Insta-colors! (Full Version)

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Crimson Eagle -> Insta-colors! (11/5/2012 1:43:18)

So I was thinking.... I have a few items in my inventory which, tbh. I LOVE the color combos!! Sometimes when I try different builds I mix the colors of the weapons with my armor!
Most of the time it takes a good 10-15 minutes getting each color exact and they are in the right spot etc etc
Soooo, maybe we can have something called Insta-colors (Change the name, it was just something I thought of on the spot)
Now what this does it matches the color of the selected weapon (MUST be equipped!) and it matches the color combo on the weapon to your armor!

*NOTE! As im guessing some will say is "But they would have to figure the combos for EACH item, etc etc" So I thought that only the new weapons would have this feature (Or ones that are really popular
or in demand)*

Here is an idea of what it would do!
Click here!

Watashig -> RE: Insta-colors! (11/5/2012 2:10:18)

Your link doesn't work. Now it does. Might as well as use a more reliable direct image.

KEzAx -> RE: Insta-colors! (11/5/2012 6:10:08)

I, KEzAx, support this

gangster a -> RE: Insta-colors! (11/5/2012 6:15:01)

would be good and only on new weapons but i think it should have like a limit and to buy more colour custom weps you need to pay with var?

delete this comment please !

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Insta-colors! (11/5/2012 6:17:49)

Its for free! Limitations? what? I'd rather just find the colors myself then having to pay

gangster a -> RE: Insta-colors! (11/5/2012 6:20:25)

^ sorry i meant creds and i mistunderstood your question i support ignore my last comment

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