=MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (Full Version)

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TankMage -> =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/3/2012 19:32:31)

Heya everyone, so as you may know recently I was shackled and roped in to becoming the newest AK for ED Q&A :D!

*historical dramatic music begins to play as you read through my brief history*
For those of you who have completely no idea, I am TankMage or.. Tanky or...Tank I'll usually respond to any of those. Anyway I've been around AE since late mid 2007 when I began playing AQ and the occasional bit of DF. I soon found I was a noob on both of them, but continued to play anyway and in around 2009 noticed this strange new game entering the mist (EpicDuel.) I started playing and loved it I registered for the forums late 2010 mainly for EpicDuel however I read pretty much read through all the game boards still because it's fun discussions. I was given the helpful! title in July this year and apparently I am now insane enough to join the AKs here *end boring brief history*

You may now feel free to bombard ask me some questions, so long as it follows the rules below I will be happy to answer!

Just a few rules before we get started:

1. =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules still apply here
2. Some personal questions are fine so long as it doesn't go to into my privacy to much (I'll decide on whether or not I wish to answer the question)
3. There's no maximum number of questions however please refrain to just 1 post per page (This could be dangerous)
4. For those who are unsure of how this works, post questions and I shall answer >:D

P.S If anyone feels like been very helpful I will be editing posts in this color -

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/3/2012 19:33:59)

Hey! Few questions for you:
Hey hey!
What was the feeling you got when you got that PM to become an AK?
The feeling of metal shackles D:
Cookies or Cake?
Hmm, cookies
oooo, pretty sky. *steals cookies*
My cookies D:!
Beware of Moogle's noms and Goof's fire!
Moogle nommed me twice or three times earlier and I've seen Goof's fire attack
See you around!
Thanks and cya
PS: I was first!
False! I was first :P

Sainsbo -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/3/2012 19:39:15)

Hey Tanky! Congratz on your position!
Hey Sains, congratz to yourself aswell, I need to head over to your MtAK :P
Couple of questions:
Uh oh
What's your favourite Genre of music?
Hmm, favorite? I listen to generally anything except the classical and old school stuff. Oh and not really into screamo either D:
Favourite band?
Would be a small band called Timeflies, I love their creativity
Favourite Genre of films?
Well..I like action, and scary movies are always good for a fun night
Favourite film?
Would of course have to be The Avengers
What is/was your favourite lesson at school/college?
Would have to be err, err, Phys Ed. Gotta love getting outside and playing sport.
What's your favourite food?
Cookies of course
How's the shackles?
Tight, but luckily they aren't on the tightest setting just yet :D!
That's all, grats again!
Thanks heaps, I'll see you over on your thread *evil grin*

Practel -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/3/2012 19:42:39)

Hey! Few questions for you:
Anything for Mr P
What was the feeling you got when you got that Private Message to become an ArchKnight?
This question feels familiar, however I felt the presence of shackles suddenly in the room
Cookies or Cake?
Maybe I'm blacking out and keep re-seeing these questions, but cookies
oooo, pretty grass. *steals cake*
Must've just been coincidence. But Oh noes my Cake D:!
Beware of Moogle's fire and Goof's noms!
Ok, I'm experiencing a tremendous amounts of De Ja Vu
See you around!
See ya Pracy
PS: I was third!
I was 0th :S?

Bunshichi -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/3/2012 19:43:40)

1. Did you start epicduel during gamma phase?
Nope, I was lucky enough to be around during Beta (specifically December 2009)
2. Were you in Evil Council?
Actually yes I was! It was a long time a go one stormy night when .....*transmission interruption*
3. What is your favorite class and build?
Hmm, even thought I love my Supercharge BM build at the moment. I can never go past the nostalgia of my 4 focus Tech Mage build
4. Have you ever played against or with me in a 2 vs 2 (I was Bunshichi or Tawara)?
It's quite possible, but I can't remember :S
5. What is your favorite video game?
I guess this would mean console? In that case it shall be known as the Assassins Creed series
6. Who would you pick to win in a fight, Titan or Goku?
I guess Titans magic would over power Goku. Titan could just summon a new dimension and Goku would get sucked into it :S?

