BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= What would YOU like to see? II - READ THE FIRST POST (1/27/2013 16:48:19)
Change Frostbite to where it does does 1 damage the first turn, 2 the seconds, turn 3 the third, and four the fourth. And on the fourth turn, along with the damage add 5 shields, but change the cost of Frostbite to 8. @above Item drops as in Artifacts? More Fire characters too, hopefully in the form of a dungeon. And then more water characters, until all elements have at least 20 characters.Which means: Stop making Shadow(Especially Shadow) and Neutral characters. Also, give gold for completing quests as it adds to their replay value even more, along with the shops. Like 200 gold each time the quest where you clear ou the rats, and 500 for the ones like the undead dungeon/minotaur.