I've been playing on my motorola android phone every day for the last while, i can type text but my return key doesn't send my message... i and others playing on mobile phones need a "send" or enter key next to the text box... the game really isn't the same when i can't join factions. Make friends or even team up for boss battles. I can't even strategize with teammates in 2vs2 :( please help me out!
Eventus -> RE: i can't talk! (11/3/2012 23:20:28)
Hey Frozentaco,
This isn't necessarily a bug, but more of a suggestion that the game should have a "Send" button to accommodate users of the Motorola Android phone, so I have moved your thread to the ED Suggestions Board accordingly. Please note that I have, however, brought your concern to the attention of the developers.
Your patience is appreciated while the developers try to work out a solution for this. Thanks!
Onlythestrong -> RE: i can't talk! (11/4/2012 15:36:50)
I think this is suppose to be a bug or glitch
JDM -> RE: i can't talk! (11/4/2012 18:22:09)
the send button on my phone works xD.. i got a samung captivate glide..
Frozentaco -> RE: i can't talk! (11/9/2012 2:17:32)
Thanks alot Eventus! I really hope they can figure something out, it will probably be easiest to make it an option in the setting so not every player has to deal with a send button crowding their hud