RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Brasca123 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/5/2012 15:00:43)

change the barbarian cards ice wall and, ice snap, and freeze

lower freeze cost to 4 or lower; freeze is a stun skill, meant to buy you time, as it is right now it only allows a change of hand (since you can only get 5 ice charges per turn).

suggestion 1: remove ice snap, and add damage/unblockable damage cards; the barbarian has too little attack power, this would most likely help.
suggestion 2: make ice snap a card that gives damage based on defence; the barbarian has a defencive gameplay, allowing her to give damage based on defence seens fair and logical (also helps with the little attack power)
suggestion 3: keep ice snap, but make a card that gives damage based on energy (or at least cards that are more expensive);i guess this one does not need an explantion.

suggestion 1: make it a cost 0 card; do the math, its clearly to expencive to be usefull.
suggestion 2: make it a stand alone card (like gives 8 defence); easy way to balance it evading (most likely) future balance issues.
suggestion 3: keep it the same, but do the suggestion 2 of ice snap.

im doing those suggestions because she is just too horible to play right now ,ice wall gives 1 defence for 4 ice(seens pretty unfair since common defence card is 5 per 3 ice), and she has no way of killing anyone (one 5 damage card and thats it). I do that she gets better, after all we all have a favorite character and she is mine.

tx for your attention.

Cookielord12 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/5/2012 15:01:42)

For the sake of my own sanity, I would like to see higher possession rates.

viesis2 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/5/2012 15:53:54)

An option for character deletion whit double confirmation, just for emergencies.. for when you really don't want someone.

Are you sure?

KazutoKirigaya -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/5/2012 15:55:29)

First of all, I would like to see shop where you can buy and sell character cards and have premium SG Characters.
Secondly, I as someone said before have Counter Attacks to add 5 shield as well - so as long as your character has at least a block to be able to counter.
Thirdly, I would also like to use be able to use SG to upgrade skill cards too.

Thank you for reading this, I really have high expectations for this game! I wonder what Founders bonus I would get!

BlueKatz -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/5/2012 17:51:33)

I have a small suggestion to improve current charge system after recent patch: When Charge you will gain +1 Charge Cap. (charge Cap stat at 15 instead) Also after reaching max Charge Rate (5) if you Charge manually (not by drawing new deck) you will get 7 charges instead of 5, but does not increase your Charge Rate. (this amount can be increased by Artifact and is called Override/Overcharge)

The reason is quite simple really. After getting up to 5 Charge Rate there's no reason to continue Charging which makes it kinda boring to say the least. The current high HP system also makes the game too much of "just throw every at each other and discard the rest". Also I heard many people has problem with high cost characters can't use cards well so this is a plus for heavy hitters.

The Addition Charge while small, it's great for heavy hitting characters and people want to play risky and charge before draw with an empty hand. This add some fun tricky move in game and that's always a good thing to have

Slayer Hades -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/5/2012 18:33:46)

I would love to see this
I don't know what to call it. I'm still kind of editing it, so if you have any suggestions on how it should look, please post on the twitpic.

DoomBlitz -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/5/2012 18:36:41)

Survival mode.

Sephirothken -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/5/2012 23:42:21)

I would like to see a low graphics button that will permanently (until you click it again) go into a low graphic mode.
I can tell that there is already a low graphics setting because when the game starts running pretty slow, it switches to it. However, after a short while it switches back and begins to slow down all over again.
I'd much rather see the beautiful animations at full speed with medium graphics than at half speed with smoother graphics.

Akura_ -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 8:58:34)

Can we get a working Chara-Tree =(

Lukeorion1 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 9:00:13)

I don't expect this to be implemented any time soon, but I think it would be really cool if, someday, we would be able to set our character to "Collecting" mode. In this mode, the opponent's hp would go back to 15, no matter what level your character is. The exp could be the same as against a level one character, or it could be lowered. Training isn't the point of collecting mode. The point is to be able to defeat your opponents faster, so you can farm more easily for the character you are searching for.


Vagaran -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 9:00:29)


I would love to see this
I don't know what to call it. I'm still kind of editing it, so if you have any suggestions on how it should look, please post on the twitpic.

You do realize there is a character suggestion tread, right?

DoomBlitz -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 10:01:49)

Boss battles with ginormous bosses going off the screen e.g.

Boss unique theme for those battles.

As for possession it should grant a more premature unevolved form to eventually evolve into something that resembles it in a Humanoid form as to not create immense lag.