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/3/2012 19:54:15)

About time you became an AK xD
There's a set time :S?
Hmm.. I wouldn't wan't to get to power hungry *MuahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA* *cough* E'hem, sorry bout that.
Just do a good job, kay?
I hope I'm doing a good job, or the shackles get set to a tighter setting D:
Au revoir, monsieur.
Merci (Thankyou)

Dravecul -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/3/2012 20:39:16)

1. Do you support world peace?
Total world peace O_o? Would be a very nice thought if everyone were able to get a long so I don't see a reason against it.

Battle Elf -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/3/2012 21:16:47)

Elf of Battles :D!!
Gratz on leveling up to AK!
Why thankyou very much
Do you have siblings?
Not technically, but I've got 2 cousins who I would pretty much consider to be siblings :3
Are your siblings names ShipMerc or PlaneBounty?
I don't have any, so I guess no?
Do you like cookies?
Of course
Favorite non AE game?
I answered this before but I'm having second thoughts, it's a mix up between the Assassins Creed series and the Call Of Duty series (yes I enjoy the FPS's :p)
That's it from me, gratz again!
Thankyou very much Mr Elf
See ya Elfy *waves*

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/3/2012 22:17:12)

Hey :)
Heya Soul :)

Thankyou very much!

Cya around :)
Thanks and be seeing you

Wind -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/4/2012 1:33:53)

Hello! So I just made my own MtAK before so I am very tempted at asking 100+ questions :3 but lucky for you I am currently on my phone and don't have the time...
So some questions now... :D
Uh oh
1. When did you start playing AE games?
Around mid to late 06, not exactly sure on a month
2. Do You have any Pets?
A fish >:D
3. What are your hobbies?
I'd say Gaming and my Tennis
4. Do you play any sports?
Sure do, on the tennis court around 4 - 5 hours a day
5. Favourite AE game?
I enjoy all of them, I guess I would say EpicDuel edges out the rest for me though
6. How did you find out about AE?
Hmmm.... I think .. I was browsing the web looking for something to do and just stumbled across AQ
7. How did you get your name?
I tend to play Mages in all the games where possible, and then in those games I try and make my Mage as defensive as possible (Tank) and MageTank sounded abit weird so I just swapped them around and voila!
8. Are you excited?
Depends, what are we getting excited for :S?
9. First impression when asked?
That there's a lack of cookies
10. Favourite Genre of music?
Don't really have a favorite, I tend to listen to a lot. Although I guess I listen to house the most because it incorporates so many genres (I guess I would say House then)
11. Favourite song artist?
Errrmmm, don't really have a favorite :|
12. Favourite sporting team?
Hmm, Team. I'm guessing this is for any game, I'll say the Broncos
13. Maccas or Hungry Jacks?
Cookies Maccas
14. Hungry Jacks or Burger King? (AUSSIE!)
Cookies Burger King
15. Subway Cookies?
16. Favourite Subway Cookie Flavour?
I'm pretty boring, I like just the regular choc chip ones :p
17. NANDOS! or McDonalds?
Nandos definitely
18. Have you tried Nandos before?
Of course!
19. Which ED AK is the most insane?
Hmm, well there's this one guy called Wind... oh'wait
20. Which ED AK is the most sane?
I'd say myself, but that's because I haven't had enough time to be registered as insane.... yet
Thats it for now, but I will back back later :)
Thanks Windy :)

rayniedays56 -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/4/2012 1:37:49)

Why is everyone I know on IRC becoming ebil monsters AK's?
You burn TANKY!
*uses bucket of water on self*
buh bye

Mecha Mario -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/4/2012 1:21:41)

Mecha :D! (thanks for the tags btw :P)
A take over, eh?
Indeed but it's a silent take over *shifty eyes*
No way!
Yesh it's all true
Kan I take over too!?
You can be commander of the fleet
My bag of your favorite cookies is missing for some reason. Know who to blame for that?
#BlameEvent.....wait nevermind #BlamePractel2012
Almost forgot about something!
Uh oh
Good luck with AKing. You'll do great!
Thankyou very much

Eventus -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/4/2012 3:09:02)

