Pendants (Full Version)

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classifiedname -> Pendants (11/3/2012 12:24:04)

Ok so you guys hated my charms idea, becuase it effected damage, defense, and skills. so i came up with this instead.. we have Pendants:
like charms you can equip 2 or 3 ( i think at level one should start at 1 and progress with level and get 1 more solot every 10 levels)
instead of effecting damage output or stats period these would only effect graphical apperances.

these are just some examples of what i mean:

Example: you equip a pendant that gives you trigger finger allow you to rapidly fire all your guns 3 times.... No this will not effect damage. if your damage was 20 before you equiped the pendant it will still be 20 afterwards.

Example: you equip a pendant that allows you to display your faction's flag on your gun or aux

Example: you equip one that allows you to change your name display ( like when not in battle your faction name or your name will appear in a green, red letters, or even a sparkly font

Example: equip one that does the same as the one above except it does this to your faction's name (Leader would have to purchase it)

Example: Equip one that displays your faction's name above your head in PvP during a battle.

what do you think?

Ancient Drawer -> RE: Pendants (11/3/2012 13:04:47)

And those pendants should get from where? and with what? varium or credits

classifiedname -> RE: Pendants (11/3/2012 13:38:16)

you'd purchases them from slayer , merv , Snork , or just whatever shop has them.
and i think credit and Varium prices should be availible for them ( maybe some for just varium to give varium players exclusivness) and remmeber having the varium ones wouldnt give any advantage in battle they'd just look cooler!

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Pendants (11/3/2012 17:15:33)

seriously, this is another useless suggestion in my opinion because who would want to shoot their gun 3 times or even 4? this would just make the battle longer and create more lag ingame.

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