Snork (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions


Hyperion211 -> Snork (11/5/2012 5:54:06)

Hello i was thinking about a 5 min drop rate of that hazard husk every day for 5 or 3 mins snork will drop that ebil husk e or p once a day and it must be done in that 3 or 5 mins .

Crimson Eagle -> RE: Snork (11/5/2012 5:55:51)

Not supported Then in that first 3-5 minutes that they do it EVERYONE will have it!

Hyperion211 -> RE: Snork (11/5/2012 5:59:40)

okay man just dont kill me :D

Mother1 -> RE: Snork (11/5/2012 7:08:54)

Not supported. The staff made it this way on purpose so only a select group of people would have it and not everyone. Your Idea would make it so anyone who manages to beat him would get the drop everything they did before pointless.

Baydraze -> RE: Snork (11/5/2012 15:46:37)

Uh not supported bro..

but I think it's very unfair for those who tried so much and are very dissapointed in the game. Probably some ppl will stop playing ed because of raging against snork.

I see ppl with 9 husks, and I and others are wondering why they should deserve 9 husks in under 100/200 tries maybe? Myself won over 600 battles and lost like only 10.

I hope the team will increase the drop rate at the end because for those who did not drop and tried hard will have to wait 1 year and thats a very long time.

Last time there was a party with everyone with the husks but I had to leave[:(]

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