Hiya Tanky! Wabbit has some questions for you!
Wabbit :D! (thanks for the tags >:D)
1. Did you dress up for Halloween?
No :|, I had to work late on Halloween
2. What are you planning to do for Thanksgiving?
Nothing really, I don't really know of many people celebrating it down here
3. How about Christmas?
We have a family gathering every year which is really nice, spend the day together and have a roast for lunch
4. And in celebration for the New Year?
Yet to be deciced, I'm guessing It might just be myself and a group of friends going out to see the fireworks
5. Do you have like this super-cool Aussie accent ... like G00NY?
I wish, I have an Australian one but not like G00NYs :(
6. Do geckos have British or Australian accents? ( Kudos if you caught that allusion! [:D] )
Australian >:D
7. Do you like wabbits?
Of course! They're so fluffeh
8. What's your favorite number?
6...That is all.
9. Any pets? If so, what are they & their names?
A goldfish whose coolness is so of the scale it's unbelievable. His name is Goldy
10. What insect do you detest the most?
I dislike cockroaches, they irk me
11. What are some of your pet peeves?
That 1 Wabbit should be petted per day
12. Do you agree that the word "noob" should be changed to either "fruitcake" or "cabbage?" *coughs*
I'm a fan of changing it to Cabbage
13. Which AE game do you frequent the most? Why?
EpicDuel, because it's my favorite AE game at the moment
14. How about the second most?
Hmm, I think it's a toss up between OverSoul, AQW and AQ
15. If you had the power to do anything in EpicDuel for one day, what would you do?
I would replace the word noob with Cabbage *evil grin*
16. If you had the power to change your username, what would you change it to?
Simply "Tank", but unfortunately it's taken :(
17. If you had the power to do anything in the world for one day, what would you do?
Tanky shall eliminate hunger
18. If you had the power to completely change someone's personality, who would you change, what would you change the person to, and why?
I think I would change Shmegus.. I would change him to be more loving and caring towards Wabbits
19. What is your favorite dessert?
20. Where are you in the world? (Be vague but specific here. Got it?)
32.3456° S, 141.4346° E (aparently they're the central coordinates for the Country I'm in)
21. Did you know that you're awesome? (If not, you know now, so you must answer "yes" either way!)
I didn't think so, but apparently I am O_o
22. What is your favorite song?
Gangna... don't really have one :|
23. Favorite genre for a book?
Adventure (favorite book would be tomorrow when the war began)
24. For a movie?
Action of course
25. What are your interests in life? (That is, what have you majored in/will major in?)
Currently undertaking courses that will allow me to be a fully qualified sports coach (specifically tennis)
26. How often do you get sick a year?
Once or twice if it's a bad year :|
27. When do you usually log in forums?
Hmm.. Alot! No specific time, just throughout the day, I'd say I'm on here actually reading stuff for around 2 hours a day then just scrolling through stuff for another 2 - 4
28. How about in-game (ED?)
Last few weeks only an hour a day, but now that I've finished school I'd say 3 - 4 a day
29. Do you have any siblings?
30. What is your favorite animal?
I love dogs, never had one myself but always love to play with them
31. How many languages can you speak? If more than one, which ones?
Some french and Japanese, not a great deal but if I were to go over to either of those countries I'd be able to get around fairly easily (also beginning to learn french fluently at the moment)
32. What are some interesting facts about yourself?
I'm not very interesting haha, I guess one could be that.. I like Wabbits :3
33. What do you enjoy talking about the most?
Either online games that I play or Tennis.. can have conversations for hours about those 2 things
34. Who are your models in life? Why?
There's a couple personal ones, I'd say on a larger scale it would be Roger Federer, his persona, attitude and general politeness are all something that can be admired
35. What is your favorite element?
Fire, it's pretty amazing with the things that we can do with it
36. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? You would be living in modern society for this.
Well I don't think I would be a dog, I might be a Wabbit, they seem pretty laid back and my only task would be to sit their and eat carrots
37. Do you believe people are inherently good or evil?
Somewhere in the middle, then we make our decisions from there *evil grin >:D*
38. Can good exist without evil? Why or why not?
Of course! There doesn't have to be evil going on for people to be doing good things
39. Since you're a tank, does that mean the wabbit could use you as target practice?
I suppose, but let me just grab my meat-shields *Grabs Practel and SMGS*
40. Would you classify yourself as a neat, organized, messy or disorganized person?
Very neat and messy, I like to have my own stuff in a sort of "messy / lived in" way, then when it comes to sewious work stuff It's borderline OCD :p
41. What is your favorite word? Why?
Hrrrmm, possible cookies? Reason: Best thing to ever exist so of course the word will be the best
42. What is your favorite brand (for anything)? Why?
I'm out playing tennis most of the day, so I'd say Nike is my favorite because I use their products everyday
43. Don't you hate it when a question isn't really a question, but rather a question with sub-questions?
I'm not sure, can you repeat the question?
44. Did you notice that several questions here classify as what #43 mentions?
45. If you could be an inanimate object, what would you be and why?
A potato. I don't think an explanation is needed for this.
46. What is your desktop background right now?
Funny you mentioned this, I only changed it a couple weeks ago. It's now Ezio from the Assassins creed series (was getting pumped for Assassins Creed III)
47. How is the weather at where you're at?
At the moment? Eractic... It was raining when I started answering these questions and now it's stopped and looks like it's clearing
48. Do you think higher apes inherently deserve certain inalienable rights, such as the right to life, the right to individual liberty and the right to not be tortured? (Kudos if you caught this allusion too!)
I wasn't really aware of any torturing of Apes specifically but of course I'm against any torturing of Animals
49. What trait do you admire the most?
50. What trait do you abhor the most?
Hypocrisy, tends to annoy me when I do something that someone doesn't like then they do it the next day. Kind of like a facepalm to logic :p
51. If you had the opportunity to write a book (with a guarantee that it will be published), what would you write about and why?
Would be an addition to the Harry Potter series because then I would make wots of moneh :3
52. What is your favorite day of the year?
Christmas because it brings everyone together
53. Who is your favorite moderator? ( Heh, I've put you in quite a spot here! Choose your answer wisely... [:D] )
Well there's this one guy Eventu.. oh and this one guy Prac.. oh and this lovely lady Alley Ca... definitely can't pick one. Your all very fun to hang with and down to earth people
54. What is your favorite computer application/program?
Might have to say Sticky Notes.. can leave all my important notes and it pops up in a bright blue so I get reminded of stuff to do every time I turn the computer on
55. How many programs do you usually have running simultaneously at any given time?
Usually only 3 (Net, Msn and occasionally other games)
56. Which color do you dislike the most?
<- Forces me to highlight st00f to read

