faction improvment (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


houtny -> faction improvment (11/1/2012 12:20:14)

lately i have not been very active because i have reached the lvl cap and there are no more missions for me to do. so i was thinking, what would make me wanna play more. my faction immersion relics is always winning daily 1v1 and telling me to help but i just dont have the motivation because i already have the personal daily solo badge. so i was talking to the founder about going for a faction 2v2 or jug since i still need both of those personal badges. he said he wanted to do 1v1s. this leads me to my suggestion which will work in everyones favor. if EPICDUEL implimented a new cheevos into the game that gave players a bagde for their faction winning 1v1,2v2,or jugg daily. but it dosent stop there because u would still have no insentive after u won all three of those, so how about a cheevo that goes up in rank. the first time the faction wins a daily badge while ur in the faction and u contributed u get a cheevo. say its starts at like 500 rating points. theen if they win 5 daily bagdes while ur in the fac that cheevo goes to say 800 rating, then again it ranks up at say 10 daily badges. being any of the 3 1v1, 2v2, or jugg. let me tell u how this would help everyone. aside from the cheevo that you would be able to get to boost ur own rating ppl who created factions would have much more active members, and ppl who are in factions and dont just want to do one type of battle day in and day out would be able to because the founder would have a reason to do other types of battles.

thanks for reading,

Sir. Stan

ninja.fighter -> RE: faction improvment (11/1/2012 12:25:59)

i really hate ppl who stay in the fac and conttribute nothing while others try thier best

Mother1 -> RE: faction improvment (11/1/2012 14:31:34)

@ ninja fighter

Not everyone has 100% free time. Some member may have other issues that take their time.

On topic

I support this as well.

I know the feeling of what you are going through since I am in a 2 vs 2 faction yet I already got the daily two vs two.

Cyber Dream -> RE: faction improvment (11/1/2012 15:35:37)

Ive recently made a faction suggestion thread, you should move this there Clicky

XapApp -> RE: faction improvment (11/2/2012 1:33:09)

Not all Faction Suggestions need to be put into one thread, they can be discussed in separate threads. For emotes it's different because they don't need to be discussed to they can be put into one single thread. Hope you understand. :)

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