New Equipables (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


DartzXD -> New Equipables (11/4/2012 15:43:15)

There should be more equipable things like Amulets, Boots, Gloves, Wrist Watches, Hats and they should also have stat boosters too! :) :)

Metallico -> RE: New Equipables (11/4/2012 17:16:50)

Not supported
So friki for epic duel :P

spinutto -> RE: New Equipables (11/4/2012 17:36:27)

No offense, but last time I checked this was EpicDuel, not Dress-Up my Little Warrior =P

DeathHound -> RE: New Equipables (11/4/2012 19:10:49)

Yeah, that's a little too much. This is EpicDuel, not anything else, as stated by Spin.

DSlayHardz -> RE: New Equipables (11/4/2012 23:25:03)

NOT Supported
Lol, if this happends EpicDuel will look like Warcraft!

Mother1 -> RE: New Equipables (11/4/2012 23:44:09)

Not supported this is Epic duel not war or warcraft. The game is a scifi futureristick thing and it goes against the entire theme of epic duel.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: New Equipables (11/5/2012 0:14:18)

we do not need another dress up game like AQW or herosmash

Crimson Eagle -> RE: New Equipables (11/5/2012 0:21:34)

No thanks... Like what @Mother1 and @DSlayHardz have stated

this is Epic duel not war or warcraft


if this happens EpicDuel will look like Warcraft!

This is a scfi game not a game like World Of Warcraft etc.
Amulets would have to be really expensive and most of the time probably throw the game... Some people wouldnt know about them where as the people that do would have extra Strength
Dexterity, Technology and Support (Health and Energy?) If you want that effect then you can just enhance your items!

Plus, as @Spinutto has said this will turn this game into a dress up like
AQW and HS... (Which honestly, I dont really enjoy) Most of the things you have stated would not be able to be seen! Gloves are used in most armors, so are boots!

If you want a hat just buy a hairstle and wrist watches would be hidden under the sleeves/skin of armors and not be visable
Doing this would also make build EVEN more OP and wayyyy too hard for those non var players!!

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