapApp -> RE: Improved End Screen (11/1/2012 2:27:22)

Aye, it will also be good for =ED= Epicduel World Records II (Delta Edition) .

spinutto -> RE: Improved End Screen (11/1/2012 16:52:32)

Its a good idea!
But sincerely i think it would be really useful/cool on 2vs2.
But supported anyway!

Vypie -> RE: Improved End Screen (11/1/2012 17:18:47)

Damage dealt
Damage received

Energy sapped
Energy lost

Health gained (heals, booster, bloodlust, etc)
Energy gained (reroute, booster, etc)

Damage absorbed (amount reduced by resistance and defense)
Damage nullified by blocks
Damage nullified by deflects
Extra damage from criticals

Damage overkill
Biggest hit

...maybe even more!

This would be both interesting, and useful information :)

.Soul Void. -> RE: Improved End Screen (11/4/2012 0:58:35)

Maybe if it also showed who used their bot the most or how much damage the bot did??
O well supported

Rayman -> RE: Improved End Screen (11/4/2012 1:04:31)


Metallico -> RE: Improved End Screen (11/4/2012 1:55:34)

Not bad but not necesary, you can see that things by yourself...

Lycus -> RE: Improved End Screen (11/4/2012 7:03:00)

I think the idea of having some basic stats on there is quite a good idea, and I can say that will be discussed. Just saying though, the end of battle screens are not really there to be stared at... They are there to tell you how many credits/exp you have gained, and a tip for the future, if needed. The McDonalds example actually backs up that point more than yours, because McDonalds is a fast food restaurant, a lot of people do go in grab food and walk out, because that is part of what fast food is. This is the same, tells you in a glimpse what you have gained from the battle, and what you may want to know, and allows you to move on to your next battle.

However, as said the idea is great, reasoning behind it, no so much. Not that it matters, since this is a suggestions section, not a reasoning section! Thanks for the suggestion, it will certainly be discussed when we find the time.

Lord 13 Akram -> RE: Improved End Screen (11/4/2012 8:52:09)


DeathHound -> RE: Improved End Screen (11/4/2012 9:44:32)

Pretty much beat me to it. I was going to point out that McDonald logic, but hey, the point of having the screen is tips, what you gained, how you gained it, and if you won or not (If it wasn't obvious). adding features like that is good. However, i think it'd just be nice to have how much (of the damage, HP/Energy zapped) YOU (being your own player) did. Doesn't really make sense, to me, to see others, as i only care about my character. Not to mention having yours and the others stats would be a lot to fit with that big win/loss sign, XP, Gold, etc., and the tips in the way. Of course, that's because i would only focus on mine. But I'm sure most people would agree that this topic (no matter the details) is a great way to enhance the end screen interface.

Did i mention i supported this?

XapApp -> RE: Improved End Screen (11/5/2012 0:18:01)

It may also make us read the Did you know's more often.

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Improved End Screen (11/5/2012 0:30:15)

I have to admit this is a really good idea!
But for the reason @Lycus has said about the macdonalds doesnt really make this necessary...
I myself just literally click done and dont even bother reading how much creds, xp, battle tokens, influnce or the Did You Knows?
Maybe if this in place thought I might actually read them for once!


arthropleura -> RE: Improved End Screen (11/8/2012 1:08:18)

damage dealt, amount healed, survival time, killed

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