Fuginotory -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 10:29:17)

I would like to see Brasca123's suggestion because I too like the ice barbarian best but she seems to be one of the weakest (or maybe I'm just that bad at it).

I would like to see the Ice snap card reworked somehow because as it is it is useless (especially with the new energy cap)
Having two ice snap cards causes me do dead draw them (usually both at the same time, every other turn).
I would like to see them something more like Drain all your current energy to get half as much shield or something (i think it would be fair, since 20 cap means max 10 shield per Ice snap). Some way to edit your deck would also be nice. I would also like to see an option to favorite a character and have them set when you login (I suspect it would be done sooner or later, but still).

MacaroniHat -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 11:02:24)

A day one/each month where the rate of catching a character is 100%... Just having to find them is hard enough among all other

And perhaps a Jester that roams around the castles?

KazutoKirigaya -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 11:59:12)

I'd like to also add that we could have Doom Knight! >:D Long un-live shadowscythe!!

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 12:04:24)


A day one/each month where the rate of catching a character is 100%... Just having to find them is hard enough among all other

And perhaps a Jester that roams around the castles?

1: That simply ruins the fun of the game. All characters is supposed to have different possesion rate, not 100%. I and alot of others properly like the challenge in finding and possesing a character without 100% chance of getting it. It makes me feel like "I possesed this guy, although he kept fighting against".

2: There is a character suggestion for that Jester idea...


I would like to see Dinosaur Characters.

Cave Zardman, Rex Grunt and the master form is some dinosaur like charaters. You can also suggest for Dino char's in the character suggestion tread.

kingnicolas6 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 12:20:16)

Different death animations, so you can die in style. [:D]

And character merging!

ChrisIsTheBest -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 13:48:25)

I defiantly want to see 2vs2 battles, flee/runaway button, I want to be able to sell characters i accidentally possessed, I want another way of evolving characters besides of using SG me and plenty of other people dont always have the money to keep spending on points so a good way to be fair to the free players is to either work hard leveling the characters then unlocking masters forms or to have a rare chance of the soul gems to drop from bosses or quest.

Optrick -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 14:52:34)

So I think we need a Character tab system. Because now that I have 5 pages of characters it get's really confusing to find just one. Especially when the order on then them changes when I get a new character. For Example: Neutral Fire Ice Energy Chaos Earth Water Light Shadow Apprentice Veteran Master Legendary Seasonal

so0meone -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 16:18:55)

At some point, I'd like to see SGs become more like AQ's Z-Tokens in that you don't need them for almost everything good. I'm fine with them not ever dropping free, and I probably will buy SGs at least once, but I really don't want to NEED SG for my Master characters (bar the starters and Pikemen), which I'd imagine will also be required for Champions.

I suggest allowing for the use of both SG and Gold for evolving. It would look something like this:

For SG, Apprentice lv4=>Veteran, Veteran lv8=>Master, Master lv15=>Champion
For Gold, Apprentice lv4=>Veteran, Veteran lv10=> Master, Master lv20=> Champion

I don't mind the extra work, I just want to be able to get the characters. Sorta like AQW's Class system. You can either farm the rep and get the Class for gold or you can buy it for ACs without the work. Likewise, you can evolve sooner with SG, but you can still evolve with Gold at later levels. Or for a higher relative cost or something similar.

And of course, I understand that when shops are introduced there will be Gold characters and SG characters for purchase. In these instances, Gold should have Gold costs and SG could have SG costs with no overlap between. I think there should be some SG-exclusive stuff like there is for Z-Tokens, NG, DC, AC, etc. but that it shouldn't be all but 8 characters needing SG for their highest forms.

Hellsbane -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 19:06:15)

Id like to see 90% of PvPers use a different tactic, other than build up energy, then use one mega attack.
...About half the people who Ive faced who have done that, rage quitted because it didnt kill me.

OverlordCody -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 19:11:38)

I only ragequit if the person doesn't use a move for around five minutes. I normally charge up to set up defense.
I do agree with you, although.

Laken1 -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/6/2012 19:17:50)

I'd like to see:

1: A chaosweaver they're awsome xD
2: A char who can change his form when he's close to death but his/she/it gets diffrent cards that are a little more powerful.

necro rouge -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/7/2012 3:59:58)

a doomknight and more specialized explore locations for monsters, i am tired of everything being in the clearing when all i want is a sword/blade skeleton

Phoenix Myth -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (11/7/2012 8:06:22)

1. Friends list

2. Character pages

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