Eventus -> RE: =MtAK= ArchMage's are taking over! (11/4/2012 3:09:02)
Hiya Tanky! Wabbit has some questions for you! Wabbit :D! (thanks for the tags >:D) 1. Did you dress up for Halloween? No :|, I had to work late on Halloween 2. What are you planning to do for Thanksgiving? Nothing really, I don't really know of many people celebrating it down here 3. How about Christmas? We have a family gathering every year which is really nice, spend the day together and have a roast for lunch 4. And in celebration for the New Year? Yet to be deciced, I'm guessing It might just be myself and a group of friends going out to see the fireworks 5. Do you have like this super-cool Aussie accent ... like G00NY? I wish, I have an Australian one but not like G00NYs :( 6. Do geckos have British or Australian accents? ( Kudos if you caught that allusion! [:D] ) Australian >:D 7. Do you like wabbits? Of course! They're so fluffeh 8. What's your favorite number? 6...That is all. 9. Any pets? If so, what are they & their names? A goldfish whose coolness is so of the scale it's unbelievable. His name is Goldy 10. What insect do you detest the most? I dislike cockroaches, they irk me 11. What are some of your pet peeves? That 1 Wabbit should be petted per day 12. Do you agree that the word "noob" should be changed to either "fruitcake" or "cabbage?" *coughs* I'm a fan of changing it to Cabbage 13. Which AE game do you frequent the most? Why? EpicDuel, because it's my favorite AE game at the moment 14. How about the second most? Hmm, I think it's a toss up between OverSoul, AQW and AQ 15. If you had the power to do anything in EpicDuel for one day, what would you do? I would replace the word noob with Cabbage *evil grin* 16. If you had the power to change your username, what would you change it to? Simply "Tank", but unfortunately it's taken :( 17. If you had the power to do anything in the world for one day, what would you do? Tanky shall eliminate hunger 18. If you had the power to completely change someone's personality, who would you change, what would you change the person to, and why? I think I would change Shmegus.. I would change him to be more loving and caring towards Wabbits 19. What is your favorite dessert? Cookies. 20. Where are you in the world? (Be vague but specific here. Got it?) 32.3456° S, 141.4346° E (aparently they're the central coordinates for the Country I'm in) 21. Did you know that you're awesome? (If not, you know now, so you must answer "yes" either way!) I didn't think so, but apparently I am O_o 22. What is your favorite song? Gangna... don't really have one :| 23. Favorite genre for a book? Adventure (favorite book would be tomorrow when the war began) 24. For a movie? Action of course 25. What are your interests in life? (That is, what have you majored in/will major in?) Currently undertaking courses that will allow me to be a fully qualified sports coach (specifically tennis) 26. How often do you get sick a year? Once or twice if it's a bad year :| 27. When do you usually log in forums? Hmm.. Alot! No specific time, just throughout the day, I'd say I'm on here actually reading stuff for around 2 hours a day then just scrolling through stuff for another 2 - 4 28. How about in-game (ED?) Last few weeks only an hour a day, but now that I've finished school I'd say 3 - 4 a day 29. Do you have any siblings? Nope 30. What is your favorite animal? I love dogs, never had one myself but always love to play with them 31. How many languages can you speak? If more than one, which ones? Some french and Japanese, not a great deal but if I were to go over to either of those countries I'd be able to get around fairly easily (also beginning to learn french fluently at the moment) 32. What are some interesting facts about yourself? I'm not very interesting haha, I guess one could be that.. I like Wabbits :3 33. What do you enjoy talking about the most? Either online games that I play or Tennis.. can have conversations for hours about those 2 things 34. Who are your models in life? Why? There's a couple personal ones, I'd say on a larger scale it would be Roger Federer, his persona, attitude and general politeness are all something that can be admired 35. What is your favorite element? Fire, it's pretty amazing with the things that we can do with it 36. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? You would be living in modern society for this. Well I don't think I would be a dog, I might be a Wabbit, they seem pretty laid back and my only task would be to sit their and eat carrots 37. Do you believe people are inherently good or evil? Somewhere in the middle, then we make our decisions from there *evil grin >:D* 38. Can good exist without evil? Why or why not? Of course! There doesn't have to be evil going on for people to be doing good things 39. Since you're a tank, does that mean the wabbit could use you as target practice? I suppose, but let me just grab my meat-shields *Grabs Practel and SMGS* 40. Would you classify yourself as a neat, organized, messy or disorganized person? Very neat and messy, I like to have my own stuff in a sort of "messy / lived in" way, then when it comes to sewious work stuff It's borderline OCD :p 41. What is your favorite word? Why? Hrrrmm, possible cookies? Reason: Best thing to ever exist so of course the word will be the best 42. What is your favorite brand (for anything)? Why? I'm out playing tennis most of the day, so I'd say Nike is my favorite because I use their products everyday 43. Don't you hate it when a question isn't really a question, but rather a question with sub-questions? I'm not sure, can you repeat the question? 44. Did you notice that several questions here classify as what #43 mentions? *gasp* 45. If you could be an inanimate object, what would you be and why? A potato. I don't think an explanation is needed for this. 46. What is your desktop background right now? Funny you mentioned this, I only changed it a couple weeks ago. It's now Ezio from the Assassins creed series (was getting pumped for Assassins Creed III) 47. How is the weather at where you're at? At the moment? Eractic... It was raining when I started answering these questions and now it's stopped and looks like it's clearing 48. Do you think higher apes inherently deserve certain inalienable rights, such as the right to life, the right to individual liberty and the right to not be tortured? (Kudos if you caught this allusion too!) I wasn't really aware of any torturing of Apes specifically but of course I'm against any torturing of Animals 49. What trait do you admire the most? Honesty 50. What trait do you abhor the most? Hypocrisy, tends to annoy me when I do something that someone doesn't like then they do it the next day. Kind of like a facepalm to logic :p 51. If you had the opportunity to write a book (with a guarantee that it will be published), what would you write about and why? Would be an addition to the Harry Potter series because then I would make wots of moneh :3 52. What is your favorite day of the year? Christmas because it brings everyone together 53. Who is your favorite moderator? ( Heh, I've put you in quite a spot here! Choose your answer wisely... [:D] ) Well there's this one guy Eventu.. oh and this one guy Prac.. oh and this lovely lady Alley Ca... definitely can't pick one. Your all very fun to hang with and down to earth people 54. What is your favorite computer application/program? Might have to say Sticky Notes.. can leave all my important notes and it pops up in a bright blue so I get reminded of stuff to do every time I turn the computer on 55. How many programs do you usually have running simultaneously at any given time? Usually only 3 (Net, Msn and occasionally other games) 56. Which color do you dislike the most? [color=#eee][/color] <- Forces me to highlight st00f to read 57. PCs or Macs? Why? PC, grew up with them so I find them much easier to use 58. Are you right-handed or left-handed? Right 59. Do you like classical music? If so, which composer & which work is your favorite? If not, why? Not really a fan, mainly just not really into the Genre 60. If you could rename yourself into anything you want (irl), what would you name yourself as? Tank the Amazing!