57. PCs or Macs? Why?
PC, grew up with them so I find them much easier to use
58. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
59. Do you like classical music? If so, which composer & which work is your favorite? If not, why?
Not really a fan, mainly just not really into the Genre
60. If you could rename yourself into anything you want (irl), what would you name yourself as?
Tank the Amazing!

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/4/2012 3:36:46)

Heya AVA!
Thanks heaps
Good luck with AKing.
Thanks heaps....Oh I used that one, Thanks a Bunch :D!
See you around...

Seahawk -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/4/2012 19:01:22)

Ok, questions. I'll probably end up repeating a few, but ah well. That just means I'll get to see varied answers from different people. And variety is the spice of life. Or was that paprika? I always forget...
Repeated questions are excellent means I don't have to think as much :p
Based on what you've seen so far: Do you have to be insane to become an AK, or does becoming an AK turn you insane?
I think you have to be a little insane just so the ball is rolling.. then it spirals into complete insanity from there
Which came first: the chicken, the egg, or the cheese omelet?
Cheese Omelet
Why do birds suddenly appear?
Because everytime you are near?
If you put a cat in a sealed box with a glass vial of poison gas, a radioactive element, and a geiger counter wired in such a way that it will shatter the vial if it detects radioactivity... how did you ever manage to get the cat in the box in the first place?
If you flip a coin 1000 times and record all the outcomes, what are the chances that you were REALLY REALLY BORED?
Very high, unless I had some sort of automatic coin flipping machine.. which would be a bit odd in the first place
Forget my earlier question about AKs and sanity... are you questioning my sanity yet?
I was earlier :S
How about now?
Not so much
How about... NOW?
Cake or Pie?
STill no cookies D:? I guess Pie
Hot Dogs or Hamburgers?
Hot Dogs, not sure why but I've never been a huge fan of Hamburgers
Vanilla or Chocolate?
Chocolate chip!
Plain or Pepperoni?
Celestia or Luna?
Lunar..I think
And speaking of, favorite Pony? (Note: If you don't have one yet, you will... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)
I like turtles.
Ok, enough obnoxiousness for now... [;)]
Obnoxiousness!?!?, but thanks for the questions and see you around :)!

D.v.D. -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/4/2012 20:19:04)

Wind stole my question about pets :(
Heya, and that Wind fellow is pretty sneaky ;P
2.Do you like fishes?
Yes, I actually have some fish of my own
3.Do you like Aquatic Macrophytes?
*googles Aquatic Macrophytes*, I'm guessing that's those plant things... so sure who doesn't like plants
4.Have you kept Aquatic Macrophytes?
To be honest I'm not quite sure
5. How did you come up with the name?
Explained above, it was one mystical day and a Tank fell out of the sky so I blocked it with my hands creating a sonic pulse that raced across the earth with my magical powers.
6.Did ED forums just get 2 mods in 2 months( are there any conspiracies behind this)?
Yesh, but it's vewy secwet.. so much infact that I need to use this super small font
7.What are the trade-offs for being an archknight?
It doesn't not involve insanity
Here's a bonus quesion, Invicticus.
Is a lie!
That's all for now,

gangster a -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/5/2012 3:51:12)

HEY Tank!
GANGSTERAA HERE! or dodgy on twiter
Heya :D!
Heres my questions!
Thankyou very vewy much
2) do you like chocolate?
Do I like chocolate? Does a dog like to fetch a bone >:D?
3) how much do you like chocolate?
More than water
4) what build is your best?
Best .. hmmm. I think my build from Beta, the 4 focus Support / Dex TM. I really liked it and it worked amazingly so I'll go with that one.
5) would you like to have a billion creds or a billion varium can only choose one?
*puts pinky on side of mouth* 1 Billllliiioooonnn varium >:D!
6) last of all would you want a llama as a pet?
A free llama? Sure

Ianthe -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/5/2012 7:12:33)

Hi! So, I have a bunch of questions, but I ran them through the Bad Translator. I need you to answer your questions, and then run your answers through the Bad Translator, so that we're speaking the same language. (For best results, run all your answers through at the same time!)
Uh oh, I've heard of these Bad Translator questions before
The man who uses fake blue. Sea, sand?
He was the son of sea sand more acceptable.
There they are banned forever, like a rocket before him?
Nobody has a rocket?
It was a couple of years at sea before washing-Las Colinas?
What kind of washing machine, are you talking about?
A few years ago was there?
A few years ago (lol)
Only a few times, I remember that you don't see?"
Regardless of where and when you want to see
How many people?
It takes 15 people, change light bulbs
Very closely and brochures about hearing?
Where do you find Newspapers
Because I do not know how many people have died and how many people have died?
We can assume that cwazy

Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/5/2012 22:56:08)

/me uses One Eye Doll, Kimbey Voice: Why you do dis?
I do dis for fun >:D
You just crash most of my words with your Tank you TankMage D:
Thats my job as a Tank who hones magical powers
Now they are going to be white now
Now here comes the question
I can't see D:
Are you ready for it?
Nooooo, I need my highlight0rz
Are you sure you can handle Coxy Time?
Ok, I'm ready now
If you say so
Of course I say so, and If I dont. You shall be turned into a carrot
Who is my bro? (No hints)
I wouldn't have a clue :(
Congratz and have fun
Thanks Coxy :)!
Have an awesome day now
You to
Also, I like what you did there with your title of using Tanks and not Thanks XD
Tanks :)!

OmilliYo -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/5/2012 23:15:12)

Hi tankmage

I seen you around before.... OH WAIT i remember you answering all my questions :D, i haven't been active in ED lately sooo :P
on to the questions.

1. What is your favorite class in ED? I'm guessing mercenary.

Mercenary D:!?! You have much to learn, it is of course the magician >:D!


3. There's no maximum number of questions however please refrain to just 1 post per page (This could be dangerous)

lol your a brave one... Dr. Dot had this once so i decided to ask him 100 random questions without color tags placed in xD... I'm sure that ruined his day.. so i decided to be more considerate while doing there Mtak. BUT the next AK that has this rule, i will ask them 100 questions lol.
Phew! *wipes sweat off forehead* I got away lucky

2. I'm assuming your a dragonball fan >.>, I'm a huge dragonball fan. I like you already.

Who coudln't like DragonBall?

3. Who's your favorite character in dragonball(z,gt) ? mines is Kid Goku

Goku of course

4. What's your favorite dragonball series? (Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball Gt) mines is the DragonBall

Hmm, I liked Dragonball Gt and Z the most (Probably get hated on for liking GT, but eh.) I'd have to go with Z

5. what's your favorite season of Dragonball Z?

The Cell saga

6. Do you like One Piece?

Not really, I've watched a few episodes here and there but it's just not my thing

7. Tobuscus.


Congrats on you AKship and good luck :).

Thanks heaps :)!

Crimson Eagle -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/6/2012 0:21:45)

Congrats on AK! (I think this is like the 20th time I've said that)
Don't be silly, it's only your 19th time, And Thanks... again :)!
Anyway... I'll be nice with only 5,000 5 questions!

1) Do you turtles!?!?
Yesh, especially the little ones
2)Favourite Movie?
The Avengers
3) Dogs or Cats?
I'm tempted to say Catdog but I won't... let's go Dog.
4) Do you like goku?
Kamehamehamehaaa *cough* ah'em oh excuse me, yes this Goku fellow is fairly interesting
5) If you were stuck on an island paradise, what 3 things/people would you bring?
I read the question wrong at first and thought it was just a regular island... was going to bring a plane / gps / foods sups hehe. But I can't really think of anything if it's a paradise?
Have fun, Akin! I'll see you around the Q&A^
Thanks and see you around aswell

-Mr. Clean XD

kingpowerlord -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/8/2012 17:05:24)

so i guess your an ak now...
Aparently so O_o
well all i can say is that my cookie collection is building up from all these MTAk's,
The other AKs gave you cookies O_o? I was planning to steal them :3
psssst... do you have access to lord barrius'pony collection?
That's for me to know, and no one to find out.
wind didnt give me the key...
He discussed the key with you? *writes Winds name down on a piece of paper*
*puts on journalist glasses*
*Eats a cookie*
so, mr mage, why did you get chosen for this position?
Well apparently they thought I wasn't insane enough and needed to increase my insanity
do you like ebilcorp?
No! They're destwuctibly Ebil
ive become quite unpopular due too me supporting the chairman,
*writes down kingpowerlord's name on a piece of paper next to Winds* ....*tut tut tut*
have you ever went white water rafting?
No, but it looks really fun. I'd like to go do it one day.
do you prefer romney or obama, personally im for obama.
I'm not really overly interested in my own countries politics at the moment considering I'm not of voting age so I'm not really sure who I should go for over there :S
*takes of glasses*
*steals glasses and runs away*
cpngratz and i hope you be free from your shackles....soon..
The shackles never come off, there is no soon D:
see you around
See ya *waves*

Unknown Menace -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/9/2012 19:18:51)

Hi there
Just 3 questions.

1. How does it feel becoming a arch knight?
It's very fun to say the least, met a great bunch of people...so I guess it feels great :)

2. Why are AK's obsessed over cookies?
Thou shalt not ask about thy cookies

Saved the tough one for last.
3. Why do people do what they do?
Hmm, I guess that depends on which people we are talking about? If it's the people people then they do people things because other people within the peoples people group can also follow along sort of creating a people vs people scenario were we have people people vs people people then of course don't forget those others in the people people group :3

Bet that last one stirs you're mind :)
Right back at ya :P
Grats on becoming a AK
Thankyou very much
Have a nice day.
You to :)

theholyfighter -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/9/2012 20:28:55)

Hi, and congratz!
1. Are you anyhow tired of answering these questions?
Heya! And of course not, they're making me think about things I haven't really though of before
2.What's in your mind when you see this question?
What's in your mind when you see this question?
3.Have we met b4?
Quite possible, only the data will tell
4.Do you still play other AE games?
Yep, although my times pretty taken up with other things at the moment I play the others when I have time
5.What question do you expect to see?
Questions that have an answer with an inclusive question?
That's all for now. Bye~
Thankyou :)

Wootz -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/9/2012 20:34:55)

Hello and congratulations!
Hello to yourself, and thankyou very much!

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